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Everything posted by huynhminhyntd

  1. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10653276_938201559527028_8434288360224465523_n.jpg?oh=778628e46c29d0520783cbfcdfe20c67&oe=54CFE2E9&__gda__=1421339736_a99c7a36d157be9eb3bf0d54b753ed34) I do what you said, but player don't have the door still open
  2. custom version have too many bug, EO 3 have no quest system , eo 4 don't have what i need ….
  3. I want to do this. I have an item (key) in my inventory -> have it I open the door ( everybody comming later can go through that door too) (I mean that door open forever) **And I set page 1 like this** ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10690336_938120866201764_7123167839144695661_n.jpg?oh=e83299379855c1c68e2dfbcbb557fe02&oe=54C37B5B&__gda__=1421560685_8b6dd83e65bede46a33e79ff88ae7937) **Page 2** ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10671440_938120869535097_211888314746711968_n.jpg?oh=49223e7d8a0b242a98ad27b12c5b5f56&oe=54CA540D&__gda__=1417979716_b718fa1fea0e8de9231b5d185f4139dc) **And the result is: no need the key, that door still open. Other way, if i have key in my inventory the system not take my key away.** **And if and set page 1 like this** ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10419480_938122116201639_7318077306505533690_n.jpg?oh=9828deca7ab93eec1d442705a3a0380a&oe=54C12B41&__gda__=1421231304_c40b6af18f0377bb2d4981be4176a335) The Result is: If player don't have a key, the door don't appear. Its mean, player just see a wall without door. Somebody help me ….
  4. if I use gold, can I do it ?
  5. How can i create a NPC attack from far. The character can attack from far with projectiles. But I can;t find a same way for NPC, please help me
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEp7dmr1x14 how can i make this animation slower …. it's too fast
  7. noone, please show me with some picture ….
  8. Please teach me how to make a moving fire like real, thanks
  9. ah, one more question, how can I make a touch with a moving flame on it, I already have a character, but I don't know how to use that =.=
  10. lol, that's my luck, I don't know any code :lol: thanks you, guys!
  11. Gold, Just buy it 1 time with $59.95 and I can use it forever, right ?
  12. ok, thank you, But I have 1 more thing wanna ask. how can add more quest, I see only 5 quest in EO4 …. Please teach me ...
  13. I create a spell name "cure" but it restores only 60 hp, how can i restore more than 60 ? In Spell Editor doesn't have that option!!!
  14. I want it too, somebody help me T^T
  15. And in this window just show only 30 slot, and npc that I set in "NPC editor" didn't display in this window, why? ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10609668_911277388886112_7070427602526363937_n.jpg?oh=d340e683a04043e5819a090eea5018b0&oe=546C4271&__gda__=1415874221_61c04bdb068019724b69bf02b3329e7a)
  16. ![](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/resources/enginescreenshots/9.png) And how can i make this ?
  17. As the title, I got some problem in EO 4 1\. in Attributes -> Shop -> I can't show the character which I already set in NPC, the list just show 30 slot and nothing in that list (The NPC list have 255 slot but didn't show in the shop in attributes) 2\. I wanna create a character can talk and show face in chat window like this, I'm using silver, can I do that? ![](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/resources/enginescreenshots/9.png) 3\. If I use God, can I really change the font to the languge that my country? Thank you
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