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Everything posted by ulquial

  1. I can be concept artist. I dont have links for my creations, but if you insist for a test, i can do it.
  2. Hey guys, im actually looking for someone that have talent to make custom sprites and tilesets for my project and im willing to pay. ^^ Thanks !!
  3. Lol, but thanks tho, i didnt think of a teleport token.
  4. Not a bad idea lol. But is there a way with more than 1 currency? (If i need to do anything else with amount of items) .
  5. Hello ! So, I need help with the event system. I need to make a ''pay-to-warp'' tile. Which mean, when i walk on a certain tile, it askes if i want to be warped for X amount of money, if doesnt have enough money, it will say that i dont have enough money to be warped. But i tried many methods and doesnt work. Thanks for helping !
  6. I took the frmeditor_map and frmeditor_item they gived as example, decided to use them. Did myself the frmmain. All scrollbars are in the form, that is what i dont understand.
  7. Hi guys, so i tried installing the **Dynamic Crafting System** on my project. Did all the fixes they mentionned, but i have this error showing up when i compile the Client. ![](http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/8963/0scg.png) Have any idea how to fix that problem ? Thanks.
  8. Hi, so I want my character to run. Cuz for now, i walk fast, like a slow running, but when i hold SHIFT, i walk rly slow. I want that when i hold shift, it runs like 2 or 3 times faster. Where are the sources about that and can i have lil help about how fixing that? Thanks a lot ! :)
  9. SUCCESS ! :) Thx for the help. It gaved me compile error ,added a next and it did the job.
  10. I know, but doing that will not make trees under me? Or can i setup it only for a specific resource?
  11. Thanks growlith ! But you made a mistake, i fixed it . ^^ Thanks for your help. it works perfectly :) Now fo drawing the resource under the player?
  12. A resource type that is walkable. If you look the link, you will see that with help, i success passing thru a resource type, but i got error 9\. And that person gived me a code to change and supposed to fix the error 9\. But instead, it would not let me move my character in all directions. I wanted to make a resource type like plants to gather or herbs. There is 2 problems now: ->Cant move. -> The resource appears on top of me. Not under player. (not important for now, i just want to fix the cant move first). Thanks if you can help ! :)
  13. i have been helped. just look from the beginning : [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/134010-resource-type-that-is-walkable-serious-help/#entry906215](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/134010-resource-type-that-is-walkable-serious-help/#entry906215) and now with the last part it doesnt work. I cant move. it blockes when i move.
  14. ``` Case DIR_RIGHT ' Check to make sure not outside of boundries If GetPlayerX(Index) < Map(mapnum).MaxX Then ' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable If Not isDirBlocked(Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).DirBlock, DIR_RIGHT + 1) Then If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_RESOURCE Then If Resource(Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Data1).ResourceType = 4 Then ' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And temptile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1) = YES) Then Call SetPlayerY(Index, GetPlayerY(Index) - 1) SendPlayerMove Index, movement, sendToSelf Moved = YES End If End If Else ' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And temptile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1) = YES) Then Call SetPlayerY(Index, GetPlayerY(Index) - 1) SendPlayerMove Index, movement, sendToSelf Moved = YES End If End If End If End If Else ```
  15. I success, but i cant move….... its blocked.
  16. error 9 –-> If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_RESOURCE Then Is it normal you have twice the same bloc of codes ? One in purple ? Or i dont copy the right one ???
  17. I crash with error 9 every time i load client and start moving. (Maybe an error with ur line code ? )
  18. Thanks it works, but now the resource is not under me when i walk thru. ![](http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/306/lw39.png) how do i fix that? Have a line that make the resource to show under player?
  19. I really need someone experimented to help me with that. Its a serious major part of my project, i really need a resource type that we can pass thru like herbs or plants. Ty ! And It will help a lot of pplz too. Thanks in advance, and sorry i made a similar topic about something else, but i was in wrong place, so i make it here. Ty.
  20. ulquial

    Menu Music Problem

    Yes it can play mp3, cuz i play mp3 myself. You just need to add your mp3 in **data files > Music**. And then go to your **config file**, in data files. Where it says ''**menumusic =** '' write the name of your mp3, and add **.mp3** at the end. example: **MenuMusic=skymenu.mp3** Now open your client and enjoy .
  21. Even if you tell me that, i dont know what to do, i dont know a lot about coding, sadly. I can do few stuff, but adding a resource type and use it as resource that is walkable, is rly hard.
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