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  1. Way to hijack my thread dude.
  2. What are you talking about? lol
  3. No… You have Type MapRec, which is all the map data stuff that is saved. When you change your picScreen size, which map data is effected to force you to have to delete all your maps? If I know what it is, it'll be easier to make a converter and I will release it to everybody.
  4. So basically, add you **clsBuffer.cls** and **clsPacketHandler.cls** Remove the whole **GetAddress Function** from **modHandleData** Add **Set PacketHandler = New clsPacketHandler PacketHandler.Initialize ServerPackets.SMSG_COUNT** Before **HandleDataSub(SAlertMsg) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleAlertMsg)** Change all InitMessages lines from **HandleDataSub(SAlertMsg) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleAlertMsg)** To look like **PacketHandler.AddHandler SAlertMsg, AddressOf HandleAlertMsg** Change all **(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)** To **ByRef Data() As Byte** –--------------------------------------------------------- And everything else is the same? (Obviously doing this for server source also)
  5. Just posted in the other thread as well lol.
  6. When you change the picScreen size, what exactly in the Map type does it effect?
  7. Any way to do this in EO 2.0 WITHOUT deleting the maps?
  8. I can't delete all my maps… lol, I've spent the last 3 months making them. Surely there's a way to fix this without deleting the maps.
  9. I've changed the MAX_MAPX and MAX_MAPY both client and server side to the same dimensions as my increased picScreen size. Everything works fine except the Cursor location. So I can't hover over players or monsters, and I can't Admin Warp because the X and Y values are wrong. Any ideas what else I have to change?
  10. -EDIT- Need to figure out another way to do this with a timer. Not as easy as I thought it was going to be. Tried using the ActionMsg system but that doesn't work right.
  11. Remember, when you use DrawText() to draw anything to the screen, use QBColor(), else it will just come out black with a black border. Also, the only thing I need to figure out now is writing a timer to remove the messages 1 line per second, oldest to newest lol. Shouldn't be too hard really.
  12. Thanks, i've taken and modified this to work with information messages, rather than chat.
  13. I'm using EO, I've just added a different music system for MP3 support…
  14. Still can't figure out my issue from before. I don't understand how this tutorial has effect the MP3 music system addition. Private m_objBasicAudio As IBasicAudio - User-defined type not defined.
  15. Just added this, and now im getting an error with ModDXShow.bas ``` Private m_objBasicAudio As IBasicAudio ``` User-defined type not defined. Any ideas?
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