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Posts posted by WiseRock

  1. Hello All,

    I was using an advanced version of Prospekt Source when I tabbed out of the game in fullscreen and it gave me an error that states _"DirectX8 had trouble initiating. Please make sure your graphics card can support DirectX8 and/or is installed."_
    The game runs well just that doesn't work. This is the Line i edited to make fullscreen.


    Private Function InitD3DDevice(D3DCREATEFLAGS As CONST_D3DCREATEFLAGS) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo ERRORMSG

    D3D8.GetAdapterDisplayMode D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, DispMode

    ScreenWidth = InternalWidth
    ScreenHeight = InternalHeight

    DispMode.Format = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
    D3DWindow.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY
    DispMode.Width = ScreenWidth
    DispMode.Height = ScreenHeight
    D3DWindow.BackBufferCount = 1
    D3DWindow.BackBufferFormat = DispMode.Format
    D3DWindow.BackBufferWidth = ScreenWidth
    D3DWindow.BackBufferHeight = ScreenHeight
    D3DWindow.hDeviceWindow = frmMain.hwnd
    D3DWindow.Windowed = False - THIS IS THE LINE I made to work fullscreen.

    If Not D3DDevice8 Is Nothing Then Set D3DDevice8 = Nothing
    Set D3DDevice8 = D3D8.CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, frmMain.hwnd, D3DCREATEFLAGS, D3DWindow)
    InitD3DDevice = True
    Exit Function

    Set D3DDevice8 = Nothing
    InitD3DDevice = False
    End Function
  2. Integer variables can hold values between -32,767 to 32,767

    Long variables can hold values between -2,147,483,647 to 

    Byte variables can hold values between 0 to 255

    I agree with Frankenstein I would go with long since you can go up to 2,147,483,647.
  3. Looking Back At this I don't really think this is really necessary since DX8 has tinting. Admin Please Lock
    . The post will remain the same if anyone would want to take a look at this. WARNING: This topic will not be supported so nobody will fix not any errors if you get one.
  4. Hello,

    I am here to ask: could you use EO 4.0 to make a game like LOL. What I mean is for players to randomly group up with people they don't know and they fight another party that is also randomized. The map will be Manually done but any idea on how would this work; since you can't edit the source.
  5. > Found bug, when you dont have weapon equiped and ur trying to chop down tree, server sends error. Smtn in wep check.

    > Theres a little bug in the Resources Section you would get a Runtime Error 9 which is a simple fix. Just add an Exit Sub at the end of each end if
  6. > try this [http://charas-project.net/charas2/index.php](http://charas-project.net/charas2/index.php)

    Those sprites are good but you will have to rearrange them since the animations are backwards. 

    A lot of work but they are really nice sprites.
  7. > You could always add these things yourself.. there is a tutorial for npc spells in the source tutorial section also if u have some vb skills there is a tutorial for a boss battle framework where u code ur own custom bosses

    I believe they are using Eclipse 4.0 which is Closed Source
  8. These aren't really a generator but they have some nice sprites. Both are Royalty-Free and are RMXP Based.

    I am using these sprites in my game Providence Online :) Really nice Graphics



    This is the only generator I found: 

    I recommand reading the license here before going to the link

    >! **? material terms and conditions of use **
    >! each part and material-image, was created -
    >! I used to go original production. Including Maker, it is available as well as other materials and tools for the original program. Fine terms, please refer to the Terms of Loose Leaf blog. ~ About copyright display  image of this site, we use those created by Loose Leaf administrator MACK.Contact is not required if you are going to distribute the processing material, or if you want to distribute the game in its use of the material, which was completed but, as a copyright notice in order to avoid user confusion, manual or readme document or Special Thanks, staff roll , and corner of distribution sites  ? MACK ? ~ About commercial use  for distribution of game pieces using material of this web site, you can freely distribute (shareware, commercial work, coterie software, etc.) free of charge regardless of pay. However, it is prohibited to distribute in the form of a collection of material regardless of whether or not compensation is received, collected the material alone. Please go and sold as game pieces only.  

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