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Tai Kamiya

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Posts posted by Tai Kamiya

  1. > you can't get them, i'm sure he will not put them in there, because everyone would have basicly the same things ingame, if you want them, search tutorials and add them in your game, not just waste your life waiting for something that's not gonna happen

    I know! What I tried to say is that many tutorials simply doesn't work in the ER.
  2. > GDI doesnt support PNG's that means you cant load PNG's into vb6 controls although you can achieve transparency through the use of some APIs but that will really kill your FPS. Your best bet is to **use the DirectX 8 engine and modify it to render the gui with textures instead of using controls** or just wait for the new engine witch is being developed

    Awt, How hard it is? D:

    Also, what new engine?
  3. Hey guys!

    I was wondering, can I set transparency in the graphical user interface? I tried adding transparency in the Item Description image, and changed the source line:

    frmMain.picItemDesc.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\main\description_item.jpg")



    frmMain.picItemDesc.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\main\description_item.png")


    This resulted in an error. Well, there is an another way to do it?!
  4. > *facepalm* Offline? are u kidding me? xD next time say link is dead, not file is offline ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)

    I called the file, but she didn't called me back. ;^;
  5. > You can make it that way.

    Using that scheme of ElapsedTime and y/x locations change? I must learn programming, 'cause I don't even know where to start. XD

    Well, here's the code that I think that have relation with this:



    DidCast = True

    Linha = 1

    Do While Linha < Spell(SpellNum).AoE

    Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index)

    Case DIR_UP

    Calculate = GetPlayerY(Index) - Linha

    If Calculate <= 0 Then Exit Sub

    If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - Linha).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then Exit Sub

    SendAnimation GetPlayerMap(Index), Spell(SpellNum).SpellAnim, GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - Linha

    IsUseLinear Index, SpellNum, vital, GetPlayerMap(Index), GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - Linha

    Case DIR_DOWN

    Calculate = GetPlayerY(Index) + Linha

    If Calculate >= Map(Linha).MaxY Then Exit Sub

    If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + Linha).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then Exit Sub

    SendAnimation GetPlayerMap(Index), Spell(SpellNum).SpellAnim, GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + Linha

    IsUseLinear Index, SpellNum, vital, GetPlayerMap(Index), GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + Linha

    Case DIR_LEFT

    Calculate = GetPlayerX(Index) - Linha

    If Calculate <= 0 Then Exit Sub

    If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) - Linha, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then Exit Sub

    SendAnimation GetPlayerMap(Index), Spell(SpellNum).SpellAnim, GetPlayerX(Index) - Linha, GetPlayerY(Index)

    IsUseLinear Index, SpellNum, vital, GetPlayerMap(Index), GetPlayerX(Index) - Linha, GetPlayerY(Index)

    Case DIR_RIGHT

    Calculate = GetPlayerX(Index) + Linha

    If Calculate <= 0 Then Exit Sub

    If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then Exit Sub

    SendAnimation GetPlayerMap(Index), Spell(SpellNum).SpellAnim, GetPlayerX(Index) + Linha, GetPlayerY(Index)

    IsUseLinear Index, SpellNum, vital, GetPlayerMap(Index), GetPlayerX(Index) + Linha, GetPlayerY(Index)

    End Select

    Linha = Linha + 1



    Where "Linha" means line. Where I should specify to use the frame scheme?
  6. Hi there!

    I saw the video above and thought, what kind of alterations should I do in the Linear Spells script that make this possible? I mean, a spell that don't show its animation in only one tile, but across the tiles that it pass by. Well, the video:


    Thanks for the attention, ciao~
  7. > Well I have a crappy net book and it works fine with dx8 I am sure yours should work better then mine sense I only have 1g of ram

    Maaaaaaaybe not. I'm running with a Sempron 3000+, 512MB DDR333 RAM, 16MB SiS Mirage Graphics (I think that it's from the 90's lol) and storing everything in an amazing 40GB IDE. G__G

    > Sure thing dude

    Duuuuuuuuude, worked fine! I'll just have to add this to every "picMenu" and it'll be fine (a close-everything button sounds cools too). My thanks for the fast reply and everything! n_n
  8. > Okay, this should work for 2.3
    > So in frm_Main client side, find your pic_Inventory. (Note: If you move anything (which you will have to) I suggest writing down the x,y position in a txt document for reference on where to place it after your done editing.)
    > After this, make a label inside the Form and have something like an 'X' with an underline or something. after you make it and place it where you want, doubleclick it and put in something like this
    > Private Sub Label6_DblClick(Index As Integer)
    > picInventory.Visible = False
    > picCharacter.Visible = False
    > picSpells.Visible = False
    > picOptions.Visible = False
    > picParty.Visible = False
    > BltInventory
    > ' play sound
    > PlaySound Sound_Buttonclick
    > End Sub
    > If you need more detail let me know.

    Hey, I'll test it here and reply with the results!

    > I really recommend to switch to eo3.0 or eclipse advanced. Cause they both have what eclipse2.3 has but with weather and other cool stuff. The only thing is that you can't use huge tilisets.

    Sure thing! DirectX8 in Eclipse seems to change it to another level, btw, my computer is too old that have issues with DX8\. lol
  9. > You could just make little close buttons on the top of every menu. Then add some code where, on-click, the menu closes. If you need help doing this just post and I'll help.

    Hey bro! Thanks for the reply. And sorry for any english mistake, 'cause I'm brazilian.

    Well, you mean something like an "X" button in the top of the menu that closes it? Sounds cool! If you can help me doin' the code, I'll be grateful! ^-^

    Ah! As I said, I'm using EO 2.3! Thanks~
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