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Posts posted by Colonello

  1. I suggest using Eclipse Origins also. I used to use XW and it was great at the time but it's a pretty dead engine now. Plus with Eclipse the GUI looks so much cleaner, and is a better engine in general.
  2. Hey everyone, i've recently got back in to the MMO making scene. Seeing as how I know 0% VB6 and DX8 i'm going to need some help. Also I am using EO 3.0.

    Custom Things

    - Skill System - Adds skills such as Mining, Woodcutting, Fishing and things that add on to it such as Fletching, Cooking, and Smelting.

    - Resizeable Client/GUI (For example the ability to change it to 1280x720)

    - NPC paperdolls

    Tutorial Things

    - Quest System

    - Hair selection and tint system

    - Checkpoint System

    - Pet System

    - Projectile System

    Other Possible things

    - Debugging the client and server for any existing bugs in 3.0 or any that could happen when adding all of these features.

    Maximum amount of money I can pay

    - $40-60 (Kind of flexible)

    If you can do ANY of the above please contact me. You don't really need to be able to do all of them. Thanks! If interested post below and your cost. If you're not comfortable with that or want to speak to me directly just shoot me a message! You can also add me on Skype if you'd like just actually tell me who it is or I will not accept. Username: (Position filled!)
  3. Hello everyone! Lately my server has really been kind of suffering. I've spent lots of time and money on this thing with little to no player base. The thing is it isn't you average Minecraft server that has little to no effort/customization in it. On this server we have tons of custom Minigames and plugins along with some classic ones that everyone will enjoy.


    - A custom minigame not found on any other server. It basically combines TNT Run and Sky Wars in to one minigame. Four players can play at once and there are multiple maps that have been created.

    - A custom minigame also not found on any other server. The main objective is to knock all of your opponents off the platform. But it's very difficult because instead of one big platform it is multiple platforms with some as small as one block.

    Sky Wars
    - A minigame where you spawn on an island/platform and may use your island (or other peoples) to collect resources to craft armor, tools, weapons, etc. Similar to Survival games the main objective is to be the last man standing and there is also a center chest area.

    Survival Games
    - It is basically the book/movie The Hunger Games remade in MInecraft. We have a few custom maps as well as a RuneScape themed map. The main objective is to be the last man standing.

    - Similar to the COD/Call of Duty game mode Infected at the beginning of each round one person is the Infected. The Infected must go around infecting other players. The main objective is to either be the last man standing or Infected every other player.


    - SImilar to Survival because it is the same thing except with groups/clans. You can construct a base, protect it, and raid other players bases.

    - In PVP you can fight whoever you want for as long as you want. You are able to choose what kit/items you receive before entering the arena.

    Should I post Screenshots? Currently i'm not home but i'm wondering if anyone would be interested.

    IP: Dogminigames.beastnode.net
  4. Often times when I'm searching through the tutorials section while looking for a new feature for game the tutorial will list a version next to the name. Sometimes it'll just say [EO] or list no version next to it. How do I know which version it is for? Or do EO 2 and 2.3 tutorials work with EO 3 also?
  5. I have a quick question ask. If any of you have played the game RuneScape you'll know there are many different skills to master such as mining, woodcutting, cooking etc. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a skill menu and trainable skills? I have absolutely no VB6 skills so if theres a tutorial out there on how to do this please link it. Thanks in advance!
  6. I think the new engine is a great idea. I am personally a mac user and have been using Bootcamp to create my games. It'll be amazing to not have to use my windows portion anymore to develop games. Plus there are tons of people buying Macs every day meaning this new engine can possible double the amount of players a game could get. Also many people prefer Linux over windows so all the Linux users will also be able to play aswell. The webclient is also really amazing, I have quite a few friends who are super afraid of viruses and really don't download anything so the webclient will allow them to play the games I create or even help with them.
  7. I'm trying to run the client of a custom eclipse version that uses dx8\. I've tried multiple clients and they all don't work. I've installed the eclipse runtimes, the dx8 runtimes, I have directx11 installed also. I've also searched the forums with no luck. It would be much appreciated if you helped me solve the problem.
  8. I tryed installing the crystalshire runtime files and restarted the virtual machine and it still didn't work could you provide a link to the others?
  9. Hi im trying to get a copy of directx 8 because whenever I try to run eclipse dragon or eclipse reborn it says I need it but I can't find an installer for windows 7 anywhere. Does anyone have a link or a solution because I have DX11
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