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Everything posted by whittenator25

  1. Okay I got my external IP from ipchicken.com and I put it in the config..but now when I try to log in it says Server seems to be down? I have the 7001 port open aswell on my router…can someone help me fix this?
  2. My data file and eclipse origin files are zipping weird now…any idea?
  3. Alright…well I've been updating my game and sending it all day to my friend using the eclipse file host...but now its not working? It saying Warning: md5_file() [function.md5-file]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/hortonhearsawho/freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/index.php on line 34
  4. Thanks man…I found just deleted the pic face and the pic face code. Now for another question...sorry for all of the questions...but my weapons and armor aren't lining up in my new 6 slot character GUI..How do i get them to line up?
  5. Yeah…when I click help it says The MSDN collection does not exist. Please reinstall MSDN. I have taken screen shots and posted them up top.
  6. Still Permission not granted.
  7. Yeah Im using Win 7\. Yeah I found that out Captain. Thanks though
  8. Okay I found how to do it. But when i try to compile it…it says permission denied?
  9. How do I fix my stats and the pic face within this picture?
  10. Okay forget the post above. That was when I had VB8…I got everything working. But my pictures and stats are overlapping now in the middle of my new gui char. Where do I go to move those around?
  11. Alright im decent with coding and stuff but im a little stuck and I dont want to mess things up. When I get done editing the code I want to and I save. Do I need to delete the old client? or how do I go about that?
  12. What would be the best one, I dont care about a price. Even if it is the most expensive.
  13. Im not finding the function ProtectPlayer( As long)..shortened it up a bit but it looks like to me that it has been change to as interger? is that still the same? will it still work?
  14. Did all of the portforwarding and even did the No-IP but still when i change the IP to my external IP adress it even shuts down the server on me. For some reason at the top of my server it has a weird IP adress that starts with 10.0.0.X
  15. Okay, I did everything that the tutorial said. I got my IP adress form IPChicken, I put it in the config, made my file a zip file and sent it to my friend. I portforwarded TCP 7001\. Now its saying server is currently down? How can I fix this? Ive tried using the no-IP website and it still says that on my end and my friends end.
  16. Alright I have a new partner and I was wondering if he had to download the whole elcipse system too to work on the game with me or can I send him the game and make him an admin and us both work on the game?
  17. Facebook has some big social games on there..if you havent noticed all of them. Of course they are going to have to download it…but there has to be someway to make it an application.
  18. Alright I have a good beta version of my game setup and I want my friends to test…but I want my game to eventually be on facebook so I want to learn how to put it on there now. How would it be possible to put it on facebook and them not have to download the library files? is there anyway I can put the library files into the download page?
  19. @Mr.: > Possible? yes, recommended? No. Why wouldnt you recommend it? Facebook is the best way to advertise and expand your game as it has like 8million people on it.
  20. Just downloaded and my server works great. However, the client opens up with no errors too but everything is jumbled up…and my computer says it had to switch to windows 7 basic to run the program. When i log in the health bar is transparent and everything is overlaping in the middle. Any solutions?
  21. Can you integrate a game on facebook and make some of your items purchasable by facebook credits?
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