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  1. Sorry xD I posted it like 2 days ago I didn't realize it was just posted. -Also edited the main post to fit exactly what we need-
  2. Don't take this as flaming, because I like your work. Just some friendly, artist to artist Q&Q. Your gradients seem really flat. A really good rule of thumb is to add a small light source from the bottom of your darker parts. Overall 7/10. I'd work a little more with your styling before you asked for paid works but you're not bad either.
  3. Wow I just got a good laugh off of that one xD Thanks man I appreciate it.
  4. Also *sorry for the double post* my html is configured as such: **News Test** If that has any pertinence,
  5. I attached a screenshot. Thanks for the help thus far guys.
  6. [http://avriellaonline.x10.mx/updates/news.html](http://avriellaonline.x10.mx/updates/news.html)
  7. Hi there! Avriella is looking for someone with knowledge in VB6 to help out with some small features and code edits for the game! Sadly we are unable to pay for work but if there is any services I could offer instead don't hesitate to ask. For more info on the game check out the WIP: [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/135193-avriella-wip/#entry919046](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/135193-avriella-wip/#entry919046) Or the forums: [http://avriellaonline.boards.net](http://avriellaonline.boards.net) (Sorry for the emptiness, they've been opened quite recently and not many people have joined yet.) You can contact me on this thread, by pm, or on the Avriella forums. Thank you for your time. If you would like more info just comment on the thread. -What we need done- - Stat scaling - Buff spells - Small item type edits. That's it!
  8. Hey guys, I'm currently in the process of getting Joyce's autoupdater to work on my project. I have it down but there is just one issue. The updater works, connects to my FTP, gets the updates, installs them and starts the client correctly but seems to have a problem loading my news page? I have news.html in my updates folder on my FTP client and it is linked correctly in the config (case sensitive) but it brings up a "This page could not be found" screen. I tried peeking around in the code but nothing seems out of place (granted i have extremely basic knowledge of programming). If anyone can throw me a suggestion I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! -Solved, keeping up for future reference-
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