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Posts posted by Miharukun

  1. @'TehDoug':

    > **Before editing anything make a backup of the file (easiest way to right click and "Add to NAME.rar")**
    > Go into the client source folder, right click the Client*. VBP and 'open with' notepad, find this line:
    > > Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.**1**#0; MSCOMCTL.OCX
    > ![](http://puu.sh/iDoKz/e85b20c777.png)
    > Change it to
    > > Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.**0**#0; MSCOMCTL.OCX
    > ![](http://puu.sh/iDoIn/e6426ca8e7.png)
    > And do the same in the Server*. vbp
    > *May not be Client or Server, but you get the idea.
    > If this fails, just delete them both and extract them from the .RAR (or the form of back up you used) you made before editing and back to original.

    okay will try  :)
  2. @'Growlith1223':

    > Your error "picture" isn't very helpful, there's a reason it says there's a log within the source files for it… either way, it sounds like you don't have the runtimes, go and install the sp6 runtimes and you should be good, google is your friend for this
    > To answer your question on where that is located
    > You'll want to compile the server after that and replace the executable to make it work though - Joyce

    Already installed sp6 runtimes and still pop up that error message.

    server.vbp error = "Line 561: Class MSComctlLib.ListView of control lvwInfo was not a loaded control class."

    client.vbp error = "Line 1670: Class MSComctlLib.TabStrip of control tabCommands was not a loaded control class.

    Line 3889: Class MSComctlLib.TabStrip of control tabPages was not a loaded control class.
  3. @'Abyss':

    > I guess you have to look for:
    > ```
    > 'Drop inventory items
    > ```
    > and delete everything under that until
    > ```
    >   ' Warp player away
    > ```

    Where is that? server or client.vbp? and in what mod? 
    anyway, why everytime i open visual basic and open the client or server vbp there's always a pop up message say like the picture shown below



    and once i try to edit the Credits, it still the same and nothing changed at all. :(
  4. 1 more question, when i make Bow equipment and set the ammo to 6 and already set the range and projectiles. When i attack, i can't see the projectiles and how to reload lol xD

    * * *

    Any idea with this Ammo thing? because i make a weapon with projectiles and ammo but when i try the projectiles doesn't show up and how to reload? xD
  5. @'Abyss':

    > @'Miharukun':
    > > Idk why everytime i change the "Class Requirement" from Page to Thief it back to Page again :( help me with this problem please.. (sorry for my bad english)
    > >
    > > https://youtu.be/5CCsrLerPrI
    > Hey this one is sort of confusing. But you have to set per class if they are allowed to use it or not! So if you only want a page to use it. Click all other classes and select the 'not allowed to use' checkbox!

    Thanks!! i know how now ^_^ Thanks alot!
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