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  1. > ;) > > > > ![](http://imageshack.com/a/img36/9331/uqas.png) Wow that's alot of bluueee. I would recommend not making the florescent blue not so.. bright? Also make the background darker or shaded with greys.
  2. What is your price range? Because that card is complete garbage.
  3. I was depressed for to long to stop giving a crap about my own feelings anymore and I want to help others instead of my own personal needs.
  4. 4 MAX REPEL! ![](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/2d/Dream_Max_Repel_Sprite.png)
  5. I like your work but I would recommend you adding a bit more contrast. Other than that fantastic.
  6. **Lesson**** 1: Plot** Every basic game has a plot. Everyone has to start off with the plot of a game to get anywhere. You need to show what are you doing and why would I consider even doing this. The plot leads a character into a direction (In some cases multiple directions) and advance on to a story. This was always one of my favorite things to do: story structure. And I'm not being sarcastic either! I have been in many writing clubs and even write scripts for video and I get a huge hardon for story structure! Every movie you watch, every book you read, every play you see on a stage- no matter how different they are, their is always one things that holds them together, and that would be story structure. But once creating an outline for a game does one have to feel obligated to use it? Well the short answer is, it's most preferred. Long answer, using this common structural formula: it's the formula that's utilized in nearly each professional novel or film that gets created. So if all types of big budget "things" are created with it, should you also? Now, don’t misunderstand: i’m not expressing that you simply should try this for a better story. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. sensible stories naturally have these structural components, and it works across the board in any quite medium. It got me wondering: do game developers have an understanding of structure? Hopefully your games contain these components, and then my job is to simply assist you acknowledge them for what they are and what they are doing in your game’s story. **Plot Points:** **![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/2db03c37794c9edadaa1aab344639897.gif)** Every story ought to have four primary plot points. Once you recognize what they are, what they'll do, and wherever they'll be placed, it's straightforward to seek them out them. These plot points are the instant in your story that will make _structural anchors_. **To Be Continued**.. when I am not tired.
  7. What is the X, Y of an individual frame? If it's 256x156 that's a bit large in width. If thats the size of the template we need to know the size of the individual frame.
  8. I'm back, I left last year and was on this site for 5 years. Oh well I'm doing GFX and music stuff now. WOOT.
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