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Everything posted by zomb88

  1. Well on client and server search for MAX_MAPS make sure its set more then 4. Then goto the map editor form find the frame that has the scroll bar and check the max value of that bar (in properties and in code)
  2. Make sure max_maps const or how ever its written in that version is bigger then 4. Need some more information is this when you try use a warp tile attribute? or the warping in map properties? not sure on what you mean.
  3. Hey guys, Ive been doing alot of work on my game and whilst i have been holding back releasing any of it as tutorials i thought i would release this as it is a sort of essential addon to the minimap system posted by Ertzel. First you will need the tutorial posted by Ertzel found [HERE](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/129760-ea-minimap/?hl=minimap). This will give you the back bones. Once you have implemented his tutorial you just need to replace your DrawMiniMap sub with this one :) ``` Public Sub DrawMiniMap() Dim i As Long, z As Long Dim x As Integer, y As Integer Dim direction As Byte Dim CameraX As Long, CameraY As Long, playerNum As Long Dim MapX As Long, MapY As Long, MinMapX As Long, MinMapY As Long Dim CameraXSize As Long, CameraYSize As Long, CameraHalfX As Long, CameraHalfY As Long CameraXSize = ScreenWidth - 50 - (MAX_MAPX * 4) CameraYSize = ScreenHeight - 50 - (MAX_MAPY * 4) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler CameraHalfX = (MAX_MAPX / 2) CameraHalfY = (MAX_MAPY / 2) MinMapX = Player(MyIndex).x - CameraHalfX MinMapY = Player(MyIndex).y - CameraHalfY MapX = Player(MyIndex).x + CameraHalfX MapY = Player(MyIndex).y + CameraHalfY If Player(MyIndex).x MinMapY Then If GetPlayerMap(i) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) And (Not i = MyIndex) Then Select Case Player(i).PK Case 0 RenderTexture Tex_White, CameraX, CameraY, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, D3DColorRGBA(0, 255, 0, 200) Case 1 RenderTexture Tex_White, CameraX, CameraY, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, D3DColorRGBA(100, 0, 0, 200) End Select Else If (Map.MaxX - CameraHalfX) < (MiniMapPlayer(i).x / 4) Then CameraX = CameraXSize + ((MAX_MAPX - (Map.MaxX - (MiniMapPlayer(i).x / 4))) * 4) If (Map.MaxY - CameraHalfY) < (MiniMapPlayer(i).y / 4) Then CameraY = CameraYSize + ((MAX_MAPY - (Map.MaxY - (MiniMapPlayer(i).y / 4))) * 4) RenderTexture Tex_White, CameraX, CameraY, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, D3DColorRGBA(0, 255, 0, 200) End If End If End If End If Next i ' Draw Tile Attribute For x = 0 To Map.MaxX For y = 0 To Map.MaxY If Map.Tile(x, y).Type > 0 Then CameraX = CameraXSize + ((x - MinMapX) * 4) CameraY = CameraYSize + ((y - MinMapY) * 4) If Player(MyIndex).x > (Map.MaxX - CameraHalfX) Then CameraX = CameraXSize + ((x - (Map.MaxX - MAX_MAPX)) * 4) If Player(MyIndex).y > (Map.MaxY - CameraHalfY) Then CameraY = CameraYSize + ((y - (Map.MaxY - MAX_MAPY)) * 4) If CameraX >= CameraXSize And CameraX = CameraYSize And CameraY = 1 Then CameraX = CameraXSize + ((x - MinMapX) * 4) CameraY = CameraYSize + ((y - MinMapY) * 4) If Player(MyIndex).x > (Map.maxX - CameraHalfX) Then CameraX = CameraXSize + ((x - (Map.maxX - MAX_MAPX)) * 4) If Player(MyIndex).y > (Map.maxY - CameraHalfY) Then CameraY = CameraYSize + ((y - (Map.maxY - MAX_MAPY)) * 4) If CameraX >= CameraXSize And CameraX = CameraYSize And CameraY
  4. zomb88

    GUI Question :)

    At this stage ive got an xp bar going along the bottom of the screen. No menu for inv, spells etc im going to have those key binded. hotbar in middle and chat to the left (as it now fits with 1280x720) debating what to do with the hp/mp bars
  5. zomb88

    GUI Question :)

    Just wanted to get peoples thoughts on GUI positioning on 2 things 1\. HP/MP bars at top or bottom of screen, refer to screenshot's below. 2\. Horizontal or vertical HP/MP Bars refer to screenshots below This are old screenshots and my game is currently going under GUI development. ![](http://i41.tinypic.com/5aqsut.png) ![](http://i42.tinypic.com/2qsrn7a.png)
  6. its too front on You need to make it looking at him on an angle downwards At the moment if you make him walk it will look like hes walking out to you not down if that makes sense
  7. Did you change the list values of the combo box?
  8. EDIT: nvm fixed it
  9. i changed the hp and mana bars back to horizontal D: cos noone liked them
  10. @Swizl This topic is not about the position of my chat bar. I am redoing the whole GUI for my game. The talent system is basically finished. I have descriptions working (with some tweaks needed) and im upgrading my combat system to work better with this talent system in terms of crit, dodge, parry and block. I do have new skills by talents working I just need to write a function to reset talent points and take skills back off people when it does so.
  11. ![](http://i40.tinypic.com/3338p46.png) Testing out talent descriptions and making a way to show the past current and next level modification. Obviously not the background ill use but just a sample of starting to show the talents
  12. ![](http://i41.tinypic.com/2wps4qt.png) ***EDIT*** - Can now spend points - Points add per level - Points deduct on use - Max 3 point per talent (2 points for major talents on side (2 boxes in column)) - Cant progress to next tier unless you complete most or all of the below tier
  13. ![](http://i44.tinypic.com/2nc1anb.png) Talent Points and Talents working just need to do the clickable buttons and updating talents
  14. Haha notsu. I wont release it but hopefully it inspires people. Ill post some more progress after dota :D
  15. Hey all im starting a talent tree system for my game [Decadence](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/133680-decadence-deterioration-of-morality/?p=903238). This thread is going to be my progress through making the system. What i have done so far is just made a backing and have got it rendered to the game screen. The tree will have an offensive and defensive side both with 2 passive talents part of the tree. ![](http://i41.tinypic.com/2vuwyfr.png) ![](http://i40.tinypic.com/3338p46.png) Completed base - Can now spend points - Points add per level - Points deduct on use - Max 3 point per talent (2 points for major talents on side (2 boxes in column)) - Cant progress to next tier unless you complete most or all of the below tier
  16. dont forget your best work of all ![](http://www.imagesload.net/img/Progress.PNG) on another note the tree has its unique style would like to see some more scenes
  17. @Eleyond No offence taken. I Do need to work on shading some areas. I agree that the fence needs to be more brown. Struggling to give depth to the house it does look flat. Maybe more shading on the right sides and more rounding on the top edge? For some reason the colours when i save it on that site do change a bit and make it look worse then it actually is. ![](http://i42.tinypic.com/f8g2b.png) Quick look at windows/signs/door ![](http://i42.tinypic.com/2lw2am1.png)
  18. ![](http://i.imgflip.com/26zry.gif) Changed from brick and started with just some wooden style houses
  19. The style I am going for is like a semi pixelated with minimal colours. Im restricting my shades. Thats for the feedback all is subject to change im trying to get a base set down atm. Any feedback will be taken into consideration. As for the trees i will be making larger ones from scratch soon after a base building is done.
  20. Did a little bit of brick work tonight, need to fix the lines running through about 3/4 up a tile but what one do you guys like? I prefer the darker one on right i think it matches better but i dont have an eye for these things ![](http://i.imgflip.com/24vd7.gif)
  21. Thankyou viper i do appreciate it. Any feedback on things i can fix or objects that dont fit the style would be great. Just fixed up the fence so its on the border of path tiles and can go all directions EDIT: Did some bunches of flowers for map imperfections ![](http://i.imgflip.com/24bjl.gif) Duno whats happening with these screenshots but they dont look anywhere as good as it does in game xD.
  22. Yea i realise there is more idle paperdoll frames but i wanted it to give an effect of looking around i guess. Its not much edits for the idle animation paperdolls but still all adds up. New Fence tiles ![](http://i.imgflip.com/249bv.gif)
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