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Posts posted by Godlord

  1. The Rules for posting in Next Eclipse topic:
    - No flaming.
    - No request of the release date or anything like that, not even ETA.
    - Suggestion are allowed.
    - No Off-Topic (that's for Chit Chat or PM)
    - No forcing to release EE or something like that.
    - No topic hijacking.
    - No s.e.xual content or words.
    - No asking for source code or scripts.
    - No leet.
    - No offensive language.
    - No requesting to be an EE dev.
    - Have respect for other people.

    You are warned. If this happens then you get a warning and your reply CAN be removed.

    If any rules need to be added PM me.

  2. Well this is my question.

    I don't have something like "port forwarding" on http://mydefaultgateway(I am not saying the IP) well I taught I needed to allow my port into my firewall but that doesn't work. Is there another way for me then hamachi?
  3. [http://files.filefront.com//;6448255;;/](http://files.filefront.com//;6448255;;/)

    well you can't read the text because the .avi was fine but too big but here is the text that stands into the notepad. Except TYPE IN CLIENT: /mapeditor

    Welcome to the TE video tutorial made by Godlord.
    This will learn you how to use TE correctly.
    First we start with extracting the files, you can extract files with WinRar (www.winrar.com). This may look diffferent this is WinAce not WinRar ;)
    Then we go into the server we will modify the data.ini
    Now we start up the server.
    The IP is in this case because I am using hamachi. You can download hamachi from www.hamachi.cc
    Hamachi is a program so you don't need to use port forwarding to let other people playing your game.
    The default IP is ;)
    That was hamachi.
    Now we go to the client.
    Now we're gonna to edit info.ini
    We change 4.5 to 4.8 else the client will crash.
    Now we set the IP config right. If you aslo have hamachi then IP will work for you but if you want to let other people play your game then you need to give the IP of www.ipchicken.com or your hamachi IP if you use hamachi.
    We make a new account.
    We login and we make a new character.
    No we go back to the mainmenu and then to the server folder to set our access level.
    Now we join the game.
    That was an error this computer is currently slow because it is running more porgrams then normal ;)
    This can happen my computer is slow this time but also the client & server on one computer is slow loading ;)
    Now we learn how to use the mapeditors and stuff.
    TYPE IN CLIENT: /mapeditor
    Loading takes long :( so here are the other commands to edit your game: /editnpc /edititem /editspell but you also can press the key F1.
    I hope you learned a lot of this.

    Enjoy it. Well if you still have questions about eclipse then ask them into the Question topic there are a lot of eclipers which want to help you ;).

    _**Note:** some parts of the tutorials can be old since this is made in 2006._
  4. Before you post your Question.

    - Check the F.A.Q.
    - Use the Search button located above very above of this forum.
    - Read the guides located at your server, startup your server and click the help tab.

    What to post NOT here for a questions.

    - Run Time errors.
    - Bugs.
    - Paperdoll problems.
    - Scripting.

    There are other sections for those  :wink:.

    What do I need to add into my topic before I post a question.

    - What you did(let's say the story).
    - The question. :p
    - Some screenshot's(you can make them in-game with F11 and F12 out side the game with Prt Scrn and paste them into paint and save as… then upload them to ![](http://www.photobucket.com))
    - eclipse version

    Some rules:

    - No flaming.
    - Please help the people.

    What to do if there is going to start a flaming war or if there is a flaming war busy. Click on the Report to Moderator link or send a PM to a Moderator or Administrator and don't post a reply. The topic will be handled then.

    - Godlord

    This is an Eclipse Question Forum, please keep all questions here Eclipse based or they will be locked.
    - renzozuken2002
  5. _FIRST OFF: If you are not willing to take the time to read this ENTIRE thread, including the replies, then you are not to make a topic in this board.


    I don't care if you're a Moderator, Veteran, or New Member.

    ~Admiral Refuge_


    Don't forget to check the rules for posting in the WIP Board in Section 4 of [http://www.touchofde…ic,12941.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,12941.0.html)

    **The Rules of the ~~Game~~ Board**


    This topic will provide you some rules and information about the board and instead of posting the usual plain and bland topic, it will help you in posting a more successful W.I.P.-topic, which will stay away from the moderators and administrators.

    Before posting a W.I.P.

    It is recommend to get the hang of the Eclipse engine first before even considering posting a W.I.P., try practising mapping, learn how to work with Eclipse and so on. This should be done before even making a game. This work in progress board is not for showing off your practice, there are other boards where you can ask for reviews, criticism, etc. Practising should be done at least a month before even considering a game.

    **Addendum 8/23/09 by Admiral Refuge:** Please be aware (in compliance with the [http://www.touchofde…ic,12941.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,12941.0.html) topic, section "Board Rules", subsection "Work in Progress.") that your game must be made with the Eclipse Engine, if you wish to post it here, or you must get permission from an Administrator.

    Your Game.

    After the practising you might consider starting a game. For this you should plan, draw sketches, work out things and the like. A game should be well-planned, well-defined and well-structured before it is even created.

    You can also draw art, compose music, write stories, etc. as content for in your game. The planning is required for this, so you know what to actually make for your game. I also recommend drawing the maps out on paper or something so you know how your world should be shaped.

    After all the planning and perhaps content creation you can actually start working on the game. You will be translating your plans into a game. You will be making the maps, testing out things and perhaps you'll be writing scripts or altering the source to get some nifty and original features in your game.

    When should you post your W.I.P.?

    It should be done after some planning has been, some sketches have been made and such things. You'll need some stuff for your audience to show, if you have barely anything done then don't post. Your audience likes to see how your game progresses and they'll be expecting more when you have a lot of content already to provide such as screenshots, stories, sketches, maps, features, etc. This will be very important for you game because a well-structured W.I.P.-thread will amaze people and they will remember to play your game once it gets released.

    Tips and tricks.

    Write your topic in formal and proper English. Some people hate to read a text without capitals, punctuation or anything. If English isn't your native language then ask somebody to review it and correct the spelling and grammar mistakes for you.

    Also use paragraphs. It's really annoying to read a wall of text and most users will not do this. Use a subject for each paragraph, talk about features in one and about a story in another.

    Save your screenshots as PNG or JPEG and use spoiler-tags. Do never ever use BMP or TGA to save your screenshots, they are too huge for the internet. I recommend you to use PNG because of the size and the high quality. You can also use JPEG, although not for pixel art because the quality is lower than PNG or BMP. Spoilers-tags are useful because they can hide your screenshots and the topic will not load too slow for most users in that case.

    Bring your users more content every few weeks at least. Give them some updates, some new content to have their eyes on. They'll like it if you do that and they'll be looking forward to your game and its progress.

    Don't spam your W.I.P. in the shoutbox, this is really annoying and if users want to see it then they'll read your thread. Just have patience. This also means you shouldn't bump your topic every hour.


    I hope you gained a lot of information from this topic and that you will use these tips and tricks for your W.I.P.-thread.


  6. I have made some ISO tiles… You may use them but I don't think that the floor tiles are on good format + You need to fix it by yourself... Srry for this...















  7. Ill explain:
    Player A says: A
    Player B says: Alphabet
    Player C says: Greece
    and so on
    The first player says a word…
    then the next player says another word which has some stuff same with the other word.

    another example:
    Player A: Car
    Player B: Grand Prix

    Ok here is the first word: Forest.
  8. If this is the wrong place then please move DO NOT LOCK…

    I saw one time this script on this forum something about how to make a online - offline thingy into a PHP website or something but I can't find it on search can somebody send me this script?
  9. I made a KEY attribute but IDK what it does it only blocky my sprite even if I have the key… Can somebody help me I need something so that when you enter it and you have the item that it will dissapear and then you may pass... and if you don't that it blocks ya...
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