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Posts posted by WiseRock

  1. Hey guys I just installed Visual Studio 6.0 and every time I open it with no project it will quit after 2-3 seconds. And if I put a project in but if I go through anything in the File it will quit. If I try to add a new item (Module,Form,Class) It will also quit. No error is displayed just unexpectedly quits. Anyone know how to solve this annoying problem. Please Help?

    I have re-installed so many times I lost count.

    First Person to Solve my problem gets a $150 Point Reward!
  2. Helm of Vengeance


    Max Level


    Very Very Rare

    Dropped when you kill very hard boss

    Desc: This head piece was crafted in the deepest pits of hell but was worn by Render the Hertic. He was assassinated by and had his helmet stolen. Legends Render's soul is attached to the Helm and Render whispers dark words.
  3. If you have the time could u please add:
    •NPC Auction House
    •Instanced Maps 
    •Multiple Characters 
    •Spell Ranking
    •cmbDayandNight in the Map Properties is not working properly when you choose Only Day it will automatically change it back to cmbDayandNight when you try to save it

    •Day and Night is not working at all
    •Editing the Fog Number with 17 and 18 in Map Properties will give you a Run-time error on Sub DrawFog
  4. English:

    Hey Great Engine!

    If you could when you are choosing a class and you pick a class could you make a Back Button lets say you don't want that class you can choose another. Quest System could be a good addition so will Instanced Maps if you would please. And I see you are very advanced in your Event System. If you could make an Auction System and a Mail System and you can apply them to the Event System so when you make NPC you can make either an Postal man or an Auctioneer. 

    Thanks for Reading Regards,

  5. it would be cool if a Ambardia:Developers Edition was released open source but that wont happen any time soon ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png) Good Job Ambard!
  6. What > If you can explain, in better detail, what this feature does and how it works, I may add it to my ToDo list. Don't take this lightly. If it goes on that list, it gets done..

    I mean you could add something to the event system that when u talk to an npc u can open the auction system or something like that. If you can't figure this out its no problem at all.
  7. > RandomString function:
    > ```
    > Public Function RandomString( _
    > ByVal length As Long, _
    > Optional charset As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" _
    > ) As String
    > Dim chars() As Byte, value() As Byte, chrUprBnd As Long, i As Long
    > If length > 0& Then
    > Randomize
    > chars = charset
    > chrUprBnd = Len(charset) - 1&
    > length = (length * 2&) - 1&
    > ReDim value(length) As Byte
    > For i = 0& To length Step 2&
    > value(i) = chars(CLng(chrUprBnd * Rnd) * 2&)
    > Next
    > End If
    > RandomString = value
    > End Function
    > ```

    I'll update the tutorial in a sec thanks
  8. Off Topic: Haha

    On topic: Good Luck Deathbeam ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png) Your going to find work your one of the best programmers in Eclipse
  9. Ever wanted this in your Game to Block away the damn ducking Bots?

    >! ![](http://i47.tinypic.com/1zohgdi.png)

    Here's Your Chance This is a Fairly Small Tut so here we go

    1.First go and create a new mod called modCaptcha

    Add this in the new mod

    Option Explicit

    Private Declare Function CreateFont Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateFontA" (ByVal H As Long, ByVal W As Long, ByVal E As Long, ByVal O As Long, ByVal W As Long, ByVal i As Long, ByVal u As Long, ByVal S As Long, ByVal C As Long, ByVal OP As Long, ByVal CP As Long, ByVal Q As Long, ByVal PAF As Long, ByVal F As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
    Private Const LOGPIXELSY = 90 ' Logical pixels/inch in Y

    Public Sub MakeCaptchaImage(ByVal pic As PictureBox, ByVal txt As String, ByVal min_size As Integer, ByVal max_size As Integer)
    Dim wid As Single
    Dim hgt As Single
    Dim ch_wid As Single
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim font_size As Single
    Dim ch As String
    Dim X As Single
    Dim Y As Single
    Dim prev_angle As Single
    Dim angle As Single
    Dim x1 As Single
    Dim y1 As Single
    Dim x2 As Single
    Dim y2 As Single

    ' See how much room is available for each character.
    wid = pic.ScaleWidth
    hgt = pic.ScaleHeight
    ch_wid = wid / Len(txt)

    ' Draw each character.
    prev_angle = 0
    For i = 1 To Len(txt)
    ' Get the character and font size.
    ch = Mid$(txt, i, 1)
    font_size = min_size + Rnd * (max_size - min_size)

    ' Get the position.
    X = (i - 0.75 + Rnd * 0.5) * ch_wid
    Y = hgt / 2 + Rnd * (hgt - pic.ScaleY(font_size, vbPoints, vbTwips))

    ' Get the angle.
    angle = prev_angle
    Do While Abs(angle - prev_angle) < 10
    angle = -20 + Rnd * (20 - -20)
    prev_angle = angle

    ' Draw the next character.
    DrawCenteredRotatedText frmMenu.picCaptcha, ch, X, Y, angle, font_size
    Next i

    ' Mess things up a bit.
    For i = 1 To 10
    x1 = Rnd * wid
    y1 = Rnd * hgt
    x2 = Rnd * wid
    y2 = Rnd * hgt
    pic.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)
    Next i
    For i = 1 To 10
    x1 = Rnd * wid
    y1 = Rnd * hgt
    x2 = Rnd * wid
    y2 = Rnd * hgt
    pic.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), vbWhite
    Next i
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawCenteredRotatedText(ByVal pic As PictureBox, ByVal txt As String, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByVal angle As Single, ByVal font_points As Integer)
    Const CLIP_LH_ANGLES As Long = 16 ' Needed for tilted fonts.
    Const PI As Single = 3.14159265

    Dim font_units As Single
    Dim escapement As Long
    Dim oldfont As Long
    Dim newfont As Long
    Dim wid As Single
    Dim hgt As Single
    Dim wx As Single
    Dim wy As Single
    Dim hx As Single
    Dim hy As Single
    Dim theta As Single
    Dim ox As Single
    Dim oy As Single

    font_units = font_points * GetDeviceCaps(pic.hdc, LOGPIXELSY) / 72
    escapement = CLng(angle * 10)
    newfont = CreateFont(CLng(font_units), 0, escapement, escapement, 700, _
    False, False, False, 0, 0, CLIP_LH_ANGLES, 0, 0, "Times New Roman")
    ' Select the new font.
    oldfont = SelectObject(pic.hdc, newfont)

    ' Get the text width.
    wid = pic.TextWidth(txt)

    ' Convert the font height in points into twips.
    hgt = pic.ScaleY(font_points, vbPoints, vbTwips)

    theta = -angle * PI / 180 ' Negate because y increases downward.
    wx = wid * Cos(theta) / 2
    wy = wid * Sin(theta) / 2
    hx = -hgt * Sin(theta) / 2
    hy = hgt * Cos(theta) / 2

    ' Find the rotated origin.
    ox = X - wx - hx
    oy = Y - wy - hy

    ' Display the text.
    pic.CurrentX = ox
    pic.CurrentY = oy
    pic.Print txt

    ' Restore the original font.
    newfont = SelectObject(pic.hdc, oldfont)

    ' Free font resources (important!)
    DeleteObject newfont

    ' Draw the center point.
    ' pic.Circle (X, Y), 30, vbRed

    ' Draw the rotated bounding box.
    ' pic.CurrentX = X - wx - hx
    ' pic.CurrentY = Y - wy - hy
    ' pic.Line -(X + wx - hx, Y + wy - hy), vbBlue
    ' pic.Line -(X + wx + hx, Y + wy + hy), vbBlue
    ' pic.Line -(X - wx + hx, Y - wy + hy), vbBlue
    ' pic.Line -(X - wx - hx, Y - wy - hy), vbBlue
    End Sub
    [size]Then next go to [color]modGeneral [/color]
    in the [color]Sub Main[/color]

    [code]Call MakeCaptchaImage(frmMenu.picCaptcha, "My Text", 30, 35)[/code][color]TIP: REPLACE MY TEXT WITH YOUR OWN COSTUM TEXT [/color]

    Next Go to frmMenu

    Hit F7 to Reveal Code

    [code]Private Sub picCaptcha_Click()
    Call MakeCaptchaImage(picCaptcha, "AMETHYST13", 30, 35)
    End Sub
    [size]to the Bottom of the mod[/size]
    [size]Next goto[/size]
    [size][/size][code]If isLoginLegal(Name, Password) Then
    If Password <> PasswordAgain Then
    Call MsgBox("Passwords don't match.")
    Exit Sub
    End If[/code][size]add this after the end if[/size]
    [size][/size][code]If Code <> "MY TEXT" Then
    Call MsgBox("Captcha Incorrect!")
    Call MakeCaptchaImage(frmMenu.picCaptcha, "MY TEXT[size]", 30, 35)
    Exit Sub
    End If[/size]

    [size]Now go to Form Load then[/size]
    [size]add this before the End Sub[/size]
    [size][/size][code]picCaptcha.AutoRedraw = True[/code][size]Now You Should have a cool looking Captcha[/size]

    I did not make this. I really don't who made I found this in 2009 on some fourms.[/size][/code][/code]
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