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Posts posted by Irij47

  1. I placed my daughter on this and wondering if you thought she was cute if you would be kind enough to vote.. Thanks to everyone who took time if you did ;P

  2. I would like to read up on how to perform 2D rendering in D3D11\. Does anyone know or have any tutorials so I can learn this? I currently use DX9 using the Sprite object to render my textures, but I would like to move up to a newer version, I am just confused because it's different. Besides rendering with a Sprite, I'm sure I need to draw everything on quads and whatnot and I just do not have an understanding on how to even initialize and begin rendering textures. If anyone has any information, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.
  3. Interesting story. However, I do believe the King made a horrible mistake in allowing a stranger into his castle and letting him sleep with his daughter. Why was he washed up on the shore? Was his boat destroyed by Moby Dick or was he an outcast from another land, thrown onto the shore and left to starve due to rape allegations back at home. Which leads back to my main point, the King made a mistake letting him in.

    Secondly, the adventurer or cat is extremely lucky to have lived that much tension of those many milliseconds. I don't think I could have done it myself, which proves im not much of a hero. So at least you have a mentally strong adventurer. Now why is this vengeful God creating the plague? Did mankind wrong him or is he the equivalent of Satan? Just wants to destroy mankind spiritually (or in this case, physically). Therefore is there a good God or Goddess? The Princess is mighty brave to risk her life to travel with this stranger.

    Thirdly, I am really happy to see that the adventurer is receiving a tutorial on controls. Hate to seem him go out of control and back face down on a beach. If the Aunt knows about these spirits, why can't she just go get them and pray to the heart? Also I'm also curious on the breed of this cat because I'm in the market to purchase such an exotic animal. I do hope to play this game in hopes of answering my questions, good work.

    Btw, you should name the princess Diana.
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