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Everything posted by LostSoulFly

  1. @'death2allmike': > btw its a simple bug, when your on the horse and facing down link appears to be standing on epona instand of riding her… Thats the only error I have on the new updates. > oh and btw how can I code the source without it saying you need to update your client????? I wanna increase players, Player speed... I know how but it won't let the new complied client work properly... keeps saying you need to update I don't see anything in the client source code about "update your client." What is the exact message? You should search through the client for that message and see what is causing it. If you change the version of the client or the server the client will not be allowed to connect unless it has the same version as the server. As for the issue with link and epona, I don't know the best way to fix it. Probably what needs to happen is the blt order needs to be fixed when facing downward. It's probably a simple fix but I don't have the client on my computer anymore as I've stopped working on it. And as far as changing the number of players, it's possible.. but a lot of work. You would need to increase the number of NPCs allowed on maps on both the client and server as well as the number of player slots available on the server. The maps are really too small for that number of players, so you may want to consider a different engine with more capabilities. I made the Hub system as a simple way for everyone to still be table to talk to each other.
  2. @'death2allmike': > I found how to max the players, But i'm just use your hub system, But can you please fix this error! [CLICK HERE FOR THE PICTURE OF THE BUG](http://i84.servimg.com/u/f84/19/40/59/17/screen11.jpg) What's the error? If it isn't a big one I might be able to help, but people have been taking all of my work and profiting off of it so I won't be releasing any more big updates to the public unfortunately.
  3. Another update to the client which fixes some stuff. > Minimap fixes. With a slow CPU it would get bogged down drawing the > minimap over and over. There is now two solutions, a simple Do Events to > prevent it from becoming unresponsive, and the MinimapBltElse options > type, which forgoes blting blank tiles on the minimap increasing it's > speed substantially.. > > Also fixed launching with the launcher. Sometimes the translation file > paths would not be set and a file path error would occur. > > Translate the PK "Points" currency names. > > Add /minimap commands to enable minimap fix and turn minimap on/off. > > Name positioning tweaks. > > Tiny changes to increase graphics rendering speeds. Mostly related to > minimap. Download: https://github.com/LostSoulFly/Zelda-Golden-Kingdom/ My servers are still up and running smoothly, and I've been talking with Dace about possibly re-opening and hosting it again. Dace continues to map and add content :) So stay tuned!
  4. @'adiif1': > Is it possible to connect all servers in 1? so that the players see on 2 hub even though they are on different ports? I'm not sure I understand your question, but I'm sure it's possible.. it would probably just require a lot of work. Most MMORPG servers are split into many smaller servers. Usually, an individual server would be in control of one Zone or Map. This isn't necessary with this game as each map isn't very large and that would be silly. There are other ways the servers could be separate and work together but it's not really a good idea. Syncing map NPCs/items/resources across two servers on the same map wouldn't be easy.
  5. Hey friend, it looks like that's an issue with your VB6\. It's not finding the text property which is built in.. nothing I can think to do. Check your project references?
  6. @'sephiroth976': > Ive been a bit busy lately so i havent had time to try this yet, il give it a try tonight or tomorrow probably, the desync problem seems to be more of a delay problem, the character freezes in place then after a while starts walking in the pattern the player has moved, wouldnt is be possible to just update the characters position to its real position every time you attack or just every few seconds? it might not fix the desync but it would at least be better then it is. > > I dunno if its better or fixed in this version yet tho since like i said i have yet to try it out, but its just a thought. It is possible, but that also would cause people to jump around the map if they're movement is slightly behind. The whole point of the system they implemented was to give the characters a smooth flowing movement. But yes, that would probably be fairly easy to implement, depending on how you wanted to do it. If you did it on every attack, that's a lot of extra packets and wasted server processing and bandwidth. I haven't encountered the issue again, but there is a strange issue where the camera jumps up and down occasionally, and I suspect it might be caused by my fix, but it's quite rare so I'm not worried by it.
  7. @'sephiroth976': > The desync problem seems to have been fixed in the little testing i had but the game keeps crashing at random when you teleport now with this error http://i.imgur.com/2kdLpzQ.png > > Im guessing what you did to fix the desync issues caused an issue with teleporting > > -REMOVED ALL THE EDITS- > > None of the things i thought it was seems to be it.. i cant figure this out for the life of me.. first it seemed to be random.. then it seemed like it had to do with translations and now it seems to happen when i turn music on.. something screwed up some files on my computer when i logged into the new version i downloaded from github and il just continue trying to figure out what for a while.. it has the same effect on my old version now so im completely stumped at the moment > > LAST EDIT: Sorry about all that, i figured it out the path to certain songs were too long and it crashed the game, it was completely my own fault, although its kind of annoying that the path can be too long like that, but anyway, sorry :P wasnt your fault at all, but the desync seems to still be an issue tho now that ive finally got the thing up again after derping around with this for so long https://github.com/LostSoulFly/Zelda-Golden-Kingdom/tree/Testing Okay. I made a few more changes. It's also very easy to make this happen simply by freezing the game's window by clicking and holding on the window title bar and moving the window around for a bit. Because this causes the game to stop processing things, things get out of sync. I did a big test with the server/hub today: ![](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4275989/misc/pics/temp/hubtest.JPG) I have 5 computers, so I set each one up to connect with several accounts at the same time and everything performed wonderfully. Each server could definitely handle triple or more players, but then things would get a bit crowded. Note: This is 82 "players" connected and moving/attacking at the same time. If you launch the Client with the -wtf 1 switch, they will move about randomly and attack stuff. > Fix an issue with the server being full. Added a bunch of Hub features! > Now maps/items/pets/spells/etc are synced between servers! (Not > extensively tested, but seems to work great!) Weather is synced now, > too. And you can choose to only sync one server's weather changes with > every other server. Global messages for player deaths. Log player > deaths. And the best news for everyone, really is in here: > Fix an issue with the server being full. Enable Debug logging of errors > for the time being. Translate some more stuff! I believe that I've > translated all of the descriptions for items/spells, so it should run > better for everyone with less translating in the background! I've run a _lot_ more through the translator, so most of the game should be translated now. Item and spell descriptions included. You just need to use the new translation files from GitHub. Test this one and let me know how things work. Also if you want to use the Hub, it has to be enabled with command line switches: ``` strSplit = Split(Command, " ") If (UBound(strSplit)) Mod 2 > 0 Then For i = 0 To UBound(strSplit) Step 2 Select Case LCase$(strSplit(i)) Case Is = "-port" Options.OverridePort = CLng(strSplit(i + 1)) TextAdd "Server OverridePort: " & Options.OverridePort Case Is = "-troll" frmServer.chkTroll.Value = val(strSplit(i + 1)) Case Is = "-hub" 'anything above 0 will enable it. useHubServer = IIf(val(strSplit(i + 1)), True, False) Case Is = "-lock" 'anything above 0 will enable it. usePlayerLock = IIf(val(strSplit(i + 1)), True, False) End Select Next End If ``` You need to put a number after each switch, as it's split by spaces and if the commands are not even, it won't work. Like so: server.exe -lock 1 -port 9000 -hub 1 Would use AccountLocking, listen on port 9000, and connect to the Hub on the same machine.
  8. @'sephiroth976': > Well if you find a solution to the desync problems, it would be cool if you could let me know or post about it here on how to deal with it :P when you start playing a lot with people you notice it a lot more, ive been playing for days now with a friend and were at like level 50, it desyncs on almost every single map, we use skype so i guess its more easy to notice this way. I spent some time figuring out the desync issue today. Here's my guess. It looks like the client sends the server it's direction and the server sends that direction to all players on the map. If a player is actively moving already based on the 'Lag processing' implemented in the client, this will cause the person to change directions at an unexpected time. When this happens, the player is forever stuck in place until maps are changed. I've uploaded a test version with some debug stuff here: https://github.com/LostSoulFly/Zelda-Golden-Kingdom/tree/Testing I wouldn't use it for a public server, but hopefully it will work. I haven't tested it much yet. Will do more tomorrow probably. Edit: It's also very difficult for me to replicate this on my home network. I'm guessing the latency of the server being remotely hosted will exacerbate this bug. Edit: I made a few small changes again. It seems to work good for me, I haven't had the issue come back up in my quick testing.
  9. @'sephiroth976': > Havent been able to test it too much yet but it seems the crash fix is working, il let you know more a little later when ive had the time to test it :P > > The desync seems to mostly happen if one player attacks plants and stuff, like the character wont move right and its like it will be stuck between 2 tiles, a good way to test it is to just have 2 games open and use one to break a bunch of plants as fast as possible and look at the other game, i guess theres a chance it could be my network but i honestly dont know. > > I dont have the programing skills to translate all the text that way :P wish i did but its not.. too bad.. i mean it will only lag the first time a player looks at an item that hasnt been translated, but im worried if theres a lot of players on at the same time doing it, it might cause some serious server lag. > > EDIT: > Been playing for hours and hours today, no server crashes whatsoever! I did however discover a couple of very minor bugs, you cant create guilds, it will say invalid name no matter what you type, and you cant remove pets, if you hit the abandon button in the pet stats it does nothing. Good to hear about the fix. I was able to desync my character one time the way you mentioned, but I'm not able to reproduce it while I'm connected to the server on my own machine. I'll have to work on that at work while I'm running a server at home. When the client is translating text, it does not lag the server.. just the client. So, the first time a player looks at an item and the translation isn't in the database, it will only have to translate the description. (It used to be much worse until I translated all of the item names and included them) Only when the server has to translate something will it lag for everyone, but most of the things the server needs to translate are already done and included in the translation files. I've also fixed the guild issue and pet issue, though they have not been uploaded as I've made quite a few changes to my source. If I do release a new update it won't be for a while. You can fix the guild creation by finding, in the source for the server, something dim "Dim N as string * 1" and just remove the "* 1". The Pet issues are due to things being translated, and are easy enough to fix as the game expects the original label caption to be in Spanish but, since it's in English, it doesn't fire the events that it's supposed to. Other bugs reported: Something in Goron Shelter? [Ikana graveyard] (490) X: 12 Y: 30 Report: skill or items in f10 dosent work [Gerudo fortress] (300) X: 6 Y: 12 Report: leevers are too fast they are in desert spirit temple and great bay [Gerudo fortress] (308) X: 16 Y: 24 Report: gerudo fortress key 2 is missing and theres 2 chests that spawn gerudo key 5 Some of Dodongo Caverns, and the boss seems to be cut off from the rest of the game Messed up tiles in certain areas (I don't have a list) Things I'd like to fix/add: All of the 'Sea' maps are unused. They are created and some even have islands, but they are not accessible to the game. You can even boat around them! There are a few cloud maps near the high map numbers that were never finished. It looks like they were making a new area but never finished. My changes recently: Newer: ![](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4275989/misc/pics/temp/2.JPG) Older screenshot: ![](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4275989/misc/pics/temp/1.JPG) Essentially I've created a "Hub" that the servers connect to at startup and can communicate with. I've only implemented a few features like shutting down all connected servers and broadcasting global messages across all connected servers, but there are so many possibilities. There could be a PvP only server where nowhere is safe, there could be an admin-only server for editing maps, weather could be synced across all servers, server-hopping is probably fairly easy to implement. From there you could have certain maps running on certain servers only.. and if a server crashes the player could be loaded onto a different server instead of being unable to play. I've also implemented a simple "account locking" feature that locks accounts when they're in use by writing a file to a folder and all servers check this file before allowing a login and deleting the file when they've logged out. I will probably also implement a second version that uses the Hub instead of files for locking accounts, but the Hub is not really being utilized by much at this point.. The hub could also be used to load and save player accounts instead of each server doing it on their own, etc… But I'm not going to spend a too awful much of my time writing complicated features that won't ever be used. At this point I just waste time on this project while I'm at work and none of the systems I'm responsible for are down. (I'm an IT guy for a Ford dealership) So it's a fun distraction that makes my days go by a bit quicker. :)
  10. @'sephiroth976': > @'LostSoulFly': > > > @'sephiroth976': > > > > > Thanks, the source works from your download :P no idea why it doesnt work when i download it from github > > > > > > Also are we allowed to add to the game / edit it and host our own public servers? > > > > Of course. The source was released by the original developers and I'm just adding to it. > > > > If you add or change anything I do recommend that you share your changes with everyone, though! > > Im kinda toying with the idea of opening a public english server for this.. but theres a few things im curious about. > > I noticed it freezes and lags a bit when you view an item or a new type of text for the first time, which i assume is because it tries to translate it for the first time and then saves it to a file for future reference, so i was wondering if there isnt a way to just force it to translate every single line text in the game at once and then have a finished translated file in the game rather then have it translate as it goes.. my solution at the moment is to just play through as much of the game as possible to have it translate it before i open a real server :P > > Also, the server seems to randomly crash once in a while, and it seems to be very random.. for example, i went to the castle town and attacked a guard, i got killed and the server gave this error and closed: http://i.imgur.com/FBqFAIQ.png > > Its happened at other points too but i havent really been able to recreate most of them.. but the guard in the castle town map seems to be something that keeps doing it. > > EDIT: This is actually a lot more glitchy then i thought.. it stops updating the position of other players at random and makes it so they run around the wrong place or not move at all, the server also keeps giving the error, im play testing it right now with a couple of friends. I believe that error was caused by one of my pet changes, and I believe that I resolved it this morning. (I updated GitHub) I don't know about the other issues you're experiencing. I've only had a few people on at a time and haven't run into those issues.. but I do have some known issues that players have reported to me. In order to translate all of the text in the game you'd simply have to pass it all through the translator once. It's not difficult to do, you'd just have to program it. Something easy to do would be to write some code that translates everything on the server once and then edit the translation editor to merge the client and server translation files together. I am working towards opening up a server as well, and I'm putting in a basic version of multi-server support in case it gets too many people too fast :)
  11. @'sephiroth976': > Thanks, the source works from your download :P no idea why it doesnt work when i download it from github > > Also are we allowed to add to the game / edit it and host our own public servers? Of course. The source was released by the original developers and I'm just adding to it. If you add or change anything I do recommend that you share your changes with everyone, though!
  12. @'death2allmike': > LostSoulFly I have two questions for you broski. Is the Shadow temple finsh? And how to get to KingDondgo cause I can't find him I don't know if the Shadow Temple is finished. I haven't been there yet. I found King Dodongo a few days ago in a map that is not connected to anything. Also the dungeon for him seems quite messed up, as if the tileset changed after it was already made. I've put a new version on github with some more fixes, and here's a zip of the repository: http://trollparty.org/zelda/Zelda-The-Golden-Kingdom.rar If your VB is not able to find some files they can simply be added into the project manually. It might take a while, but it works! Other option is to edit the actual file itself if you know why it won't find them (path or some other issue). edit: also, this new update adds spell interruption for movement. So if a character is casting something and they move, it cancels the spell. I may add this to other things soon as well.
  13. @'RecoStar': > I am still getting Run-time Error 429 ActiveX component cant create object. > > I have re-reg both dx7vb.dll and dx8vb.dll in multiple areas from system32, C:\ and zelda folder on desktop to no resolve. This issue happens when I try to open either the server or client.exe. It also seems to happen when I open any .exe from the Zelda folder, such as Transedit,exe or Starter.exe > > I have no idea why this is occurring. Tried it on my laptop and same issue. Tried other engines and work fine, even the original version of this engine I found on a foreign site worked fine. > > Any Idea's? > > Screenshot attached. > > Thanks in advance If it happens on all the programs that the translation DLL is used in.. have you registered that? You will need to do it a different way than usual, though. See the "Starter" section of the first post: > Starter: > > The 'Starter' program should register/create the TLB and run /codebase on the Translation DLL, which should allow you to use the DLL in your projects. > You'll have to run this on each computer that will need it (Including the client's computers.) > but this can be included in your game's launcher/updater. This DLL needs to be registered with the regasm command included with the .net framework and the /codebase switch. The starter program should do that for you (run it as administrator if above Windows XP), but I've incorporated it into my launcher to streamline things.
  14. @'death2allmike': > ok I spawn the pet I change the 4th one to Tael cause im Skull Kid on the engine im running and I just need help on changing the level cap to 100 I try pasting it in option that command u sent but it won't run the server to I deleted that command how do I change the 80 to 100? Ingame or though the files? > > also one last question after u help with the level cap issue, How can you buy a 600Rupee item if the max is 100, ik you added the large wallet item right? Whats the name of it or what number is it? > > Also whats the numb for the large wallet to increase my rupee hold? So I can buy 600rupees items like the horses? How to Tame the pet? 1\. No, you would need to edit the source for the server and client and recompile them both. There is no simple option to change the level maximum, you have to know at least a little bit about visual basic 6. 2\. I think you're confused about where this game comes from. I didn't add any items to this game. I did not create this game. I found it and translated it to english and am fixing and adding things in the source code for fun. I have not played this game past the first dungeon. I actually had to edit the Great Deku Tree's map as I couldn't figure out how to progress otherwise. I've also fixed some puzzles and doors or tiles that my players have had issues with. 3\. I don't know. I haven't gotten a large wallet yet. You can use a command that I wrote to search for items by name, though. From within the game type ``` /cmd finditem wallet ```and it will print out a list of everything with wallet in the name. You can also use ``` /cmd giveitem ```that I wrote to give yourself or others an item. 4\. You tame a pet by targeting it and click the Tame button on the Pet window at the bottom. You can only tame monsters that are pets, and as of right now there is a max of 40 unique pets. I'll probably increase that, though, as I like pets. You also need to have enough "Tame Points" which are determined by your gear and level. This is not a polished version that I would really recommend someone without any programming experience to work with. If you run into problems you should be able to fix them at the source level!
  15. @'death2allmike': > I just paste that in the options.ini right? And does it need to be in the Client Config? > > Also how to use the pet system? I wanna make it where fairies can follow players and stuff that be the iceing on the cake. No, you would need to edit the source for the server and client and recompile them both. You can make a pet out of an NPC from inside the game. I made a fairy pet using the Pet editor ingame. The fairies are around NPC number 340 I believe. Then you just have to spawn one of them on a map and tame it.
  16. @'death2allmike': > @'death2allmike': > > > @'LostSoulFly': > > > > > Not sure what I did, but I'm glad you got it working! > > > > > > I just posted another update on GitHub. To get the most recent source, click "download ZIP" on the right side of the GitHub page. > > > > > > I fixed several issues today and I changed the way pets work. Now they should follow you from map to map! > > > > > > There was an issue loading quests since I added a new string variable to the UDT and it caused issues. I had to re-create the quests in new files so they've been renamed quest2.0-#.dat. The only ones will probably not work! > > > > > > I didn't like how the menus would disappear when clicking on the game screen, so I disabled that as well. My next goal will be to put the pet attack/follow commands in the hotbar. > > > > > > Other issues fixed as well. I'll keep working on it when I can. In the meantime, my server is up :-) > > > > AWESOME BRO! I changed the entry game langauge into English and running a full english server, Its called Legend of Zelda - Temple Of Time! I changed the main menu when the game loads and everything! I'm keeping your team in the credits cause without yall I wouldn't have had the chance to have an awesome Zelda Engine to mess around with and for Fans like me and my Friends. Thank you man!! > > One last question broski! > How to change the Level Max to 100? And I can just simplely add your updates on the engine right? You'd have to edit both the server and the client to bring the max level up to 100\. I can't say for certain, but likely all you would need to edit is ``` Public Const MAX_LEVELS As Long = 80 ``` in both the server and client. The engine should take care of the rest..
  17. Not sure what I did, but I'm glad you got it working! I just posted another update on GitHub. To get the most recent source, click "download ZIP" on the right side of the GitHub page. I fixed several issues today and I changed the way pets work. Now they should follow you from map to map! There was an issue loading quests since I added a new string variable to the UDT and it caused issues. I had to re-create the quests in new files so they've been renamed quest2.0-#.dat. The only ones will probably not work! I didn't like how the menus would disappear when clicking on the game screen, so I disabled that as well. My next goal will be to put the pet attack/follow commands in the hotbar. Other issues fixed as well. I'll keep working on it when I can. In the meantime, my server is up :-)
  18. @'death2allmike': > @'LostSoulFly': > > > @'RecoStar': > > > > > Good stuff! I started to translate the source but you beat me to it with a much better way of doing it! > > > > > > For some reason im getting a RTE 429 when trying to run either server of client. I know this error and have tried to fix with normal process of checking a re-registering dll's but still no joy… > > > > > > both dx7 and dx8 dll are reg'd... aby ideas? > > > > > > thanks > > > > What else can you tell me about the error? can you post a screenshot? does it happen when you compile it yourself? > > > > Also, I've made a lot of changes to how things are translated (like storing a translated name for each UDT that needs it) but I'm trying to iron out some bugs in it. > > Yo man I have a question this Zelda engine it comes with a server and stuff, How can I host my own server so my friends can log on it? I just wanna host my own server on it. I thought thats what the server is included for. But when I try to custom server it saids I need to update and when it goes to update it don't log into the game it shuts the client down completely. How to run my own server? If you're using my launcher it downloads my server's version, which I have changed the versions to match as I release updates. This means that my client version is newer than the server I released. Also I've made several changes that make the older server incompatible with my server's client. I believe you can just use the versions that I have released above, and avoid using the launcher. (as I wrote the launcher for my server specifically, unless you want to change it to match your server) II willbe releasing more of my updates and big fixes soon, I only work on it in my free time while at work :p https://github.com/LostSoulFly/Zelda-Golden-Kingdom I haven't uploaded my most recent changes there yet, but will soon.
  19. @'RecoStar': > Good stuff! I started to translate the source but you beat me to it with a much better way of doing it! > > For some reason im getting a RTE 429 when trying to run either server of client. I know this error and have tried to fix with normal process of checking a re-registering dll's but still no joy… > > both dx7 and dx8 dll are reg'd... aby ideas? > > thanks What else can you tell me about the error? can you post a screenshot? does it happen when you compile it yourself? Also, I've made a lot of changes to how things are translated (like storing a translated name for each UDT that needs it) but I'm trying to iron out some bugs in it.
  20. I've added and updated things again. Here's the source: https://github.com/LostSoulFly/Zelda-Golden-Kingdom Server's still running and fairly active, we have 3 regulars :)
  21. Let me start by saying that I'm a big fan of Zelda. I did not make this game. This game has also been posted several times on these forums. When I saw there was a Zelda game made with Eclipse, and the full source was available, I was super excited. Sadly, it was in Spanish. :( But then I thought to myself.. There are a lot of translation websites out there. How hard would it be to leverage their APIs to translate this (or anything) on the fly? Well, it was more work than I had originally thought. I first had Google Translate in the DLL, but it didn't work well with quotation marks or certain phrases, so I kept looking. Then I found Bing. Then I found Yelp. You must register the C# Gtranslate.DLL in a special way, and the .net Framework is required to be on your computer in order to do so. Please see the Starter section below for details. I didn't want to write the code in VB, as it would have been ugly and a pain in the butt, so I packaged it all together in a C# DLL. (This was my first C# project. Ever. I'm also not a fancy VB programmer. So be nice!) There are 6 parts to this project. **GTranslate DLL/modTranslate**: This was originally just going to support Google, but it expanded as I worked with it. I didn't really plan on releasing it, but it was so much fun working with and experimenting with this that I hope someone else can benefit from my work. It currently supports Google, Bing, and Yandex translation. Google doesn't have "free" translation services, but we use their website and parse the return information anyway. Bing and Yandex both require registration to use, but are free for a certain number of uses. Bing has a 2 million character per month limit! (While I was developing and translating this game, I went through 50,000 characters in a few days, but it was re-translating the same stuff.) And Yandex seems to have 10,000 requests per day, which I've never run into. However, with modTranslate, I wrote a caching system that should hopefully fix those small issues. Actually, the first version just read from/wrote to an ini file with a custom INI module.. which worked for the first phases of testing. But was really slow. So I did some research on how to make it faster and came up with using a Collection. Sadly, I also wanted to load/save it to a file, which meant that it had to store the key as well as the data, so I made it store an array of the key (which I use the MD5 of the original string for.) Now, I got that working and wanted to retain the original text that was translated, so I had to work on that.. and that lead me to making a second collection. Anyway, it performs wonderfully. I also wrote a separate application to read/edit the translation files generated. **Translation Editor**: I wrote this after deciding to use the collections to improve performance. It's not very feature-packed and some things don't work 100% as expected. It was more of a proof of concept, but it does work! It's a little messy, though.. I didn't put much planning into it's design! Sorry! **Client**: The original "The Legend Of Zelda: El Reino Dorado" client has been modified in several different ways. The biggest change is that I added in my Translation DLL and most of the text in the game is translated on-the-fly! (Though some text is translated at the Server level, to make things easier.) Other small changes include WASD controls and more stuff that I can't think of. **Server**: Same as above. It's the mostly-original "The Legend Of Zelda: El Reino Dorado" server, with some changes thrown into it. Biggest is, again, the Translation DLL being used for game text and such. I tried to translate in such a way that wouldn't hinder performance or cause too many translations to be required, and cache as much as possible. I did not get everything translated, but a lot of it! **Starter**: The 'Starter' program should register/create the TLB and run /codebase on the Translation DLL, which should allow you to use the DLL in your projects. You'll have to run this on each computer that will need it (Including the client's computers.) but this can be included in your game's launcher/updater. **Updater**: It's a modified version of: http://www.eclipseorigins.com/thread-8117.html I'll be honest, I don't like this updater. It's poorly built and freezes the app while downloading. It also doesn't check each file for integrity against a hash list. I wrote something that does this for an old game engine called Realm Crafter that used MD5 hashes to download updates, but I couldn't find it so I just grabbed this one. Server: ![](http://i.imgur.com/zUzSPjq.jpg) Client: ![](http://i.imgur.com/dqC2IkG.jpg) ![](http://i.imgur.com/csLmAOB.jpg) Translation Editor: ![](http://i.imgur.com/J6Z1cYn.jpg) Updater: ![](http://i.imgur.com/q3CDS1S.jpg) etc: If you run into problems, refer to this website: http://www.geeksengine.com/article/register-dll.html Bing offers a free tier for their translation API, sign up for the 2 million characters per month plan (free): http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9782667 Regsiter your "app" https://datamarket.azure.com/developer/applications Yandex offers a free translation API as well: http://api.yandex.com/translate/ Now, you can elect to bake your unique keys into the DLL and compile it yourself, or you can simply pass it while calling the functions from your project. It's entirely up to you! In order to use the GTranslate DLL you must reference it, but it must be registered on the system you're using it on first. Call it with BingTranslate("en", "es", "Hola") Or see modTranslate for more examples. Download all projects/files: https://github.com/LostSoulFly/Zelda-Golden-Kingdom Outdated/Old Dowload: https://www.mediafire.com/?u1aap3d5aec7ryz Download just my launcher: Http://trollparty.org/Zelda/Launcher.zip (This will download the game and connect to my test server) Alternatively, if you compile it yourself/run it and connect to TrollParty.org on port 4000. I've just opened a separate server that new accounts are Admins on, simply use port 4001\. I call this a 'Troll' server, as anyone can do anything (Though kicking and banning is disabled!) It amazes me at how much content is in this game. It truly does. I've got a few friends that will play, so I encourage anyone that's interested to join in.
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