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Posts posted by iSnow

  1. There has been a surge of custom versions mainly thanks to Advanced being such a large choice on eclipse projects and because of the new developer contest. I will say Custom versions should NOT be a huge mess of tutorials without proper optimization and a reason to use it. Eclipse Dawn was popular before it was removed despite being very similar to 2.3 because it had new GUI and optimizations, and the GUI part really got to people next to multiple characters.

    Also, you can't rely on everyone else to add X factor. We waited a long time to see Projectiles and Guilds become publicly available as source tutorials and only now is Eclipse having a Renaissance of new features, developers and systems.
  2. Looking fantastic so far Ertzel. That idea for a link between quests and guilds is a good one, and look into an event to give out a quest by a command, and perhaps a few requirements.

    And I suggestion, for shadow rendering, try to add that, but make it scale based on the NPC size, that would be cool.
  3. I'd have to agree with Stein. Were talking Eclipse here and if we don't keep it simple the work won't have as much attention as it deserves. I know some C# and I wouldn't mind it at all but there are others who would like to see an easier language anyway. And were still talking about a 2D MMO engine and sure, adding particles and shaders and the fancy stuff to a game is a great thing, were not competing with major 3D games and their tech, of course the stuff I mentioned before is also possible in .NET, so keeping it accessible on the current generation is the key.
  4. Take it from someone who has used events extensively.

    A. Using a lot of conditional branches is an absolute clusterfuck for decent quests.

    B. To Eclipse, it makes more sense.

    C. An actual dedicated system is much faster.

    D. An actual log and way of tracking progress is provided.

    I learned this lesson using RPG Maker for years and then trying it out on Eclipse, it's okay, but not practical.
  5. I promised new GUI screenshots, I have one of the new official in-game GUI.

    I will be posting new images in place of the ones with the blue GUI as time goes on but we've acquired new hardware recently which means were adjusting to work on it with Naya. There are also some recent development in the game which could change the project for the better.


    How's it looking?
  6. I THINK there is a button in that error message where if you hit it, Eclipse changes rendering modes. Although I can't remember if that's what happens for the automation error you have there.
  7. > Liked it. But that GUI…
    > The colours dont match the game style.. dunno...

    I've been considering the game's palette for the GUI as well based on this feedback and my own review of it but I'm trying to stay away from a green and generic color palette, at the same time I'll play with new stuff, starting with the in-game screen. I'll show you all how it goes.
  8. The logo isn't even the real one as Juviano is the one behind the official art. I'll remove it, now that I think about it because I'd rather present the actual thing later.

    I've been looking at the GUI myself, I'll probably be dropping the silver gradient background and using an actual background.

    Thanks for the feedback. I've been trying to stay within a certain palette but it does need a bit of work and more detail.
  9. Can't seem to find where this problem would lie.

    So I'm using spells ingame on my 3.0, and I set an animation to play when it hits, but it just doesn't show when I use the spell, it shows my casting animation but not the attack animation. Would this be me in the code?
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