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Posts posted by Gepeto

  1. Nu, upraviť GUI by som zvládol aj ja a to som akosi antitalent na VB6\. ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)

    Ak máš dostatočný kapitál, je lepšie si kúpiť VB6 a väčšinu zo svojich nápadov zrealizuješ aj sám manuálne, keď to pochopil blbec ako ja, tak to nie je ťažké. Je tam Drag and Drop systém. Okrem iného.

    A čo sa týka programovania, to sa dá aj cez net nájsť návody na základné fičury ako Pet system a so on.
  2. > [Jít sem a přejděte na čtvrté stránce](http://http://www.touchofde...-fixed-updater/)
    > Váš vítáme
    > Díky bohu za Google přeložit tak mohl bych moci si to přeložit pro vás

    ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png) I know you mean it well, but it's funny because Google is not good at translating from english to Czech or Slovakia languages because of our wordmorphology. Correctly it should be:

    Vítame Vás,

    Vďaka Bohu za Google, mohol som to teda pre vás preložiť
  3. Viem ale, že v EA, keď som to znížil, tak postava sa levnula na lvl 100 (kvôli testu, stačilo zabiť jednu príšeru, ktorú som na to vytvoril) aj keď limit bol 50 a ešte to vyhodilo error a zhodilo hru ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)
  4. Is there possible way how to add to types of Spell option 'Shapeshifting' and 'Item Creating'?

    'Item Creating' spells might create certain number of certain item and add it to caster's Inventory.

    'Shapeshifting' spells might just change for certain time or toggle character's sprite. If it is possible, also ways to improve or decrease stats while that form and also possiblity to change another player's sprite with these edits for time (e. g. Curse of Cute-embarassed General Pony that will decrease enemy's STR but will improve its speed etc.).
  5. > To nebola otázka ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png) nemóžeš napríklad vybrať Invite a Leave tlačítka z Party okna a dať ich napríklad nad to okno, pretože je to tak spravené.

    O to sa nesnažím. Snažím sa skúsiť, či nie sú nejako divne dané.. Potrebuje prísť na to, ako ich zfunkčniť.. Môže za to to, že som zväčšil tie tlačidlá (upravil som aj hodnoty v kóde, aby tlačidlá sadli) ?
  6. > Nemôžes tie tlačidlá "vybrať" z tých okien.

    To je otázka alebo konštatovanie?

    Ak otázka - no neviem ako. Ak by to bolo možné Drag'n'Drop cestou vo VB6 by som vedel, lenže EA (robil si to ty, nie, mal by si to vedieť ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png) ) je robená viac kódovo a tlačidlá sa dajú presúvať len prepisovaním Sub InitialiseGui ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
  7. Nastal iný problém. Jednak by si to vyžadovalo veľa práce upravovaním všetkých obrázkov do .GIF a druhak niektoré z obrázkov mám v programe pri upravovaní divné a teda ich radšej nechám v .PNG. Vyriešil som to inak. Cez GIMP otvorím .GIF obrázok, uzamknem priesvitné pozadie a uložím do ak.PNG už s priesvitným pozadím, takže už to ide.

    Nastal vÅ¡ak problém z iného súdku. Mierne som posúval okná, aby som to mal usporiadané. Medzi nimi bolo aj okno Party. A teraz mi nefungujú tlačidlá. EÅ¡te idú na Hover obrázok, ale na Click nejdú ani pri klikání. Rovnaké to bolo s Menu tlačidlami. To som opravil tak, že sú síce posunuté, no na X osi sú v rovnakej šírke ako ten panel, na ktorom boli pred posunutím. Akonáhle by bolo tlačidlo mimo panel, akosi už nereaguje na kliknutia. A rovnako to vykeazuje aj pre tlačidlá Invite a Leave. Skúšam ich nejako popresúvaÅ¥ (hoci to dá veľa roboty) a eÅ¡te uvidím…
  8. To mi potom pri hre vyhodí error… Niečo Uncovered.. Alebo čosi.. Znamená to, že potom musím zmeniÅ¥ úplne vÅ¡etky .PNG súbory z pričinka graphics?

    EDIT: Aha, dobre díky za pomoc ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
  9. A nad tým je síce


    Private Sub LoadTextures()

    Dim i As Long

    ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

    If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

    Call CheckGUIs

    Call CheckButtons

    Call CheckButtons_c

    Call CheckButtons_h

    Call CheckTilesets

    Call CheckCharacters

    Call CheckPaperdolls

    Call CheckAnimations

    Call CheckItems

    Call CheckResources

    Call CheckSpellIcons

    Call CheckFaces

    Call CheckFogs

    Call CheckPanoramas

    Call CheckParticles

    Call CheckProjectiles


    lenže tam neviem, čo mám prepísaÅ¥.. Vidím tam ChcekButons…

    Ešte som pod tým našiel samostatný blok, kde je tá cesta a všetko sa to končí GFX_EXT..
  10. Lenže tam je len


    Tex_Shadow.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\shadow.png"

    Tex_Shadow.Texture = NumTextures - 9

    Tex_Fade.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\fader.png"

    Tex_Fade.Texture = NumTextures - 8

    Tex_Weather.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\weather.png"

    Tex_Weather.Texture = NumTextures - 7

    Tex_White.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\white.png"

    Tex_White.Texture = NumTextures - 6

    Tex_Direction.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\direction.png"

    Tex_Direction.Texture = NumTextures - 5

    Tex_Target.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\target.png"

    Tex_Target.Texture = NumTextures - 4

    Tex_Misc.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\misc.png"

    Tex_Misc.Texture = NumTextures - 3

    Tex_Blood.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\blood.png"

    Tex_Blood.Texture = NumTextures - 2

    Tex_Bars.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\bars.png"

    Tex_Bars.Texture = NumTextures - 1

    Tex_Selection.filepath = App.Path & "\data files\graphics\misc\select.png"

    Tex_Selection.Texture = NumTextures


    Nie sú tam tie tlačidlá ./
  11. Mám jednu otázočku - skúšam Eclipse Advanced. Chcel by som použiť obrázok s priesvitným pozadím, no to mi podporuje len .GIF. Avšak obrázky sú vo formáte .PNG. V Eclipse Nightly bolo ľahké nájsť v kóde, kde to káže názov súboru a to stačilo prepísať. Lenže v EA to nemôžem nikde nájsť. Ide o obrázky main tlačidiel (inventár, postava, obchod apod.).
  12. Ad 3D:

    That's the reason why I call it just Idea. I said that I'm not good programmer. I'm just presenting my ideas. If there would be some good programmer interested in doing serious project and would know how to make 3D MMORPG (at least something quite similar to MU or Diablo), I would like to cooperate with him or her. If it wouldn't be successful, it could stay like 2d Eclipse Project. If it would move to 3D, then I would continue to discuss about this in forum "Non-Eclipse Projects".

    Ad Slovak:

    Ja viem ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png) Len som to chcel ukázaÅ¥ takto globálne, preto píšem sem… Ale vďaka za privítanie ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)
  13. > You don't get it don't you? all those start with "K"
    > Their origin lies at continent Kabokh. There lived many years ago race called Kabokfir from kingdom Kabota.
    > And that makes it even more harder to understand and to retain those names, to know who is who and what is what

    Well, I don't know how to explain it.

    Kabokh means "Sowable Fields". Kabokfir means "Men of Kabokh". Kabotan means "Home of Kabokfir". It's like If you'd be wondering why everything starts with E in words Europa, Europeans, Europan ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
  14. Greetings. I have wrong english, so, please, apologize my mistakes. My project hasn't been started yet, because I'd like to now, If it's really worth it. I'm not sure If this could be good 2D or 3D game, If it's good story. I'm not good at graphics, programming etc., I just have a dream about this game. This is not complete story, just example of story of two races. So what's your opinion?



    >! Their origin lies at continent Kabokh. There lived many years ago race called Kabokfir from kingdom Kabotan. It was peaceful race that was sowing their fields and harvesting good food. But then Kuraion surrounded their lands and full of dread, they had to leave their homes. There they divided theirselves. Some of them, led by strong warrior Sharick, decided to hide in forests. Some of them, led by selfish rich Kabokfir named Sarrato, decided to live in the south. And some of them, led by wise Kabokfir named Sensularion, decided to leave Kabokh and find another home.
    >! The ones, who decided to stay in forest called Darkrest (located south of Kabotan), were cursed by Kuraion and turned into humanoid wolves, beasts called Okalls and became thralls of Kuraion. They are still in that forests led by Sharick. The ones, who decided to travel to the south led by Sarrato, started to sow barren lands called Eastwaste (located southeast of Kabotan). Unsuccessfully. They fell to poorness. Sarrato hide into mines where he created his "lair" and made from him following Kabokfirs his thralls and slaves. That gave space to birth thieves and starving homeless.
    >! But the ones, who left Kabokh led by Sensularion, met race called Ceggrains. They were at the Starfall Shore (from their sight, when they lived at Kabotan, when the star falls, it looks like it falls to that shores, that's why they call that shore like that) southeast of Kabotan (north of Eastwaste, east of Darkrest). Ceggrains taught Kabokfirs to build ships. For explanation, Ceggrains are race that like to move from place to place, it was coincidence that few Ceggrains were at that shore after long voyage. And Kabokfirs warned Ceggrains, that Kuraion made from their home Kabotan his own camp for some evil plans. So these Kabokfirs left Kabokh. By the Way - Sensularion is prophet, he had seen Kuraion's arrival in vision and also he had seen that that Ceggrains will be at that shore, that's the reason fo so many coincidences.
    >! After long voyage, they found another continent they named Atharomu. There they started to sow fields and harvest food again. As that old peaceful race, but at another continent. And with ability to build ships, so there appeared harbour as well. They made several changes. Firstly, they called their kingdom New Kabotan. Secondly, they still don't want any king like before, but they chose their representative leader - of course, Sensularion. And thirdly, they strated to think about allies - they realized, that something bad is coming and they will need good friends like Ceggrains. And fourthly, they renamed themselves Senval.
    >! **Starting Location:** New Kabotan, Atharomu
    >! **Leader:** Sensularion, the All-knowing
    >! **Mount:** Ox


    >! There are two versions of their origin. First says, that they are from island Gypland. They prefer this version. They were originally race called Gyps. They have never learnt how to build big castles or houses, how to make smart inventions or powerful weapons. They like to build tents. "Walls are bad," they say. "Hidden into four walls, you can plan dark things and you can do secretly the worst sins." They collect treasures, food, water and wealth. All together. I mean they do it together helping each other. "You are a man, not a god," they say. "You can't own land nor a wealth of nature. You can just make your own stuff." They don't like to live on one place long time. After several days or weeks, they move at least for two miles away. Gypland is not very big island and after some years, they were in too big numbers. They learnt how to build ships and left Gypland. But it's still their home. The ones who hate Ceggrains say that they destroyed their homeland as they do on every land they move to. But that's certainly not the truth.
    >! Another version says, they were created by Kuraion as his voluntary "noble" servants and firstly appeared at Eastwaste before it became waste (they claim Ceggrains are reason why it's now waste). However, once they actually appeared at Eastwaste and from there, they started their big journeys over Kabokh and over seas.
    >! But some Gyps started to like live in stable camps. They still prefer camps more than buildings, but they don't like that still moving. So they are usually stable. Actually, there is almost no big difference between Gyps and Ceggrains, they both like camps and music and are good dancers. But their new official name is Ceggrain.
    >! They were anarchistic, but then they met Senvals and after official alliance, they decided to choose their representative warchief. It's warchief Vaeldur now.
    >! **Starting Location:** Yorunox Woods
    >! **Leader:** Vaeldur, the First Warchief of Ceggrains
    >! **Mount:** Ponyhorse
  15. Is there possible way how to cause that game will be changing while playing? Like it's in WoW. For instance, once there is hole of thrall miners and after some quests (when the story moves as well), they became rebels (because they don't want to be thralls anymore). So the story and the game is changing, but only on few starting maps. Then are all maps same. I know that's too much to do, already now you've done great work, but I would love it. It'd give opinion to make games with better sotry side. It might be connected with Event System.

    But very great work. Good luck with it.

    And name could be Eclipse SUNaH or Eclipse Sun/Eclipse Sunshine ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)

    Also, separating of Classes and Races might be funny. Pets and Mounts as well. I know I want too much. But i would be good, too.
  16. > Eclipse requires VB6\. VS6 is just a suite, really. It's VB6 that you're actually using.

    Yes, that's what I've said - VS6 is complete pack, VB6 is only one program of them that I'm using…
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