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  1. @Xlithan: > Isn't pic_x and pic_y related to tile sizes? Not the picScreen size? Ugh! I meant Map_x and map_y, not Pic. Sorry. Messed around with it more today and STILL can't get the screen to look as big as Crystalshire. That is a nice screen size and perfect for my game idea. However, until I can set the proper screen size I don't want to start creating the maps. Oh well….
  2. Nobody can help me with my question about the Crystalshire screen size and my other issues? I'm sure that once I solve the screen re-sizing issue, the other problems will be gone. Just don't know how to do it. I've tried MANY different ways, including the tutorial. Nothing works.
  3. @Soul: > Hmm, I can't seem to reproduce this on a vanilla Eclipse Origins. Can you try it with a vanilla version of Origins and see if the problem continues? Ok, I'm having issues also, and on a vanilla caop also. Followed the tutorial to the letter (and yes, I've deleted my maps on Client AND server) and it doesn't seem to work. MY problem seems to be different though. What I'm trying to do is create a player window like Crystalshire. The resolution is perfect for both large flat screen monitors AND Laptops. The resolution seems to be around 1280x736, which is multiples of 32\. I've changed the Height/Width on both the main window and Picscreen, set pic_x and pic_y to 49 and 22 ( resolution divided by 32 -1 ), and deleted maps on both client and server. What I get is garbage. No errors though. My main window is the correct size, however the inside won't work at all. No character to control, windows are in odd positions, and when I attempt to fill the ground the pixels are HUGE! I know it's me, but after having started over from backups over 5 times already, I'm a little discouraged. From what I've explained, can anyone see something obvious I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
  4. Understand. It's just I've never been into the "aquiring" of software thats unavailable before. And I've never used a Torrent. Wouldn't know how to start and I've been working with computers since the late 70's when they came out. Yes, I'm an old fart. lol. Anyway, I've always bought my software all these years. I'll check with our IT department. Maybe they have an old registered Enterprise edition collecting dust somewhere. Thanks for the advise and I'll keep looking for it.
  5. Hi everyone, I'm new here so please don't smack me too hard. I've spent hours researching a way to get my hands on VB6 so I can compile eclipse when needed. I don't have a problem paying for it but it's just not available anywhere. So how can a great game maker like this still be distributed when it's unusable to new people without the compiler? I mean unusable by not being able to modify or expand on it. Any sources of VB6 that I may have missed? I'd hate to pass this up because of it.
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