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Posts posted by WiseRock

  1. I got a little fix you could do

    Say they dont have a flash file

    here you can just skip the intro if you dont have it
    >! In frmMenu add
    >! ```
    Dim FlashFile as String
    >! flashfile = App.Path & "\data files\flash\intro.swf"
    >! then
    >! then put this
    >! ```
    If Not FileExist(flashfile, True) Then
    >! intro.Visible = False
    >! Command1.Visible = False
    >! intro.Stop
    >! End If
    >! ```
    Do While num <= 1
    >! intro.Movie = flashfile
    >! intro.Visible = True
    >! 'The name and location of our .swf file
    >! intro.Left = 0 'The rest of these commands are just to dynamically size your
    >! intro.top = 0
    >! intro.Play 'This starts your movie!
    >! num = num + 1
    >! Loop

    by doing this you can skip your intro if you dont have a flash file
  2. EDIT: Need someone to Move to Tutoral: Source!

    Hello Today We are going to make custom slash commands

    like /levelup or /screenshot

    Lets get Started

    First go to


    To make your own Custom Command use this


    Case "name of your Command"

    If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < What Access does the player have to be? Then GoTo Continue

    If UBound(Command) < 1 Then

    AddText "Usage: /Command name ", red

    GoTo Continue

    End If

    If Not IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then

    AddText "Usage: /Command Name ", red

    GoTo Continue

    End If



    For Example lets say we would like to use /levelup

    you would do


    Case "/levelup"

    If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < RankMapper Then GoTo Continue

    If UBound(Command) < 1 Then

    AddText "Usage: /levelup", red

    GoTo Continue

    End If

    If Not IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then

    AddText "Usage: /levelup", red

    GoTo Continue

    End If



    That Basically Wraps up this tutorial

    Again Thank me by playing my game when beta comes out!
  3. Hello Today I am going to show you how to delete your IP,Port, Game Name from your options. And also I am going to show you how to load your own news from your own vb6 client. You don't want people changing the name of your game and changing the news.

    This is Compatible with All Versions of Eclipse from Eclipse Dawn to Eclipse Advanced

    This Helps with Security of your IP and Port.

    Lets get Started!

    First Go to modConstants

    add this any where you like

    Public Const GameIP as String = ""

    Public Const GamePort as String = 7001

    Public Const GameName as String = [Your Game's Name]


    Then Go to modClientTCP


    ' connect

    frmMain.Socket.RemoteHost = Options.IP

    frmMain.Socket.RemotePort = Options.Port

    Replace it with

    ' connect

    frmMain.Socket.RemoteHost = GameIP

    frmMain.Socket.RemotePort = GamePort

    Then now go to SaveOptions

    Delete the game name and


    Call PutVar(filename, "Options", "GameName",Options.Game_Name)

    Call PutVar(filename, "Options", "IP", Options.IP)

    Call PutVar(filename, "Options", "Port", str(Options.Port))

    Scroll down till you find

    If Not FileExist(filename, True) Then

    Options.GameName = Eclipse Origins

    Options.Password = vbNullString

    Options.SavePass = 0

    Options.Username = vbNullString

    Options.IP = ""

    Options.Port = 7001

    Options.MenuMusic = vbNullString

    Options.Music = 1

    Options.sound = 1

    Options.Debug = 0

    Options.NightTile = 1

    Delete the IP and Port

    and Game Name

    Now type Ctrl+F and go to replace

    1st Box


    2nd Box


    You should get about 6-9 replacements


    EDIT: I have removed the News Heres a better tutorial for News ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

    [Here's the Link for a Better News](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/129314-make-online-news-in-frmmenu/)

    No Credits Need ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png) (:

    Your Done!

    I hope this had helped you

    If you would like to thank me then play my game when it comes out to beta ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

    Edit: Make Sure You Delete in modTypes


    Private Type OptionsRec

    Game_Name As String

    savePass As Byte

    Password As String * NAME_LENGTH

    Username As String * ACCOUNT_LENGTH

    IP As String

    Port As Long

    MenuMusic As String

    Music As Byte

    sound As Byte

    Debug As Byte

    End Type

    Delete GameName,Ip,Port

  4. > Can someone please upload an updated inventory GUI image that is _**NOT**_ low-quality?

    > Here is a new char window if anyone needs it:
    > >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/7a4fdd9913ac5a4701cd2a5d6ef5139b.JPG)
    > >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e65ed629fefba0668917d994b0a34a6e.JPG)
    > **updated OP with downloads for the pictures
  5. EDIT: Cursor Files have to be .24 bit .ico and .cur if you follow Way 2

    EDIT: Use IconArt great program!

    Way 1 is Easiest but try to go with Way 2

    EDIT: I recommend you follow way 1

    Way 1

    Go to Control Panel

    HardWare and sound

    Go to Mouse

    Go to Pointers

    Find the Cross Picture

    and replace it with your new cursor

    then go to vb

    go to MousePointer and replace it with cross

    Your Done!

    Way 2

    I dont know if theres a tutorial on this but here you go.


    First you need to get a .cur file Must be 24 bit!

    Second. Go to your frmMain, properties

    Third. Find MouseIcon and click the … button

    Fourth. Select your cursor

    Fifth. Go to MousePointer right under the MouseIcon

    Sixth. Scroll all way down till you find the 99.Costum

    Thats all


    Follow Step 1 and 2

    3.Go to Icon and select your icon

    It has to be ico. I think it will accept cur though

    These have been tested and they do work 100% if you follow Way 1

    These have been tested and they do work 100% if you follow Way 2 with a 24 bit .cur file
  6. >! This is the DX8 pART
    >! Next in modGraphics in Public Sub DrawGDI() add:
    >! ```
    >! If frmAuctions.fraNew.Visible Then
    >! If CurrentAuctionselections <> 0 Then
    >! DrawAuctionItemDesc CurrentAuctionselections
    >! End If
    >! End If
    >! ```
    >! And at the bottom of modGraphics add:
    >! ```
    >! Public Sub DrawAuctionItemDesc(ByVal ItemNum As Long)
    >! Dim rec As RECT, rec_pos As RECT, srcRect As D3DRECT, destRect As D3DRECT
    >! Dim itempic As Long
    >! ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
    >! If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
    >! 'frmMain.picItemDescPic.Cls
    >! If ItemNum > 0 And ItemNum <= MAX_ITEMS Then
    >! itempic = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, ItemNum)).Pic
    >! If itempic = 0 Then Exit Sub
    >! Direct3D_Device.Clear 0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), 1#, 0
    >! Direct3D_Device.BeginScene
    >! With rec
    >! .Top = 0
    >! .Bottom = .Top + PIC_Y
    >! .Left = Tex_Item(itempic).Width / 2
    >! .Right = .Left + PIC_X
    >! End With
    >! With rec_pos
    >! .Top = 0
    >! .Bottom = 64
    >! .Left = 0
    >! .Right = 64
    >! End With
    >! RenderTextureByRects Tex_Item(itempic), rec, rec_pos
    >! With destRect
    >! .X1 = 0
    >! .Y1 = 0
    >! .y2 = 64
    >! .x2 = 64
    >! End With
    >! Direct3D_Device.EndScene
    >! Direct3D_Device.Present destRect, destRect, frmAuctions.picItem.hWnd, ByVal (0)
    >! End If
    >! ' Error handler
    >! Exit Sub
    >! errorhandler:
    >! HandleError "DrawAuctionItemDesc", "modGraphics", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
    >! Err.Clear
    >! Exit Sub
    >! End Sub
  7. I ripped Ecilpse Dawn to EO 2.3 Event System.

    It did not work. But ED is exactly like EO 2.3.

    But expect some code changes like TILE_TYPE_SLIDE is the same but with out the_.

    It has a functional Event System. And I really like the Custom Key binding.

    Its a little better then EO 3.0 but ED could use some graphical editing so I am sticking to ED

    EDIT: PS maybe Robin used ED for his game.


    - Render
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