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Posts posted by Enruin

  1. I'll be releasing the client in about an hour, for those who registered, you'll soon get an email, it isn't too late to register either! However you may get an email a bit delayed, as i'm doing the current email registrations now.

    The game isn't at it's peak, it's rather barren at the moment, and some features aren't implemented yet, or have been disabled, but we'll be keeping the client updated constantly, so make sure to RUN THE UPDATER FIRST, it automatically runs the client afterward, update or no update.

    All that aside, please be patient with us, we aren't professionals, we're just doing this as a hobby like most of the people here. There will be a lot of server crashes, a lot of odd default icons, a lot of broken events, and a lot of lag. Just enjoy it as we will be. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
  2. > Im here to look for new and interesting games. This one caught my attention.

    Thanks Lentz, that's really nice ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

    -I've finally fixed the thread, current story added.

    Also; for those that don't know, i've decided to release the first alpha version on the 20th!

    We reached nearly 100 sign ups for the alpha, and i'm personally surprised. I mean, we've had sign ups for awhile, but that's still a good amount. Regardless, we're thinking about just making it an open alpha, and let registrations stay open. However, the registrations were a great source of information for us, and the feedback was great from the poll, Combat being the biggest factor in gaming for most people, then Friends and Story tied in second place.

    Alpha will be released with one small questline, and one to come shortly after the release. These are just to test out what we can do, and how flexibly. There may be server crashes, and they may (and probably will) happen while we're unable to fix it, so testers will have to be patient, however the VPS can be accessed via web by us, so it should be easily fixed while we're busy, so we'll be keeping constant watch.

    Other than that, there will be some events, presents are located around the current maps, harvested by candy canes, rewarding you with random christmas goodies, and more to come through-out the christmas week! Along with that, NPCs will be selling Eclipse-styled gear through-out alpha as questline rewards, so watch out for those.

    Also Founder skins are live, by drinking a good old beer served by the Beast NPC of your choice, you can transform into one of the three beasts. You'll only have access to one of them, so choose carefully, but all three are pretty neat, so whatever, and once you choose, the Beast NPC will serve you as many as you want, and even Beers to return you back to human form. You can choose another one come beta anyway!

    We have an autoupdater set up, so you won't need to worry about patches, but we'll also have patches easily accessible too, just in case something goes wrong with the auto updater. So remember to run Cinder through the updater first, you don't want to be missing out on new graphics, characters, items, areas or features!

    Looking forward to seeing you all on the 20th, specific times to be announced within the next few days!
  3. > nice…but u need somthing to do...even in prealpha

    You haven't played many pre-alphas have you?.. It's for players to help developers get their game as close to bug-less as possible. Developers don't necessarily want to create a huge world in alpha then have to delete it for beta.

    Reborn is looking better than the original, good luck Deathbeam and team.
  4. > I'm just gonna throw this steak into a lions' den, but is this game dead? Many of the links on your webpage are invalid.


    Seriously dude. It begun in 2010\. No progress. Websites dead. Figure it out. You're messing up the Projects board with dead shit. Just go play the real Kingdom Hearts again.
  5. Don't ever start with a premium system. That's just dooming yourself to fail. If your only reason for creating this game is to make a cheap buck, i'll be honest, no one is going to pay. Hell, if that's your main goal, I doubt this game will ever even see the light of day, not to be harsh, just laying it flat for you.

    From what little you have here, i'm not picking up on any kind of theme, as there's no consistency. The border says medieval, the sprites say sci-fi, and oh my god. Please. Papyrus no-no. It's a close second to Comic Sans, but still, Papyrus says kind of.. desert.. egyptian, but if you ever want something to look nice in design, don't make the font do all the work.


    Now, to me, it feels like if you could create these ships, you could create a 1 and 2 in some other way than airbrush, I mean, if you any had creative sense you'd create the 1 and 2 even just with Verdana or Arial, because this really degrades the ships, but let's be honest. ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)

    [inb4 'I didn't say "My Designs"'](http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/mina/219027)
  6. > Huh…I made a stupid mistake upon signing up for your alpha test previleges. I hadn't actually looked hard enough at my options - imp, pheonix and dragon, and I'm wondering, will there be any opportunities to revise?
    > P.S, you know you're doing _something_ right when you've already got fan art.

    Haha yeah, you'll have access to all the founder 'towns' in alpha, and will obviously see the other skins around. Then you'll have the opportunity to chose your reward again for beta.
  7. You guys realize MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online right? Not to degrade your project caleb but it isn't an MMO. It's an ORPG, and you guys are too quick to throw the 'LOOKS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!' down on people, EO is a hobby game creator, not for serious use.. No one in RMXP/RMVX communities do that to people.

    Looks fine caleb, my input would be make villages look like villages, the picket fences throw off the feeling of a village in the last screenshot, you should only use those fences to section off a small part of a house, for a garden or something.
  8. I thought I had posted on this topic..

    This looks like a good game, it's definitely a good base for someone desiring to get into game development, it's obvious you've put a good amount of hard work into it, and that's what will separate Wolflands from other projects. Keep that dedication up Mumzy, it's inspiring.

    That aside, love the non-human player concept. We're so used to playing as humans, it's always cool to see how games use other races/creatures. Make sure to make it different from playing as humans, as it's something that you'll obviously be portraying as a main feature. I don't know your limits, but try build the game around Wolf senses, or the concept of 'Packs' as that's something I think of instantly when thinking of Wolves.

    (EDIT: That's all my opinion, of course. Take what you want)

    Looks great, awesome concept art. Looking forward to progress. (:
  9. ![](http://grubdaily.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/fainting-300x208.jpeg)

    Beautiful as always Nook, can't see anything to criticize other than what people have already said. I do like the earthy tones more, but #3 has it's own special style. It's all so nice, whichever you choose, I think they both give off their own good vibes.
  10. > Wait a second.I do not have any signatures for support.On alpha register,I have to choose a reward.

    Just chose any, alpha you'll have access to all the maps (just not all the skins), then you can chose which skin/map you want for definite in open beta.

    > Holy crap this is legit. Are those your own tilesets? awesome world map!! I would register to test it but idk when I'll fix my laptop.
    > Uuuh dude your support button code is a little screwed up I think… there was just a second url floating around there and it looks like this...
    > -snip-

    Haha yeah it's all custom, thanks, and thanks for the heads up about the support signature, not too sure what happened there.. I think it's the whole WYSIWYG editor.
  11. > Thats one damn long bridge if those are the sizes of towns. The bridge is almost 2 towns long. Besides that I do like your world map on a general scale.


    Forgetting something? ![:o](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.png)
  12. > Yes, they are… If they're not as...obvious (Not sure of the word.) as I'd like it to be, do you have any suggestion to improve the look of it, just to make sure the end-user can look at it and instantly get it's a town?

    (Hope you don't mind me editing your image, just doing it for showing purposes)

    Probably something like this:


    Don't know if you have the names yet, or even a style, but that's an easy way for people to realize they're towns, by naming them. Obviously don't use different fonts and colors, I just did that to show different ways you could do it.

    If you didn't want to do that, I think once you started to landmark the map more as you said you would, it would probably become apparent they're towns. Maybe if you can put small things other than buildings (again I don't know much, but let's say the era is medieval) like farm plots, or wells/fountains it would help.

    Other than that, I did think they were towns, so it's not that hard to gather when looking at it.
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