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Everything posted by Aurelijus1

  1. where did you get that 3rd letter is **T**. P.S it's not my fault that you imagined some of bad words.(anyway calling derp, stupid and other almost the same as other insulting words, so start punishing other members) * * * @'Mohenjo: > Aurelijus1, here's a tip, try to solve an issue first, then come here with your attempts, don't be an asshole to people trying to help you. The issue that you need help with could be a lot of things, so just asking why it's there doesn't help. Try telling us when it showed up, what you've tried to fix it, and what line it's putting the error. I gave that line already and I get that error when I added hungry system.
  2. bi**h :D * * * i have no idea what can i do * * * there is lots of same lines but error shows only one
  3. line: ``` For i = 0 To ResourceCache(GetPlayerMap(index)).Resource_Count ```
  4. Crap…When i add this code antivirus start saying that virus detected on launcher.exe...
  5. where can i get information about dx8 buttons ? give my link. * * * douchebag * * * bum i have fixed it MUHAHAHAHA!! :D
  6. I DON'T KNOW DX8 * * * because peoples like you i don't know dx8 basics * * * P.S I DON'T ASKING WHY BUTTONS NOT WORKING. I'AM ASKING HOW TO FIX IT…
  7. So who can tell my how can I make those buttons working?
  8. there is no tiny picture below the buttons it's DX8 NOT DX7 * * * and no matter how I put those buttons in the corner they work perfect, but then I move when further from corner them stops working. **I can change them places with other buttons and they still works the same, if there is tiny buttons below picture, then, then I change them places they should open different gui but they don't. If anyone have suggestion how can i fix it please tell my without calling my derp** * * * @'BeNjO': > Another thread relating to this? no another relate to frmMain
  9. Yes they are inside. Look at this http://snag.gy/Bwcqc.jpg
  10. Why first 4 (case1, case2, case3, case4) not working but other 2 (case5, case6) works fine. I only changed those 4 buttons positions in modGeneral. Code: ``` ' Menu Public Sub Menu_MouseUp() Dim i As Long, X As Long, Y As Long, buffer As clsBuffer ' find out which button we're clicking For i = 1 To 6 X = GUIWindow(GUI_MENU).X + Buttons(i).X Y = GUIWindow(GUI_MENU).Y + Buttons(i).Y ' check if we're on the button If (GlobalX >= X And GlobalX = Y And GlobalY
  11. if I have changed button position i should change something in modinput Public Sub Button_MouseDown() ?
  12. just like i said before frmMain is empty and i want to change buttons positions
  13. my eyes almost blooding from tryings * * * i tried look differences between upper and lower buttons why when i drag upper buttons down they stopped working
  14. BeNjO enough time has passed ?
  15. i had been doing it same as you on DX7
  16. i'll try * * * :/ i don't know how to fix it * * * how can i make that buttons work in other screen places
  17. I have changed button position by modGeneral .X .Y but now when i push on button nothing happens, what should i do now?
  18. there is some people that says that dx7 faster then dx8
  19. Please post your opinions which better DX7 OR DX8 and give its reasons why
  20. @'GalacticGlum': > What do you mean? I think it will help to understand what I mean: [attachment=33]
  21. how can i set right direction of gui to coincide gfx/gui picture if i can't see anything on frmMain?
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