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Posts posted by iSnow

  1. Of course there will be changes, but when you throw a load of MS consumers into a confusion of whether or not certain things work and the idea of making the number one thing MS has centered everything around - the Desktop, just another application on the screen, it's not for everyone anymore.
  2. > Then choose another OS if you don't like the interface , like i said everything changes do you think that in few years later you'll still have the same interface as windows 7 ? no.

    Do you think that people are going to optionally switch if they don't like it? No, MS just likes to push buttons.
  3. Clark, you just pointed out exactly that touch screen is being focused on over what we know as the common computer you and I have today. The fact that people who don't like what Windows 8 has to offer will eventually switch to it doesn't make us wrong, it makes Microsoft a bit of a stick to make everyone accustom to things they never intended in their computer and went to go buy an actual tablet in it's place.
  4. Well I refer to that by not searching images and apps and everything, I just hit one of my handy library shortcuts at the top of my desktop and get the stuff I put in there appearing where I put it and in it's proper order. Searching isn't for a desktop as a primary method of finding things, that's for the internet.
  5. Yeah, but do I need to search it instead of hitting a button and get all my files and folders displayed in a menu that has been a working feature of Windows since it implemented a desktop interface?
  6. That Search thing did turn me off a bit too. I have a neat little thing called 'Libraries' on Windows 7 and shortcuts to them and shortcuts on my nonevasive start menu, that was all the organization I needed.
  7. I personally like my desktop OS to be a desktop and not this screen made for tablets specifically. You know why I love Ubuntu and Fedora's interface? Their apps menus, just fade right in over the desktop and bring up organizable sections. Windows 8 is a huge screen that pops up and the desktop isn't where it focuses anymore, which is more or less not right for desktops and laptops.
  8. I like where this is going more than where I last saw it. But I'd recommend working Projectile weaponry and finishing the particle preview, perhaps working a few back-end gameplay features in over the graphics, because you've covered a lot of what good graphic-centered games need as tools.
  9. Oh of course it is more difficult General, but people talk about switching over to UDP when that's really the only way that works, and clearly such a system would be difficult to accomplish. TCP has worked ever since Eclipse started, we just need to do some streamlining and optimization along the way, Eclopti had already fixed some things that increased CPS I believe.
  10. We could do UDP implementation thing is said developer working on the system would either have to a. work up a code to account for the problems with UDP as the main connection, which can be difficult or b. Use a hybrid TCP/UDP system, which is more feasible.
  11. Your work is jawdropping, and this build is truly the next step forward, bringing Eclipse right back into the leading generation of 2D ORPG Engines, and I congratulate all of your work so far.

    I will most definitely look forward to your future position as Head Developer, Your work has blown me away ever since I saw it.
  12. Look at them in three ways;

    Eclipse Nightly - Base, provides what you need and an understandable base to work off of and add whatever you need.

    Eclipse Advanced - Additions specifically for graphics, if you want systems like quests and stuff, you'll find it a bit more difficult.

    Eclipse Mega - Similar to above but with less of the changes, provides the necessities and not the graphics oriented stuff Advanced has.
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