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Lukas Uchiha

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Everything posted by Lukas Uchiha

  1. I was wondering how do to fix this error? ![](http://i44.servimg.com/u/f44/15/74/63/00/img_0710.jpg) I already installed and reinstalled the library files, but did not work
  2. I want to add one thing. In frmServer log is saying: Line 404: Class MSComctlLib.ListView of control lvwInfo was not a loaded control class.
  3. I already managed to solve the error of the first image. The error that is giving is now of the second image
  4. not worked I did, and I I retraced again and nothing worked Vb6 reinstalled and is now giving this error: ![](http://i44.servimg.com/u/f44/15/74/63/00/sem_ta17.png) The problem is that after that none server opens in the visual basic without giving this error
  5. to no avail. The files must .bat stay in the client folder or server?
  6. In the log is saying is functioning normally, the problem is when i open the server in vb6
  7. I did the way you talked, it worked. Only the second error still remains.
  8. I like to say sorry there was a mistake of mine, the engine is the eclipse advanced 3.0.21. I could not even resolve the error I downloaded the service pack already reinstalled the library files already downloaded the engine again and nothing worked. Does anyone know how to solve?
  9. Hello guys, I look here again with another doubt: Well when I open the server in visual basic appears the following errors: ![](http://i44.servimg.com/u/f44/15/74/63/00/sem_ta15.png) after I click yes, it appears: ![](http://i44.servimg.com/u/f44/15/74/63/00/sem_ta16.png) I've tried installing the file MSCOMCT3N.OCX, but still to no avail. Can anyone help me? PS: come within my English, I'm Brazilian.
  10. I use version 3.0, but I have installed the library files, but it seems that I could solve I installed another libray file and it worked
  11. Hello guys, I have a problem in eclipse origins is it that every time I open the client appears: ![](http://i44.servimg.com/u/f44/15/74/63/00/sem_ta14.png) Can anyone help me? PS: sorry for my english, I'm brazilian xD
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