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Everything posted by blkcrow

  1. vb6 doesnt support png files. you need to use the alphablend winapi [http://allapi.mentalis.org/apilist/AlphaBlend.shtml](http://allapi.mentalis.org/apilist/AlphaBlend.shtml)
  2. @Erkro1: > BUMP > > This gives me playerlevel * 2 + 1.. -_- ``` ' make sure they're not spending too much If GetPlayerRawStat(index, PointType) - Class(GetPlayerClass(index)).Stat(PointType) >= ((GetPlayerLevel(index) * 2) - 1) - 1 Then PlayerMsg index, "You cannot spend any more points on that stat.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If ```
  3. blkcrow

    PK system

    ``` Public Sub PlayerKiller() if GetPkPoint >= 30 and GetPkPoint < 90 then change name color to white ElseIf GetPkPoint >= 90 and GetPkPoint < 120 then change name color to blue ElseIf GetPkPoint >= 120 then change name color to black End If End Sub ```
  4. [http://visualbasic.freetutes.com/](http://visualbasic.freetutes.com/)
  5. hey guys i am new here and i figured i should post
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