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Zachary Herring

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Everything posted by Zachary Herring

  1. he said "I Had to rip my pants off" That's hiliarious idk why but it is
  2. [http://fox8.com/2015/03/02/i-had-to-rip-my-pants-off-man-burned-after-iphone-explodes-in-pocket/](http://fox8.com/2015/03/02/i-had-to-rip-my-pants-off-man-burned-after-iphone-explodes-in-pocket/) Does anyone believe this? I kinda think it's Hiliarious
  3. How much for the source? i see you said you won't give the engine free so i guess you would sell it?
  4. it would be very helpful and beautiful if Eclipse Origins had a Auto Installer say you find a Tutorial of a "Guild System" you copy the link? and it reads where each line needs to go and adds it in Or say you copy and paste each line in it within a variable… either way it would make Eclipse a bright step forward... and plus it would save so much time.. i would even pay $ for it tbh someone is this possible?
  5. **By [Dead Knight Games]** **[Introduction]** Revival of The Dead ROTD is a Forever Free to Play Indie 2D Zombie MMORPG. There are 3 Classes, ConvictSoldierDoctor. Each it's own storyline. Survival of the fittest is the motto for all who play ROTD. Players will be able to freely explore and contribute to the extermination of wandering threats to our planet but little do they know…bigger things lurk in the unknown. With danger around every corner, hunting alone is the most profitable but to each hisher own risk. PvP features are enabled on select maps for players to show off their skills to one another but beware of Looters! Looters are more dangerous than the Dead be it a player or an NPC. Whats a Looter An entity or player that preys on dead bodies for profit. Can you Survive the Unfolding Horror. **[Games Concept]** ****I have become Obsessed, with the Whole "Horror" Genre for a long time. I began brain storming ideas for a Game last December. when suddenly i thought why not Combine Fantasy|Horror in a way no one has thought of. I present to you "Revival of the Dead" [ROTD]…. The Main Goal of Revival of the Dead is to have Player Collaboration. Players will be able to Pick Between 3 Separate Classes. Each Class has its own Starting Theme & Storyline. Players will need to Party up to Defeat Mutinous Bosses of the Undead. Players will be able to Utilize many Passive Skills such as Cooking|Smiting|Smelting|Fishing|Farming Ect. Nano Skills will be Available for purchase by Shops. Nano Skills are Modern Day Spells Class|Level Restricted they are Beneficial to Survival. Players will be able to Participate in Party Dungeons|Instances. Game Updates will be Available in Chapters, Killing other Players will make them drop items in the Inventory. Keeping items in a Bank is a Must if you want to keep them. Players will notice Bosses are easily Startled and will attack with out warning. Find Legendary | Rare Items to become stronger than Normal Players|Npcs. There will be Premium Currency Available through Purchase and Events. Revival of the Dead Is not and will not be a Pay - to - Win Game. Can you Survive the Apocalypse?**** ******[Benefits for Staff]****** *** **- **[GM]** Discount on Premium Currency.** * **- **[GM]** Exclusive Characters.** * **- **[GM]** Over Character's Head.** * **- **[GM]** Only Items|Equipment.** * **- **[GM]** Hosting Event's Privileges. ** * **- **[GM]** Access to Beta Features.** * **- **[GM]** Access to Donator Features.** * **- **[GM]** Access to Staff Only Features.** * **- **[GM]** Access to Staff Features on Forums.** * **- **[GM]** Helping out players in Need.** * **- **[GM]** Name and Rank in Credits.** ****Positions Open** Please keep in Mind i'll be Developing More than the Staff :P * **Developer**: 1/3 [[b]Xenofalcon] * **Programmer**: 0/2 * **Web Developer**: 0/1 * **Graphic Designer**: 1/2 [[b]Seb] * **GFX Artist**: 1/2 [[b]STFLightning] * **Story Writer**: 1/3 [[b]Soreation] * **Mapper**: 0/3 * **Music Artist**: 0/2 * **Moderator**: 0/10 If Interested please, Contact me ASAP. **Sorry for Lack of Graphics still working on that… Hope you all Enjoy the Future of Revival the Dead and Participate
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