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Everything posted by carfonu

  1. Hi, just passing by to tell that i'm still avaliable to make music. If you want original an soundtrack for your game, just send me a PM and we can discuss the terms of the job. Some previous work: [https://soundcloud.com/carfonu](https://soundcloud.com/carfonu)
  2. > How much would you charge for some very short (1 bar or less) *.wav's? Trombone/Tuba/French Horn calls (4/4, one full measure, pause two beats, one full measure blast, think Kraken from Clash of the Titans and Inception). Another I need would sound like a Colossus foot step, which I'm assuming you'd use an ensemble of the deepest drums you have; it'd honestly resemble something like an explosion. I have send you a PM.
  3. Hi, as the topic title says, i'm a composer and i'm looking for a project to work ![:lol:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//laugh.png). I have been making music for more than 8 years for personal use, just recently started to compose for others. Anyway, i'm offering my services to any person interested on having some original music for their games. Here is a set of songs i've made: [https://soundcloud.com/carfonu](https://soundcloud.com/carfonu) (Some 8-bit songs as well from a previous work) Reasons to hire me? -Well, i try to keep the quality of my work to the needs of the client. -I have a price that is charged for the full song, not for a quantity of time (and i don't go making little songs of 30 secs that look more like a music effect). -And the most important, i'm cheap. If you are interested in my work, please send me a PM and we can talk about your project, the terms of the work and the prices. Thanks for your time!
  4. I made a sample of my work in my 1st post. You can download it. About your other questions, i'll send you a PM later.
  5. Hello? Anybody? Testing, testing… If anybody needs some music, i'll be around here for a while, so don't hesitate to ask.
  6. I'm offering my services as a music compositor for anyone that's interested in having some original music for their games. I'm what you might call a classic composer (even when is more for the instruments i use than for the rhythms, that's a versatile topic). I'm offering to do composition jobs of single songs and also for song packs, always charging a reasonable price for each song or set of songs. However, you think that the prices are a little steep for you, we can always get to an agreement that let both of us happy. Here's a little set of parts of different songs that i've made (of course those songs are larger), enjoy! [http://soundcloud.com/carfonu/demo-carfonu](http://soundcloud.com/carfonu/demo-carfonu) If you are interested, please let me know via this thread or a PM. Thanks for your time =) .
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