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Posts posted by WiseRock

  1. Update v0.1.4


    Added dragon sprite(under the logo to the left)

    Added Items and Paperdolls.

    Added a new Battle Sprite with Attack Animations.

    Edited GUI a bit


    Added Inventory System with 12 slots

    Planned Features

    Transport System (You can control Vehicles such as boats and ride them on the water.).

    Added a Sprite Sheet with all my GFX so far

    >! ![](http://i58.tinypic.com/28juwkz.png)
  2. > A feature that I would think to be made would be a full character customization. Different hair styles, face styles, eyes, and different colors for all that. Also included in that would be race selection, faction selection, and gender. Its a lot but I thought it was one of eclipses biggest downfall.
    > Also what happened to that engine with action combat you had? I would like to see eclipse games with interesting combat.

    I do admire the Idea of Races and Factions. They can be linked to a Battleground which the different factions fight each other

    and Achievements are they hard to make?
  3. > @ Peaverin
    > I've updated just your modRendering, you can download it here [http://www.canadianparamedicjobs.ca/updater/modRendering.zip](http://www.canadianparamedicjobs.ca/updater/modRendering.zip)
    > In your modRendering, with Sub DrawPlayer, I see this
    > ```
    >  ' Set the left
    >     Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index)
    >         Case DIR_UP
    >             spritetop = Heart(77)
    >         Case DIR_RIGHT
    >             spritetop = Heart(80)
    >         Case DIR_DOWN
    >             spritetop = Heart(78)
    >         Case DIR_LEFT
    >             spritetop = Heart(79)
    >     End Select
    > ```
    > I'm not sure why it was set to Heart() array
    > I've changed it to
    > ```
    > ' Set the left
    >     Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index)
    >         Case DIR_UP
    >             spritetop = 3
    >         Case DIR_RIGHT
    >             spritetop = 2
    >         Case DIR_DOWN
    >             spritetop = 0
    >         Case DIR_LEFT
    >             spritetop = 1
    >     End Select
    > ```

    Its was because he was using the [Super MMO Maker Box](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/133221-super-mmorpg-maker-box-03x/). There is a special editor that you edit the Core of the game. Its called the Heart Editor.

    P.S Can you make a Title System that works through an Item and you need like a Player Kill Req. and for the AH (great system!) How would I configure it to the Event System.
  4. > Ok this is your work: [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/116030-eo-basic-pet-system-v12/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/116030-eo-basic-pet-system-v12/)
    > Maybe do You can add this function to this engine?
    > It can be good option for specific class - example summoner :).

    This is nothing more than a companion system. They are Non-Combat Pets.

    As quoted

    > is just like papperdoll in front of you? or do something? like walk or atack?

    > It does nothing. It just walks behind you, such as a Pokemon game. It walks and moves as you do, it's very basic…
  5. > @ Render, here's an Auction House System
    > You'll want to tweak the settings as you want!
    > It allows you to post items, and the currency, so you can post a Dagger for Example, but set it so that you only want bids in Gold, or Bids in whatever item you want!
    > There is a button on the Form, but you could easily set this to be activated by an NPC with a little tweaking
    > Bidding higher than the buyout will automatically give you an item
    > By default the constants allow bids to be online for 2 hours, you can change this with a single line, same with the maximum number of auctions.
    > Use drag and drop to auction off items In the Post Auction Window.
    > When an auction ends or someone buys it out, it is up to the seller to check their auctions and claim their reward.
    > It is up to the seller to check auctions and reclaim any items that have expired.
    > You can download the complete system here [http://www.canadianparamedicjobs.ca/updater/EOWithAuctions.zip](http://www.canadianparamedicjobs.ca/updater/EOWithAuctions.zip)
    > >! ![](http://www.canadianparamedicjobs.ca/updater/auction1.png)
    > >!  
    > >! ![](http://www.canadianparamedicjobs.ca/updater/auction2.png)
    > >!  
    > >! ![](http://www.canadianparamedicjobs.ca/updater/auction3.png)
    > >!  
    > >! Otherwise, this is the tutorial (you'll need to copy the Control Objects like the Listboxes and Picture Boxes from the source I've attached!)
    > >!  
    > >!  
    > >! **SERVER SIDE**
    > >! In modHandleData, at the bottom of InitMessages add
    > >! ```
    > HandleDataSub(CSaveAuction) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleSaveAuction)
    > HandleDataSub(CAuctionBid) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleAuctionBid)
    > HandleDataSub(CClaimAuction) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleClaimAuction)
    > >! ```
    > In modServerLoop, after it does the top dim's for dim tmr1000, add the following
    > >! ```
    > 'For Auction house
    > Dim Seconds As Long
    > >! ```
    > Further down in the Sub ServerLoop, after tmr1000 = GetTickCount + 1000 add.
    > >! ```
    > Seconds = Seconds + 1
    > If Seconds >= 60 Then
    > CheckAuctions
    > Seconds = 0
    > End If
    > >! ```
    > In modPlayer, find Sub JoinGame, after it sends the welcome message, add
    > >! ```
    > Call SendAuctionsToAll
    > >! ```
    > In modGeneral, Sub InitServer, after Load SystemTray, add
    > >! ```
    > Call SetStatus("Loading Auctions...")
    > Call LoadAuctions
    > >! ```
    > In subHandleData, at the bottom Add a new Sub
    > >! ```
    > Sub HandleSaveAuction(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
    > Dim AuctionSlot As Long
    > Dim buffer As clsBuffer, i As Long
    > Dim FoundAuction As Boolean
    > Set buffer = New clsBuffer
    > buffer.WriteBytes Data()
    > 'Default Auction Slot
    > FoundAuction = False
    > 'First let's see if we have any available slots open for a new auction! (We will find any with a Claimed status and reuse it!
    > For i = 1 To MAX_AUCTIONS
    > If FoundAuction = False Then
    > If Auction(i).ItemNum = 0 Then
    > FoundAuction = True
    > AuctionSlot = i
    > End If
    > End If
    > Next i
    > 'We have room!
    > If AuctionSlot > 0 Then
    > 'Let's see if we can take the item,
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).ItemNum = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).Amount = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).Current_Bid = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).Buyout_Bid = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).Currency_ItemNum = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).Owner = GetPlayerName(index)
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).Current_Bid_Owner = GetPlayerName(index)
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).Status = Auction_Running
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).Claimed = NO
    > Auction(AuctionSlot).MinuteCounter = 1
    > TakeInvItem index, Auction(AuctionSlot).ItemNum, 1
    > Call SaveAuctions
    > Call PlayerMsg(index, "Auction Posted!", BrightGreen)
    > End If
    > 'No room for auctions, tell the user!
    > If AuctionSlot = 0 Then
    > Call PlayerMsg(index, "There is no more room for any auctions at the moment, wait until current auctions end or contact an Administrator!", BrightRed)
    > End If
    > Set buffer = Nothing
    > End Sub
    > Sub HandleAuctionBid(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
    > Dim ViewAuctionNum As Long
    > Dim ViewAuctionBid As Long
    > Dim TakeItemNum As Long
    > Dim buffer As clsBuffer, i As Long
    > Set buffer = New clsBuffer
    > buffer.WriteBytes Data()
    > ViewAuctionNum = buffer.ReadLong
    > ViewAuctionBid = buffer.ReadLong
    > TakeItemNum = Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Currency_ItemNum
    > Call PlayerMsg(index, "You've bid " & ViewAuctionBid & " " & Trim(Item(Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Currency_ItemNum).Name) & " on " & Trim(Item(Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum).Name), BrightGreen)
    > If TakeInvItem(index, TakeItemNum, ViewAuctionBid) = False Then
    > 'Let's see if we only bid, or if we paid the Bought Out!
    > If ViewAuctionBid < Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Buyout_Bid Then
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Current_Bid = ViewAuctionBid
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Current_Bid_Owner = Trim(GetPlayerName(index))
    > Call SendAuctionsToAll
    > Call PlayerMsg(index, "You successfully bid on " & Trim(Item(Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum).Name), BrightGreen)
    > End If
    > 'If we bought out the item!
    > If ViewAuctionBid >= Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Buyout_Bid Then
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Current_Bid = ViewAuctionBid
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Current_Bid_Owner = Trim(GetPlayerName(index))
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Status = Auction_Successful
    > GiveInvItem index, Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum, 1, True
    > Call SendAuctionsToAll
    > Call PlayerMsg(index, "You successfully bought out " & Trim(Item(Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum).Name), BrightGreen)
    > End If
    > Else
    > Call PlayerMsg(index, "Not enough " & Trim(Item(TakeItemNum).Name) & "!", BrightRed)
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > Sub HandleClaimAuction(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
    > Dim buffer As clsBuffer, i As Long
    > Set buffer = New clsBuffer
    > buffer.WriteBytes Data()
    > Dim ViewAuctionNum As Long
    > Dim ViewAuctionReward As Long
    > Dim GiveItemNum As Long
    > ViewAuctionNum = buffer.ReadLong
    > 'Exit out if it's not a real auction
    > If ViewAuctionNum <= 0 Then Exit Sub
    > 'If it was a successul auction
    > If Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Status = Auction_Successful Then
    > 'If the username is the same as the owner of the auction, let's give them their currency reward
    > If Trim(GetPlayerName(index)) = Trim(Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Owner) Then
    > GiveItemNum = Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Currency_ItemNum
    > ViewAuctionReward = Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Current_Bid
    > GiveInvItem index, GiveItemNum, ViewAuctionReward, True
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Amount = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Claimed = YES
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Buyout_Bid = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).MinuteCounter = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Currency_ItemNum = 0
    > End If
    > 'if the username is the same as the highest bidder, we give them the item!
    > If Trim(GetPlayerName(index)) = Trim(Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Owner) Then
    > GiveItemNum = Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum
    > ViewAuctionReward = 1
    > GiveInvItem index, GiveItemNum, ViewAuctionReward, True
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Amount = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Claimed = YES
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Buyout_Bid = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).MinuteCounter = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Currency_ItemNum = 0
    > End If
    > End If
    > If Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Status = Auction_Expired Then
    > 'If the username is the same as the owner of the auction, let's give them their currency reward
    > If Trim(GetPlayerName(index)) = Trim(Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Owner) Then
    > GiveItemNum = Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum
    > ViewAuctionReward = 1
    > GiveInvItem index, GiveItemNum, ViewAuctionReward, True
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Amount = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Claimed = YES
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Buyout_Bid = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).MinuteCounter = 0
    > Auction(ViewAuctionNum).Currency_ItemNum = 0
    > End If
    > End If
    > Call SendAuctionsToAll
    > Set buffer = Nothing
    > End Sub
    > >! ```
    > Create a brand new module and paste the following code in
    > >! ```
    > 'Max Number of Auctions on going at any one time, this must match client and server!
    > Public Const MAX_AUCTIONS As Long = 20
    > 'How long Auctions Appear in the Auction House for (in minutes)
    > Public Const MAX_AUCTION_TIME As Long = 120
    > 'Auction DataType
    > Public Type AuctionRec
    > ItemNum As Long
    > Amount As Long
    > Owner As String
    > Current_Bid As Long
    > Current_Bid_Owner As String
    > Buyout_Bid As Long
    > Currency_ItemNum As Long
    > MinuteCounter As Long
    > Status As Byte
    > Claimed As Byte
    > End Type
    > 'Auction Array
    > Public Auction(1 To MAX_AUCTIONS) As AuctionRec
    > 'Used to Determine Auction Status when player comes back to the Auction House to see if anything has sold.
    > Public Const Auction_Running As Byte = 0
    > Public Const Auction_Successful As Byte = 1
    > Public Const Auction_Expired As Byte = 2
    > Public Sub CheckAuctions()
    > Dim i As Integer
    > For i = 1 To MAX_AUCTIONS
    > 'We only check auctions that are currently running
    > If Auction(i).Status = Auction_Running Then
    > 'Increase the Auction Minute Counter
    > Auction(i).MinuteCounter = Auction(i).MinuteCounter + 1
    > 'We've hit the end of the timer for this auction,
    > If Auction(i).MinuteCounter >= MAX_AUCTION_TIME Then
    > 'Let's see if we have a winner!
    > If Auction(i).Current_Bid > 0 And Auction(i).Current_Bid_Owner <> "" Then
    > Auction(i).Status = Auction_Successful
    > Auction(i).Claimed = NO
    > End If
    > 'We didn't have a winner!
    > If Auction(i).Current_Bid = 0 And Auction(i).Current_Bid_Owner = "" Then
    > Auction(i).Status = Auction_Expired
    > Auction(i).Claimed = NO
    > End If
    > End If
    > End If
    > Next i
    > Call SendAuctionsToAll
    > End Sub
    > Public Sub SendAuctionsToAll()
    > Dim buffer As clsBuffer
    > Dim i As Long
    > Set buffer = New clsBuffer
    > buffer.WriteLong SSendAuctions
    > 'Loop through and send each auction
    > For i = 1 To MAX_AUCTIONS
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).ItemNum
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Amount
    > buffer.WriteString Auction(i).Owner
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Current_Bid
    > buffer.WriteString Auction(i).Current_Bid_Owner
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Buyout_Bid
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Currency_ItemNum
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).MinuteCounter
    > buffer.WriteByte Auction(i).Status
    > buffer.WriteByte Auction(i).Claimed
    > Next i
    > SendDataToAll buffer.ToArray()
    > Set buffer = Nothing
    > End Sub
    > Public Sub SendAuctionsToIndex(ByVal index As Long)
    > Dim buffer As clsBuffer
    > Dim i As Long
    > Set buffer = New clsBuffer
    > buffer.WriteLong SSendAuctions
    > 'Loop through and send each auction
    > For i = 1 To MAX_AUCTIONS
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).ItemNum
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Amount
    > buffer.WriteString Auction(i).Owner
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Current_Bid
    > buffer.WriteString Auction(i).Current_Bid_Owner
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Buyout_Bid
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Currency_ItemNum
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).MinuteCounter
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Status
    > buffer.WriteLong Auction(i).Claimed
    > Next i
    > SendDataTo index, buffer.ToArray()
    > Set buffer = Nothing
    > End Sub
    > Public Sub SaveAuctions()
    > 'Vars
    > Dim FileName As String
    > Dim i As Long
    > 'The Auction File stored in your server's app.data path
    > FileName = App.path & "\data\auctions.dat"
    > 'Loop through each auction and save it in the file
    > For i = 1 To MAX_AUCTIONS
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "ItemNum", STR(Auction(i).ItemNum))
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Amount", STR(Auction(i).Amount))
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Owner", Auction(i).Owner)
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Current_Bid", STR(Auction(i).Current_Bid))
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Current_Bid_Owner", Auction(i).Current_Bid_Owner)
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Buyout_Bid", STR(Auction(i).Buyout_Bid))
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Currency_ItemNum", STR(Auction(i).Currency_ItemNum))
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "MinuteCounter", STR(Auction(i).MinuteCounter))
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Status", STR(Auction(i).Status))
    > Call PutVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Claimed", STR(Auction(i).Claimed))
    > Next i
    > Call SendAuctionsToAll
    > End Sub
    > Public Sub LoadAuctions()
    > 'Vars
    > Dim FileName As String
    > Dim i As Long
    > 'The Auction File stored in your server's app.data path
    > FileName = App.path & "\data\auctions.dat"
    > 'Loop through each auction and save it in the file
    > For i = 1 To MAX_AUCTIONS
    > Auction(i).ItemNum = Val(GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "ItemNum"))
    > Auction(i).Amount = Val(GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Amount"))
    > Auction(i).Owner = GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Owner")
    > Auction(i).Current_Bid = Val(GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Current_Bid"))
    > Auction(i).Current_Bid_Owner = GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Current_Bid_Owner")
    > Auction(i).Buyout_Bid = Val(GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Buyout_Bid"))
    > Auction(i).Currency_ItemNum = Val(GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Currency_ItemNum"))
    > Auction(i).MinuteCounter = Val(GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "MinuteCounter"))
    > Auction(i).Status = Val(GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Status"))
    > Auction(i).Claimed = Val(GetVar(FileName, "AUCTION" & i, "Claimed"))
    > Next i
    > End Sub
    > >! ```
    > >!
    > >!
    > >! **Client Side AND Server Side**
    > >! In modEnumerations, at the bottom, just ABOVE CMSG_COUNT, add
    > >! ```
    > CSaveAuction
    > CAuctionBid
    > CClaimAuction
    > >! ```
    > In modEnumerations, at the bottom, just ABOVE SMSG_COUNT, add
    > >! ```
    > SSendAuctions
    > >! ```
    > >! **CLIENT SIDE**
    > >! In modGraphics, Sub DrawGDI, just after where it says If frmMain.picTrade.Visible Then DrawTrade add,
    > >! ```
    > If frmMain.picAuction.Visible Then DrawNewAuctionItem
    > If frmMain.picAuction.Visible Then DrawNewAuctionCurrencyItem
    > If frmMain.picAuction.Visible Then DrawViewAuctionItem
    > >! ```
    > In modHandleData, in Sub InitMessages, at the bottom add
    > >! ```
    > HandleDataSub(SSendAuctions) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleSendAuctions)
    > >! ```
    > At the bottom of modHandleData add the following new Sub,
    > >! ```
    > Private Sub HandleSendAuctions(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
    > Dim buffer As clsBuffer
    > Dim i As Long
    > 'Clear the List of Auctions on the Main Page
    > frmMain.listAuctions.Clear
    > Set buffer = New clsBuffer
    > buffer.WriteBytes data()
    > For i = 1 To MAX_AUCTIONS
    > Auction(i).ItemNum = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(i).Amount = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(i).Owner = buffer.ReadString
    > Auction(i).Current_Bid = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(i).Current_Bid_Owner = buffer.ReadString
    > Auction(i).Buyout_Bid = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(i).Currency_ItemNum = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(i).MinuteCounter = buffer.ReadLong
    > Auction(i).Status = buffer.ReadByte
    > Auction(i).Claimed = buffer.ReadByte
    > 'Add running items to the list
    > If Auction(i).Status = Auction_Running Then
    > If Auction(i).ItemNum > 0 Then
    > frmMain.listAuctions.AddItem Trim(Item(Auction(i).ItemNum).name) & " [Current Bid: " & Auction(i).Current_Bid & " " & Trim(Item(Auction(i).Currency_ItemNum).name) & "] - [Buyout: " & Auction(i).Buyout_Bid & "] " & Trim(Item(Auction(i).Currency_ItemNum).name)
    > Else
    > frmMain.listAuctions.AddItem "Available Auction Slot"
    > End If
    > End If
    > 'Add successful items to the list
    > If Auction(i).Status = Auction_Successful Then
    > If Auction(i).ItemNum > 0 Then
    > frmMain.listAuctions.AddItem "Ended Successfully - " & Trim(Item(Auction(i).ItemNum).name) & " [Current Bid: " & Auction(i).Current_Bid & " " & Trim(Item(Auction(i).Currency_ItemNum).name) & "]"
    > Else
    > frmMain.listAuctions.AddItem "Available Auction Slot"
    > End If
    > End If
    > 'Add expired items to the list
    > If Auction(i).Status = Auction_Expired Then
    > If Auction(i).ItemNum > 0 Then
    > frmMain.listAuctions.AddItem "Expired - " & Trim(Item(Auction(i).ItemNum).name) & " [Current Bid: " & Auction(i).Current_Bid & " " & Trim(Item(Auction(i).Currency_ItemNum).name) & "]"
    > Else
    > frmMain.listAuctions.AddItem "Available Auction Slot"
    > End If
    > End If
    > Next i
    > End Sub
    > >! ```
    > Create a brand new Module, called modAuctions and paste this code in
    > >! ```
    > Public InventoryCurX As Single
    > Public InventoryCurY As Single
    > 'Max Number of Auctions on going at any one time, this must match client and server!
    > Public Const MAX_AUCTIONS As Long = 20
    > 'How long Auctions Appear in the Auction House for (in minutes)
    > Public Const MAX_AUCTION_TIME As Long = 120
    > 'Auction DataType
    > Public Type AuctionRec
    > ItemNum As Long
    > Amount As Long
    > Owner As String
    > Current_Bid As Long
    > Current_Bid_Owner As String
    > Buyout_Bid As Long
    > Currency_ItemNum As Long
    > MinuteCounter As Long
    > Status As Byte
    > Claimed As Byte
    > End Type
    > 'Used to Store info about a new auction we are creating
    > Public New_Auction As AuctionRec
    > 'Auction Array
    > Public Auction(1 To MAX_AUCTIONS) As AuctionRec
    > 'Store the ID of the Auction we are viewing
    > Public ViewAuctionNum As Long
    > 'Used for Dragging from picInventory
    > Public Auction_InvNum As Long
    > 'Used to Determine Auction Status when player comes back to the Auction House to see if anything has sold.
    > Public Const Auction_Running As Byte = 0
    > Public Const Auction_Successful As Byte = 1
    > Public Const Auction_Expired As Byte = 2
    > 'Save an Auction
    > Public Sub SaveAuction()
    > New_Auction.Current_Bid = frmMain.txtStartingAmount.text
    > New_Auction.Buyout_Bid = frmMain.txtBuyoutAmount.text
    > New_Auction.Amount = 1
    > Dim buffer As clsBuffer
    > Set buffer = New clsBuffer
    > buffer.WriteLong CSaveAuction
    > buffer.WriteLong New_Auction.ItemNum
    > buffer.WriteLong New_Auction.Amount
    > buffer.WriteLong New_Auction.Current_Bid
    > buffer.WriteLong New_Auction.Buyout_Bid
    > buffer.WriteLong New_Auction.Currency_ItemNum
    > SendData buffer.ToArray()
    > Set buffer = Nothing
    > End Sub
    > Public Sub ClaimAuction()
    > Dim buffer As clsBuffer
    > Set buffer = New clsBuffer
    > buffer.WriteLong CClaimAuction
    > buffer.WriteLong ViewAuctionNum
    > SendData buffer.ToArray
    > Set buffer = Nothing
    > End Sub
    > Public Sub BidAuction()
    > Dim buffer As clsBuffer
    > Dim AuctionBid As Long
    > AuctionBid = Val(frmMain.txtAuctionBid.text)
    > Set buffer = New clsBuffer
    > buffer.WriteLong CAuctionBid
    > buffer.WriteLong ViewAuctionNum
    > buffer.WriteLong AuctionBid
    > SendData buffer.ToArray
    > Set buffer = Nothing
    > End Sub
    > Public Sub DrawNewAuctionItem()
    > Dim rec As RECT, rec_pos As RECT, srcRect As D3DRECT, destRect As D3DRECT
    > Dim ItemNum As Long, itempic As Long
    > ItemNum = New_Auction.ItemNum
    > If ItemNum > 0 And ItemNum <= MAX_ITEMS Then
    > itempic = Item(ItemNum).Pic
    > If itempic = 0 Then Exit Sub
    > Direct3D_Device.Clear 0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255), 1#, 0
    > Direct3D_Device.BeginScene
    > With rec
    > .Top = 0
    > .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y
    > .Left = Tex_Item(itempic).Width / 2
    > .Right = .Left + PIC_X
    > End With
    > With rec_pos
    > .Top = 2
    > .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y
    > .Left = 2
    > .Right = .Left + PIC_X
    > End With
    > RenderTextureByRects Tex_Item(itempic), rec, rec_pos
    > With frmMain.picNewAuctionItem
    > .Visible = True
    > .ZOrder (0)
    > End With
    > With srcRect
    > .x1 = 0
    > .x2 = 32
    > .y1 = 0
    > .y2 = 32
    > End With
    > With destRect
    > .x1 = 2
    > .y1 = 2
    > .y2 = .y1 + 32
    > .x2 = .x1 + 32
    > End With
    > Direct3D_Device.EndScene
    > Direct3D_Device.Present srcRect, destRect, frmMain.picNewAuctionItem.hwnd, ByVal (0)
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > Public Sub DrawNewAuctionCurrencyItem()
    > Dim rec As RECT, rec_pos As RECT, srcRect As D3DRECT, destRect As D3DRECT
    > Dim ItemNum As Long, itempic As Long
    > ItemNum = New_Auction.Currency_ItemNum
    > If ItemNum > 0 And ItemNum <= MAX_ITEMS Then
    > itempic = New_Auction.Currency_ItemNum
    > If itempic = 0 Then Exit Sub
    > Direct3D_Device.Clear 0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255), 1#, 0
    > Direct3D_Device.BeginScene
    > With rec
    > .Top = 0
    > .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y
    > .Left = Tex_Item(itempic).Width / 2
    > .Right = .Left + PIC_X
    > End With
    > With rec_pos
    > .Top = 2
    > .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y
    > .Left = 2
    > .Right = .Left + PIC_X
    > End With
    > RenderTextureByRects Tex_Item(itempic), rec, rec_pos
    > With frmMain.picNewAuctionCurrency
    > .Visible = True
    > .ZOrder (0)
    > End With
    > With srcRect
    > .x1 = 0
    > .x2 = 32
    > .y1 = 0
    > .y2 = 32
    > End With
    > With destRect
    > .x1 = 2
    > .y1 = 2
    > .y2 = .y1 + 32
    > .x2 = .x1 + 32
    > End With
    > Direct3D_Device.EndScene
    > Direct3D_Device.Present srcRect, destRect, frmMain.picNewAuctionCurrency.hwnd, ByVal (0)
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > Public Sub DrawViewAuctionItem()
    > Dim rec As RECT, rec_pos As RECT, srcRect As D3DRECT, destRect As D3DRECT
    > Dim ItemNum As Long, itempic As Long
    > If Not frmMain.picViewAuction.Visible Then Exit Sub
    > ItemNum = Auction(ViewAuctionNum).ItemNum
    > If ItemNum > 0 And ItemNum <= MAX_ITEMS Then
    > itempic = Item(ItemNum).Pic
    > If itempic = 0 Then Exit Sub
    > Direct3D_Device.Clear 0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255), 1#, 0
    > Direct3D_Device.BeginScene
    > With rec
    > .Top = 0
    > .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y
    > .Left = Tex_Item(itempic).Width / 2
    > .Right = .Left + PIC_X
    > End With
    > With rec_pos
    > .Top = 2
    > .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y
    > .Left = 2
    > .Right = .Left + PIC_X
    > End With
    > RenderTextureByRects Tex_Item(itempic), rec, rec_pos
    > With frmMain.picViewAuctionItem
    > .Visible = True
    > .ZOrder (0)
    > End With
    > With srcRect
    > .x1 = 0
    > .x2 = 32
    > .y1 = 0
    > .y2 = 32
    > End With
    > With destRect
    > .x1 = 2
    > .y1 = 2
    > .y2 = .y1 + 32
    > .x2 = .x1 + 32
    > End With
    > Direct3D_Device.EndScene
    > Direct3D_Device.Present srcRect, destRect, frmMain.picViewAuctionItem.hwnd, ByVal (0)
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > >! ```
    >  Its a nice system thanks for doing it. How goes the PVP Rank System and One more thing I would like to request.
    > Arenas! Like WoW you form only a 2v2 and u can queue for Arenas and such 
    > Again I dont need these now I'll need them about January maybe March but I'd love to test these to see if its possible.
  6. > @ Render, still working on it, give me about another hour and I'll paste the tutorial here along with a Zipped version of the code. It's built with a clean EO3.0 and not your source, as it's meant to be a tutorial for everyone ;)

    Nice how about the PvP ranking system. Could you do that?
  7. > Sure I'll tackle the Auction House now, so here's my question.
    > By default, EO uses currency as an inventory item. So do you want it so that when a users posts a new auction, they have to select the type of item they want payment in (for Example: you post an item, and you want the payment currency to be "Gold Coins" or something)?

    Yea that would be cool. Thanks I will be using mostly likely EO 3.0

    You can PM me if u have any other questions
  8. Could you make an Auction House that is activated by an NPC and PvP Rank System like the one similar to [Vanilla WoW 1.12.1 here for Reference](http://www.wowwiki.com/Honor_system_(pre-2.0)) with a little Title Editor

    I do not need these now but I will in about year so you can take your time! 

    Thanks for doing this :D
  9. UPDATE! Adding Advanced Turn Based Battle System and Stats!

    Strength - Increases attackpower by 5%

    Agility - Increases Health by 2%

    Intellect - Increases MP by 5%

    This game will only be Available for Windows ATM. For HTML5 I need to do minor changes to the code so I will do that when the Project is complete..

    UPDATE 2:

    Added Download Link so you can test my Battle System. This is an exe make sure you read the Readme or press F1 in-game for Controls and more info!


    UPDATE 3:

    Added Sounds 

    Credits These Guys


  10. Thanks appreciate it  

    UPDATE: Added New Sprite


    This is Argus the King the One on the Left is him without the Plague the Right one is with the plague. As you might also notice is on his crown the White Stone that's encrusted has turn black when he is plagued.
  11. lol thanks man. This game will be Free to Play.

    Added a game Icon

    Seeing this as big project this will be a game that will take a few months even a year but, it will be awesome!

    EDIT: Added screenshot of a test of ingame using tiles and a custom tileset the water in the background does move byit self and I was thinking of making this game for HTML5 so it might have Cross-Platform. I can not export it as Linux or Mac since I do not have any of those OSs.

    >! ![](http://i62.tinypic.com/3500y2g.png)

    EDIT: Updated Post with Story and Pics!
  12. Hey guys As you may know that I am eventually going to release a ORPG called Providence Online, I am going to start out small and build my way up from starting out as a single player RPG then eventually a ORPG.This is my first MAJOR project that I am working on.

    This game will be made with Game Maker Studio. A little about the game: Providence: ANB will be a 8 bit game so will the ORPG with Fully custom 8 bit sprites. The game will be free to Play
    . Here is my progress right now.


    GFX Sheet

    >! ![](http://i58.tinypic.com/28juwkz.png)

    The game will consist of 2 parts. I am thinking of either releasing them separately or making part 1 and release it then when I complete

    Part 2 I will re-release with Part 2
    Return of the King
    and Rise of the Forsaken

    Both will be a 10 part Campaign-like game. I have got the idea from [Warcraft III](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warcraft_III:_Reign_of_Chaos) bit I will not be doing the Strategy part.

    Heres a little story I made as well. I have decided to name the world Amethyst (Reference to my old game sadly never released)

    >! Return of the King- Argus King of Healvenshire1 has returned from from the Icy winds of Nachok2. He returns normal enough but deep inside is a plague they call Blackout3. His son Luther soon identified what was going on when the King murders Queen Azalea, and ten of his guards and 50 citizens. Now Luther must find a way to cure his Father and save Amethyst.
    >! Rise of the Saken- Coming Soon!


    >! 1Healvenshire is the Grand City of the Humans it has been built, destroyed many times, and rebuilt many times it is currently the Safe Haven for its Citizens and their Allies
    2Nachok is the Frozen Wasteland home to the Ice Golems and the Forsaken4
    3The Blackout is a plague that destroys Brain cells. It makes the Host do the Bidding of Goitk of the Forsaken. It is cureable using the 2 Crystals of Amethyst
    4The Forsaken was a group of humans who were loyal to Argus. After they fell in the Battle of Hejol5 Grand Necromancer Goitk summoned them from their corpses to fight once more against the humans. Goitk was exiled from Healvenshire for praticing Necromancy. The ones who broke free from Goitk's control are identified called the Saken they are lead by Salan6
    5Hejol is the Fiery Wasteland home to the Fire Golems and the Saken.
    6Salan was Healvenshire's best Paladin. He fell to Goitk in War of Healvenshire. Goitk was impressed so he rose as the Forsaken's most Savage Dark Knight. He was the second to break free from the Forsaken

    If you have any feedback, suggestions or even any questions don't be afraid to post it or even PM me.

    Things to Do Done
    ; Not Started
    ; In Progress

    >! Make a logo
    >! Make the sprites
    >! Make a Story
    >! Advanced Turned Based Battle-System
    >! Music
    >! Map the maps
    >! Storyline Quests
    Will be adding more stuff to this list


    >! Render - For GFX
    [ProfessorLamp](http://opengameart.org/users/professorlamp) - SFX and Music
    [ShwiggityShwag](http://opengameart.org/users/ShwiggityShwag) - SFX and Music
    [Gichco](http://opengameart.org/users/Gichco) - SFX and Music
    [PlayOnLoop](http://opengameart.org/users/PlayonLoop) - SFX and Music
    [Artisticdude](http://opengameart.org/users/Artisticdude) - SFX and Music
    [Telaron](http://opengameart.org/users/telaron) - SFX and Music
    >! Eclipse Community - Support!

    All Sprites were drawn by me, Render and are owned by LostTerminalStudios
    ©LostTerminalStudios 2014 All rights Reserved

    Scratch the above. Graphics are now Public Domain.
  13. Hey great engine Its really detailed and useful Big fan of the Title System. I am although stuck on making the chat box transparent. How about adding this [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/117047-eochat-drawn-to-screen/?hl=+draw%20+screen/community/index.php](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/117047-eochat-drawn-to-screen/?hl=+draw%20+screen/community/index.php). It blocks off most of the bottom left of the screen
  14. Okay I got it to work with [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/117047-eochat-drawn-to-screen/page__hl__%2Bdraw+%2Bscreen](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/117047-eochat-drawn-to-screen/page__hl__%2Bdraw+%2Bscreen) but I have another problem. The problem appears when the map is scrolling, then chat trying to scroll along with the map.

    Heres is the sub that causes the problem:


    'Evilbunnie's DrawnChat system
    Public Sub DrawChat()
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To 6
    RenderText Font_Default, Chat(i).text, frmMain.picChatbox.Left, (Camera.Bottom - 20) - (i * 20), White
    End Sub

  15. Greetings I am using [Eclipse Worlds](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/134183-eclipse-worlds-121a/) (great engine!) and I have come with a question that has stumped me for a while

    How do I make this chatbox here:

    The red circle is to control the visibility of the Textbox because I couldn't figure out how to make it transparent.

    It is a RichTextbox And I have used Rob Janes's Tutorial Here:

    Just cant seem to figure out how do it.
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