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Everything posted by Emy

  1. Emy

    Show player exp

    Well, I searched for it and couldn't find it, so I guess I'll have to add it then. Thanks for your answer though. If someone could give me a hint or anything, that would be lovely.
  2. Emy

    Show player exp

    Hello, I need some help with showing other players exp. I've tried with GetPlayerExp(Index) and it doesn't work (obviously), do I have to add something or is there an easy way? Thanks
  3. I would like to know how to make it update when you're changing maps without closing and reopen it.. Thanks. Edit: Never mind, figured it out. If anyone wants to know, instead of typing the code of the arrow into the form sub, do it in HandlePlayerData in modHandleData :)
  4. Great tutorial, but I found a bug. I only used part one, don't know if that matters, but after equipping an item and dropping it, it's not visible to other clients. Thanks for all the help! Edit: My bad, it wasn't this fix who was the problem, I got it figured out. But still, thanks a lot for this!
  5. Works like a charm, thank you! I got one question though, if you could help me with it. When you make a new character, it starts with no hair, how and what do I change/add so you can't make a char without hair?
  6. Emy

    Problem with commands

    Oh I see, thank you very much Robin, I got it working :cheesy: And lol at my fail, but anyway: ![](http://www.techmixer.com/pic/2007/09/command-and-conquer.jpg)
  7. Emy

    Problem with commands

    Yes, that's not the problem, when I want to send a broadcast with a swedish letter for example, I type in 'ä, it doesn't show. These chat commandos doesn't support these letters, so maybe someone knows how to code it.
  8. Emy

    Problem with commands

    Hello, I need some help with commands (broadcast, emote, whisper and so on) in Eclipse Origins, I'm from Sweden so I have foreign letters in my alphabet (å,ä,ö), it works fine to type these in the regular chat, but it doesn't work with commands and I don't know why 'cause I'm a noob, if anyone wanted to help me with this I would be delighted. Thank you
  9. I've noticed a problem with if you have 12 letters in your username, your password becomes the last letter in you account name and then the regular password. Example, if account name is: "AccountNames" and your password is "Password" the working password will be "sPassword", test it out and see if that's the problem. I don't know how to fix it though, lol.
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