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Posts posted by Matt

  1. I just uploaded the whole zip file, instead of using the updater.

    * * *

    Benjo's now hosting the server, as mine was pretty bad.

    If you don't want to re-download the zip file, change the connecting IP to
  2. In 2011, I didn't know how to program, and I was a Runescape fanboy. One thing led to another, and I found myself making a shitty RSPS in EO 2.0\. I never advertised it on Eclipse, and just took it as a learning experience once I actually started to learn how to program.

    That being said, a few other members on this forum recently found out about it, and asked to play it. So, I (tried to) fixed it up a tiny bit so that it's less annoying, and right now, it should be live.

    You can download it using the installer provided here.

    As I am hosting the server myself, please let me know if there's any lag issues. If that's the case, I'll ask Benjo to host it for me.
  3. Pretty much everything has been said. I just want to clarify a few things, and state my perspective.

    I had contacted Link sometime around February because I had developed/was developing a 2D game framework in C#. The purpose of the framework was not intended to go beyond primitive rendering, networking, and audio components. Link offered to pay me to turn the framework into a game engine, and so I'm somewhat confused by your (Link) statement that you were essentially paying me to finish my own work. I do apologize for the misunderstanding.

    My reason for leaving was merely due to a personal issue I have with game development; it tires me. The only reason I ever accepted the position was because there was promise of payment. Jackie and SpiceyWolf were not the first few developers to hop on board. There was another developer who briefly became a part of the team, and then was kicked out by Link. After I had done some work, Link mentioned he found a few developers who were willing to work for free, and that he could no longer pay me. When he explained his reasons, I told him how I felt about game development, and told him to let the two developers join with the promise that I wouldn't have to contribute as much.

    When Jackie and Spicey joined the team, it was right around the start of my exam periods. The Discord meeting we had discussing the future was literally an hour before a final review session I had. I was worried about my exams, and gave myself a week to study prior to each exam I had. This spanned over four weeks. I thought I had stated this several times to the team, but Jackie might have missed it.

    The one thing I didn't want to do to the community was present a bright future full of promise, and not have it work out. I told Link that I really didn't want any publication of what was going on until we had something presentable. When the 'dream team' was assembled, I found myself with a 'developer' title on Eclipse, and even weekly dev log from Chief and Jackie about both projects. I had been gone for nearly a month, and I was really out of the loop. I expressed my discontent for it, but figured it would be okay. But there was internal arguing between staff members, and I had realized that our dev-team wasn't well established. Jackie had gone off and started a map-editor, and we weren't all on the same page on what our goals were. This is largely due to my fault, and I do apologize to Jackie and Spicey for that.

    Furthermore, I'd like to extend my apologies toward the community. You've been an online home for me for the past five years or so, and I have many fond memories talking to its members. Those of you who know me know that I've dedicated a lot of time to this site, and based off of that, I truly thought I would be able to produce an engine for you to use. I failed you on that. Just understand that I just simply no longer find enjoyment from game-development as I once used to.

    I don't want to end my ties with you (Link) on bad terms, so please understand I bear you no ill-will. Leaving the team was entirely to do with me, and little to do with anyone else.
    I wish you and your future team(s) the best with your efforts to rejuvenate the site. I really do hope that future users will find the site as enjoyable as I once did.
  4. So I was at a game jam this past weekend. Development started on Friday at 5pm, and the event officially ended around Sunday 6pm. We had nearly 45 hours for development (we were told to submit our projects at 3pm, and evaluations were started around 3:30). Judges were employees from various companies in game development. The companies were announced, but the only one I picked up was Ubisoft.

    There were 23 teams in sizes varying from 5 to 8 members per team. There were no definite 'winner', but the judge's top three favorite games were announced. Our project was one of the top three. Each winner got a steam game for each members, and one copy of some 3D modeling software per team.

    Our team had 5 members: 1 graphics artist, and 4 programmers.

    The theme we were told to use was 'interference'. We decided to make a tower defense game.

    One of the major criticisms was that our game was not very intuitive at the start. So, here's a brief explanation.

    When enemies walk on a teleport location, they get teleported to their respective exit location.
    Also, purple towers cost 120 and have a range of 2, and blue towers cost 100 and have a range of 1\. Blue towers do more damage, and purple towers do less damage.

    >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/H5M3c0G.png)

    The game should get harder the more you play it as a bandaid solution to "game progression". My team members worked on the scaling for this feature, and forgot to make the difficulty reset when you play again after losing, or stopping the game and re-start it. So if you end up playing it, make sure to restart the application when you want to play again. I'm really sorry about this.
    There's also no stage 2\. Stage 1 is the only playable stage.


    Have fun.
  5. Hello everyone! It's been just about two weeks since I started to work on the engine, and so I figured I'd give you an update on what's been accomplished. I'm right at about stage 2 of the roadmap. The plugin system is, for the mostpart, finished. I will be improving and further expanding on the capabilities of the plugin system as time goes on, but the core framework for it is finished. The engine uses a rendered UI system, and today I finished writing an editor to use on the fly. It helps to be able to do this in real time, as opposed to having to re-load the scene system or even re-start the client. Scene objects can be enabled to be dragged too, which allows for faster positioning. Also - since you pretty much need to hard-code certain properties for UI elements, I wrote some tools that export the existing UI to C# code which can be copy-pasted into the source.

    Large Image:

    >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/3quWD4F.png)

    On a smaller note, the game screen can now be easily resized without affecting GUI functionality. There's a render-size, and a window-size for the client. SFML doesn't really allow you to toggle a render window between windowed and fullscreen, so I'll look for some clean way to implement a toggleable fullscreen option.

    Also, here's a sample plugin that you can make with C#.

    All plugins need to use the IPlugin interface, and for any other desired extended capabilities you simply need to inherit from other relevant interfaces.

    Anyhow, that's all for now. I'll post again when I've got some more updates.
  6. Hello Eclipse Staff!

    Most of you know me, I'm sure. I'm currently a part of the staff team, but I'm undercover. Though I (think) I have access to some staff-only features for moderation, I'll only be using this power to post in the Admin Zone. I've been hired by Link to develop a new engine for the Eclipse community. I've asked Link to keep this information only between the Staff.

    All of this was established last night. As a result, not much has been done thus far.
    A _very_ rough roadmap was made today.

    One thing I want to keep in mind while developing is the audience of users.
    Eclipse Origins was kept alive for so long because of the tutorial support.
    This was a result of many developers making copy-and-paste tutorials for engines.
    The only demographic that this really ever catered to was people who had the VB6 IDE, and who had programming and engine knowledge and familiarity. I want to change that.

    People who wish to make their own personal features for their own game through source-editing will be more than welcome to.
    The engine will be open source, and Visual Studio 2015 Community is available for free from Microsoft's website.

    People who wish to make features for other users can make use of the plugin and scripting system.
    This system makes use of DLL files and Python Script files that users can "plug and play" into their engine.
    This will greatly help users who do not program, as they will not have to even have the IDE installed to modify their engine.

    Python Script files will be used for functionality, and involve how things work.
    DLL files will be used for structure establishment.

    For example, a DLL will be used to declare that players have a "Level" variable, but the Python Script will be able to change it.
    Generally speaking, the DLL's and Scripts will share some common functionality, but generally speaking, it's easier to implement functionality through Script files than through a DLL.

    Though I might have more know-how than a few of you, I'm not against hearing input from any level.
    I look forward to bringing you more updates soon.
  7. Python submission

    >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/PR7ElOE.png)

    from ctypes import windll
    import pyautogui

    dc = windll.user32.GetDC(0)

    while (True):
       color = windll.gdi32.GetPixel(dc, 400, 200)

       if (color == 7002955):

  8. This website clocks response time. I myself average around at about 250ms. But who cares about a human's response time?
    I present a challenge to you to make an application that takes the test. You can use any language you want. Post the **average** response times below!



    1. Slasheree with 33ms average in VB.net
    2. GalacticGlum with 34ms average in C#
    3. Marsh with 47ms average in C++
    4. Matt with 60ms average in C#
    5. Matt with 60ms average in Python

    My submission with a C# application.

    >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/mVkcjmr.png)
  9. I'm glad you found the base-project useful! But I don't really like how you're taking something open source, plopping a simple UI on it, and asking people to pay you to change a few images just because they don't have access to the source. You're more than free to do it though. Also, +1 for copy and pasting my repo's README.
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