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  1. I already changed the client ip to my hamachi, and it did not work … because if the server continues with the opening ip (localhost), the client will never get access. Of all the servers that already edited, this eclipse origins is the one who does not have the option to select the ip.
  2. I did change the client ip does not work more because the client ip's with my hamachi ip for testing, since the server is connecting to the ip of my router. Do not have any way to change this on the server? he is always connecting with the ip of a "Local Host".
  3. I'm not able to change the IP of my server, because in my file "Config" does not have the IP line with this, the server automatically search the ip of my router and not my hamachi. How to solve? Server: ``` [OPTIONS] Game_Name=Testando Port= 7001 MOTD=Bem vindo ao teste Website=www.teste.com.br ```
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