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Posts posted by zomb88

  1. I might have some stuff u can do.

    Game Board


    skype - pkenyon88 

    or pm me
  2. Hey eclipsians,

    I think its been a long time coming and i don't think i can't get this released the rate I'm going at.

    Board Link


    You probably have seen the game around for quite some time now. The engine is custom and so are the graphics. There are alot of unique features that sets itself aside from other games and there has been great feedback about the games graphics at this stage.

    Positions that I am currently looking for are:

    **Pixel Artist Assistance**

    Base sprites have been completed. This would require making some animations, player parts (hair, eyes clothes etc), NPC's, tiles and items and paperdoll when we are at that stage.

    **Icon designer**

    Icons such as classes, items, spells and general game icon to name a few.

    **Story Writer**

    Story concept has been sketched up. This needs to be converted into a well written narrative text.

    **Concept Artist**

    Drawing concept art to be used on the website and possibly throughout the game. This can include dialogue faces etc.

    At this stage that is all that is available. If you are interested please PM me or post on this thread with the position and samples of work. thanks




  3. Hey all,

    Im using a heavily modified version of miracle.

    Im having some issues where some lines (maybe around 4-5 on the screen just dont render correclty in some areas.

    I have changed all my textures to POT sizes the maximum size of my texures is 1024x512 (could be a problem) other then that next biggest is 512x512.

    I havent changed anything in the directx rendering or gdi's to cause this.

    My screenwidth and height is set to 1280x720 (Maybe a problem??)


    You can see on the above screenshot the bottom of the TEST text is cutoff and not rendered properly.


    On this screenshot u can see that the text is rendered fine one tile down and the minimap in bot right the green box is ment to be 4x4 and thats like 2x3 or 3x4
  4. I have implemented custom characters into my engine which allows them to select a skin tone. The is the lightest one tho



    2nd screenshot is still the old head shape disregard that
  5. ![](http://i41.tinypic.com/zslrtj.png)

    Well i took out the eyes, reshaped the head and reshaped the ears and gave it a thinner and more of a neck

    (Im going to have hair, eye, top and bottom character customisation so this is like the base)
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