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  1. If you have the source just compile the server exe. You'll probably have to do it for he client too.
  2. That's sort of the idea for a little later on down the road, but what button I call it with is not going to matter if the movement doesn't register. I'm using Eclipse Origins 4.2.2\. I haven't been able to find anything in the code resembling an anti hack, but I don't really know where to look for that. I'm thinking I have simply missed some key piece of movement process. The only thing I have done server side is add public constants for Moving_flying and fly_speed. I suspect that I need to add something else server side so it can recognize the movement, though everything I've read on here indicates that movement is all client side. *Edit 2 I went ahead and removed all language preventing hacking on movement. Now when the shift key is down the player moves forward one tile and keeps glitching back to that tile. So we can rule out hacking prevention as a cause. I'll keep messing with it and update if I figure it out. Any more help would be much appreciated. *Final Edit I figured it out. If anyone cares to know how it works I can explain it.
  3. That would probably work , but I really want to introduce a new movement type. So I can build on it and call on it from other places later. specifically once I get this working, I have some ideas for implementing wall running.
  4. My idea is to make it so that when a player reaches a certain agility stat their walking and running speed increase. So I made new public constants(client and server) for a third movement type. Then in the game logic mod - process movement sub I added a case for my movement type. Also in game logic under check movement I edited the code like so. ``` If Not Player(MyIndex).stat(Agility) >= 75 Then If ShiftDown Then Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING Else Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_WALKING End If Else If ShiftDown Then Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_FLYING Else Player(MyIndex).Moving = MOVING_RUNNING End If End If ```It works perfectly except for one problem. When the player lets go of the shift key and tries to move he will immediately appear back where he started running. So my question. Is there some measure in place that prevents players from moving faster than they should, or have I just missed something? Also can someone post a list of the scripting commands? I have found it linked all over the place on here, but it is always 404.
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