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Posts posted by GalacticGlum

  1. Sell? I was never selling anything. I also never used Eclipse Skywyre. Furthermore I have made other custom features. PvP system (I never got to announcing it). Day/Night system and some other ones. I'm not the best programmer and I'm continuously learning. I've learned a lot since April and honestly I'm getting sick and tired of people bashing me and continuously putting me down .
  2. Hello everyone!

    I present to you, my latest project! It's a 3D one too!

    Just like any other profession travelling through the great big oceans is no easy task and it sure as hell doesn't get easier when your ship is lodged into a giant boulder on a uncharted island. You see me and my crew were travelling through the great big Atlantic Ocean! My grandpa used to tell me it's not an easy thing, being a Captain of a ship. He told me that if you didn't plan your voyages carful enough, you could end up rotting dead on the sea floor or better yet on an uncharted island. Here we are now 20 years later, stuck on an uncharted island! All or most of my crew dead. Let's backup a bit. We left on a
  3. New graphics are on the way! The GUI is being worked on (I did post a sneak peak) or is hopefully done. CMFiend420 has not contacted me yet. I'm finding a mapper and as for the features, I'm adding much more. I haven't touched TFH in over a month now and I am still transferring it from my old computer. A new Unity3D version of TFH is in the works but is no where complete. Thanks for your advice. Also by the way I don't plan on making my game in Eclipse much longer. Here is a picture of the new tilesets I'm using, they are the Opengameart LPC tilesets!

  4. Unity.
    The Unity version is still in the works though, overtime the game will be updated to the Unity version. The VB version is what I'm really developing right now! and get ready for some new content announcements as well as a official BETA release :D
  5. Honestly, in my opinion don't even use Eclipse anymore, don't use Visual Basic! It's a great programming language but it's not really cut out for online games. Eclipse used to be a top-notch awesome kickass ORPG engine, but now flash into summer of 2015 you have so MANY other choices like Unity, Unreal, etc… or even build your own in-house engine using a better language like C# or Java. It is not the look of Eclipse that is bad, it's the programming language. If you want to make a topdown 2D ORPG. Great! but use a different language, code your own language or port Eclipse to C#.
  6. You can read this on the official Stomp! 2D site too!


    Hello everybody!

    I never actually got to release Stomp! 2D Barebones and that is because, Stomp! 2D Premier is in the works and is actually pretty far into development. I can't show any screenshots at this time because it looks ugly but it is coming together.


    Stomp! 2D Premier Information!

    It's scripting languages will be lua but I intend to make a custom scripting language that is similar to visual basic for a easier scripting experience.

    Stomp! 2D Premier is made in Java and I'm looking for other Java developers that are willing to help develop this engine.

    I plan to release a development build of Stomp! 2D Premier somewhere around August but screenshots will be posted in approximately two weeks after I clean up the GUI.

    The GUI of the engine will be somewhat similar to Unity. There will be a level editor tab, a game preview tab, a properties tab, asset tab, console tab, etc... and all of this will be dockable to where ever you want it to be inside the engine. There will be multiple themes. Dark, Bright, and more to come. There will be a built in code editor with syntax highlighting and all that jazz!

    If you would like to suggest a feature go ahead!
  7. Hey!

    I like your talent tree system and all! Don't get me wrong it's great but I'll be honest with you and everyone else, I don't think Eclipse is worth paying for. I've moved on and I plan on making "The Five Heroes" in Unity, it might not be multi player but it sure beats Eclipse. I'm not saying Eclipse is bad, I'm saying that it's time to move on. Keep working on Eclipse and keep making games with it but don't buy stuff for it. I'd rather use that money towards Unity assets, etc… because let's be honest. Eclipse is outdated. It's a great engine, a wonderful engine but an outdated one at that!
  8. You can use he Project Cubed engine or Project Vertigo Origins or you can use my soon to be released Java 2D singleplayer sidescroller engine called Stomp! 2D
  9. Hey guys!

    I will now be streaming daily of who knows what! I'll usually do programming/game development and I'll stream some gaming videos!

    Check me out!

    My streaming schedule

    Please note that I will not always follow this schedule.

    Monday: 7 PM EST - 9 PM EST
    Tuesday: 7 PM EST - 10 PM EST
    Wednesday: 7 PM EST - 10 PM EST
    Thursday: Times vary!
    Friday: 7 PM EST - 11 PM EST or 12 AM EST
    Saturday: 2 PM EST - 7 PM EST
    Sunday: – Will find times for this one soon!

  10. Thanks for everyone's advice but the first and current versions will be made in Java, I do plan to make different versions for different languages. (i.e C#.NET XNA, VB.NET, HTML 5). Although for now it's Java. Keep in mind not only will the Stomp! engine be a awesome engine, :D it will also come bundled with free to use, copyright safe resources (around 500 resources, that number will grow) made by me and other people willing to donate their resources or willing to make. Keep in mind the resources will only be available when the release version comes out (the release version is version 1.0.0).
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