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Everything posted by Kasparas

  1. so how to make that line invisible he said to make ?
  2. > **AddOns** > > > >! >! [Add this](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,82165.msg879824.html) > >! And youll walk to the Left-Click position > >! > >! First add this [Here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,82036.0.html) > >! Then change > >! ``` > If frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = True Then > >! If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER And myTarget MyIndex Then > >! frmMain.lblPlayerName.Caption = Trim(Player(myTarget).Name) & "- Level" & Trim(Player(Index).Level) > >! frmMain.charstat(0).Caption = "Str: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(1)) > >! frmMain.charstat(1).Caption = "End: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(2)) > >! frmMain.charstat(2).Caption = "Int: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(3)) > >! frmMain.charstat(3).Caption = "Agi: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(4)) > >! frmMain.charstat(4).Caption = "Will: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(5)) > >! Else > >! frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = False > >! AddText "Invalid target.", BrightRed > >! End If > >! Else > >! End If > ``` > >! to > >! ``` > >! If frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = True Then > >! frmMain.lblPlayerName.Caption = Trim(Player(myTarget).Name) & "- Level" & Trim(Player(Index).Level) > >! frmMain.charstat(0).Caption = "Str: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(1)) > >! frmMain.charstat(1).Caption = "End: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(2)) > >! frmMain.charstat(2).Caption = "Int: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(3)) > >! frmMain.charstat(3).Caption = "Agi: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(4)) > >! frmMain.charstat(4).Caption = "Will: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(5)) > >! Else > >! frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = False > >! End If > ``` > >! Then > >! Klick on the Label which opens the picPlayerInfo > >! And delete the Code > >! Then > >! Delete the Label > >! Then Add to picMenu an label > >! Name: lblMViewPlayer > >! Caption: View Player > >! Then klick on lblMViewPlayer > >! and add > >! ``` > If myTarget MyIndex Then > >! picPlayerInfo.Visible = True > >! picMenu.Visible = False > >! Else > >! AddText "Invalid target.", BrightRed > >! picMenu.Visible = False > >! End If > ``` > >! The End ;-) > >! ummm those links aren't working ? or i'm missing somehting… > >! because when i press the blue letters "here" it redirects me to home page ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  3. what do you mean ? does it get that txtMyChat invisible?
  4. > Are you sure you installed SP6 and downloaded a new copy of eclipse? well i have reextracted the file , i guess that's almost the same EDIT: maybe i should get a different copy of vb6 ?
  5. it says "Line 199: Class MSComctlLib.ListView of control lvwInfo was not a loaded control class." (in frmserver.log )
  6. > Now goto frmMain and make txtMyChat invisible maybe i missed something… how do i make it invisible?
  7. oh…... that's what he means.... EDIT: i did it but is won't compile.. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  8. i am sorry… i have installed the sp6.. and u say redownload the source... what source? as i said i am totally new to programming and terms.. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  9. and whenever i open the client or server it always greets me with a message saying "errors during load. Refer to 'D:\Libraries\…......\src\frmserver.log' for details " and when i try to compile it says "errors during load. Refer to 'D:\Libraries\.........\src\frmserver.log' for details " , then "compile error user-defined type not defined "... that's what happens with server ... ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  10. ok i downloaded it , where to place the files?
  11. and when i install the vb6sp6 will it be accessed by the portable?
  12. I made some nice changes to my game's code , added some stuff , but when i press compile it gives me compile error ! i use visual basic 6 portable .. oh yes and when i try to save changes it just crashes and closes !
  13. Now i was searching and searching for tutorials how to make magic demage scale after your will stat , so when i make spell "vital" to 50 , if my will is huge it'll hit even 300 , something like that , and so if you have great agility , you can protect yourself from magic , so strongest spells would hit less on stronger players . i know nothing about vb6 and stuff like that and am fresh to programming, so please can you write me a tutorial or a code to make magic demage scaling happen depending on will stat ? please
  14. i am searching for tutorials how to make the client screen bigger and many other things…
  15. Kasparas

    Maximum Level

    the compile button is grey and i cant press it
  16. the thing is that when i search , i find nothing.. maybe i use wrong keywords?
  17. On eo3 is there a way to make custom cursor for the game , so when i put mouse cursor on the game window it changes to the custom one? and is there a way to make the game fullscreen , and the loading screen bigger?
  18. wellll….. maybe i just want to convert the paperdolls and spell icons , it's too much work to clean the background ... well imma try ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png) thanks for saying , i didnt know such thing as alpha blending
  19. I have moved from event system to eo3 because of better features , but there is one hting i don't like - png instead of bmp , cuz i made so many paperdolls and stuff that it's take too much time to make transperent stuff… so is there a way to swap formats for paperdolls , items spells and characters?
  20. Since many tutorials don't work with the event system , some of them i can't find i would like to get some help.. I really want to make it that you have to clik chat , so when i change controlls it doesn't mess with typing. any ideas how to do it and change controlls for the hotbar?
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