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Pedro Karlos

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I once saw a program that compresses an entire folder converting into a single executable, which was cloned when everything was working normally I do not remember the name but it was very useful to me long ago. Does algém you tell me what program was it? Or know any program that has this function?
  2. thank you very much, I'll try here: D
  3. No no my friend, not copyrights. Did aglum program to protect my work, tiles, graphics, sprites, mp3\. A program that compocta entire client folder into a single executable. I appreciate if you can understand and help me. I already had this software once, but I do not remember the name.
  4. Bom dia / tarde pessoal / noite. Alguém pode me dizer como posso proteger o meu design gráfico? Porque eu estou tendo muito trabalho para organizar a minha recursso e até mesmo cria-los bem, e seria muito ruim se alguém roubou :/
  5. Olá, pessoal. Eu queria saber de você o que é o tamanho máximo para os meus mapas, porque eu adoraria trabalhar com mapas grades maiores que posso. Só que cada vez que eu entrar em um grande mapa que leva muito tempo para carregar, alguém pode me dizer qual é o tamanho máximo ideal, ou como fazê-los carregar mais rápido? Grato já, um grande abraço a todos. : D
  6. Well guys, thanks for the replies. A big hug and see you. :D
  7. hey people please give me a light, I am very interested in buying gold license eclipse origins, but I wonder about the real benefits. Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer me. :) Sorry for double post. Please help me.
  8. Hello there, i would like to know something about the Gold edition of Eclipse Origins IV, i would like to know the about the slot limit of quest, items, pets, maps, etc. And if it will continue to get frequent actualizations after the release of EO V?
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