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Posts posted by iSnow

  1. A game developer should always balance. The levelling of a player usually is based on high value quests and dungeons, so, whatever high points you have in gameplay should be important and relevant to the story or purpose of the player to make a player feel like the level-up was fun and they truly got somewhere in the game. Levelling should never have small amounts of EXP needed either because you should match the story and progression of the game to how much EXP they get.
  2. Logically you would think no. But I mean, when you wake up on saturday's and say you will do something with yourself, your good mood goes to the internet and you accomplish little but you weren't in a bad mood. If your in a good mood, you probably wouldn't notice this, in this simulated feeling of sorts.
  3. Just copy over how classes work and instead of adding all the combat stuff just make it so Races can be chosen as well and then display it on the character panel. it's copying some existing UDTs really for a BASIC one.
  4. > Why do you think that i started Reborn? Becouse i wanted to use CS:DE method of rendering, what is faster and cleaner, and it have alot less code. And CS:DE do not have many unique features. Only NPC spells and Spell Advancement is worth of mentioning (but there is tutorial on this forums for first one, and second can be done only with one sub server side and adding few lines of code ro UDTs). So idk what do you mean by "systems and decent features that CS:DE has" ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

    Because when I saw you wanting to remove Robin's proficiency system and replace the conversation system altogether my palm hit my face. Sure, they are tutorials nowadays but CS:DE really was good to use without it's graphic problems. I'd much rather have my clean CS:DE with no changes other than this and add my own changes now that this pretty much makes EN tutorials work identically.
  5. > This is not real fix. I fixed CS:DE in Eclipse Reborn, becouse its texture loading is alot faster and it isnt using GDI+. Otherwise i will stay with EN
    > One example what is describing what i am trying to say ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

    This is a real fix and possibly better. You know why? Because it restores the stable DX8 functionality EN has and throws it over the systems and decent features that CS:DE has, your Reborn edit is trying to completely restructure the same thing. This allows EN tutorials that requires graphic work to become compatible in CS:DE which is more of an upgrade than any custom version I've seen, because it gives you the engine at a stable state and nothing more.
  6. The only thing I seriously wanted out of Windows 8 was the LIVE functionality. Just saying.

    Also, yeah, 8 seconds to boot probably has something to do with your computer. MOST of us here are clearly talking about upgrading and not buying a new computer with shiny new hardware for Windows 8.
  7. I'd release this just for the source and those little models that are in them, because even without models or something to work with as a base somebody can certainly learn from this tech and modify it. There is a great amount of knowledge to be gained from a DX8 base with 3D written in VB6 in the first place. You can worry about adding models for a demo later if you can provide an actual set of tools with all of those things Eclipse has in that version working with 3D.
  8. So this is the base CS:DE without some of those frontend features it missed in the first place, but is clean and optimised? Huh, I'd take a crack at it, would like to see some further development to a further usable state though.
  9. Eh, the top one has a reflection layer I made for when I put this over a black surface, and the other well I really don't know, just wanted a black shadow effect xD but thanks for the feedback.
  10. So I made some stuff for my sig or whatever, feel free to comment on it as I'd like second opinions. I used my username just for the sake of not having to think about a name.


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