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Red John

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Everything posted by Red John

  1. Listen here, sir. I have only just joined this community and I'm sorry I dont know everything about this engine and everything that goes with it. There is no need for your sass.
  2. @Mr.Sean: > Really people? It's a cobblestone path. With a large empty rectangle and a blank circle on it? And a random white spot?
  3. Try going into your router (through the website) and go to your Security tab and look for anything that talks about "blocking anonymous connections" or blocking connections of any type. Make sure that is NOT enabled or that it is NOT checked. Save your settings and try again. Good luck!
  4. You could even go to the form that has the account creator (where they choose their gender), and click on the buttons and labels that say "Male" and "Female" and set their properties to "Visible: False" so that they can't even see them to choose them.
  5. Hi, I'm new to Eclipse, and was hoping to get some help. How would I go about making it so when Admins hold 'Shift' they can walk through walls? I tried setting ``` CheckDirection = False ```instead of True in the TILE_BLOCKED part of the CheckDirection function in the client (modGameLogic), but that made it like warp me right back to where I was, instead of putting me on top of the wall. Can I get some help on this please? Thanks!
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