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Everything posted by RyokuHasu

  1. no you would put the cap in getplayermaxvital
  2. yes the default is that you can only have one character, however it would require a complicated rewrite of many things to add the ability to have multiple characters.
  3. RyokuHasu

    Eo client

    I'll have you know I have 1% body fat. Now, if you continue your current course of action you will be reported.
  4. RyokuHasu

    Eo client

    @Harris: > Didn't Robin obtain a valid copy? ya that's what i said, EO was made by robin using a Legally obtained copy XD @7804364: > another question, can i amkde a web client for this No.
  5. RyokuHasu

    Eo client

    the software isn't illegal, in fact it was made using a legally obtained copy. I'm just saying most of us got VB6 through illegal means =P Now, either stop being a baby and go look for it, or don't, its up to you.
  6. RyokuHasu

    Eo client

    @7804364: > i cant get vb6 because microsoft does not have it for sale so its impossible for me to get it LIES!!!! It's not impossible, there are plenty of Illegal ways to get it. We just aren't allowed to tell you them. =P
  7. you might have to change it around a bit XD As it is with both level and END as variables, you wont get exactly 999 every single time, so you might want to add a HP cap to it. something like ``` if GetPlayerMaxVital > 999 then GetPlayerMaxVital = 999 End if ```
  8. RyokuHasu

    EO project

    1) you can get just about any basic resource in this Starter kit: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,73932.0.html 2) don't use ** around links P.S. Your mapping looks dreadful.
  9. http://www.spriters-resource.com/ds/pokeheartgoldsoulsilver/ This has everything you need!, but you have to convert then into EO format
  10. RyokuHasu

    Few Questions :)

    1 Depends on how popular you get, it might just me a MORPG, not a MMORPG. but yes it will be multi player if you set it up correctly. 2 any edits to the engine you want to make MUST be done with Visual Basic 6 3 Yes you can, see Number 2 4 See number 2 5 a simple way is to make the data files hidden 6 the back ground must match the top left pixel, so you must leave the top left tile blank 7 yes, but not many have been able to do it, see number 2 and talk to robin
  11. open in VB and try it again, then if it fails, post the line it points to.
  12. ok thanks ill try harder to debug my own work XD Update: Got past your bug and am now working on another bug with equipment ;D Hopfuly Ill have it ready soon
  13. ok tell me where you put the hard coded IP that way I can take another look at it myself XD
  14. hmmm … =/ what side is the error on?
  15. Edited my post… it didn't set the starting character slot for the player on log in XD if thats all my system was missing then that would be kinda funny
  16. i don't think it initialized the player's starting party slot. Look in the player log in sub server side. In sub JoinGame above ``` ' Send some more little goodies, no need to explain thes ```add ``` Player(Index).Current = 1 ```
  17. Sub CheckDoor(ByVal index As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) Dim Door_num As Long Dim i As Long Dim n As Long Dim key As Long Dim tmpIndex As Long If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(x, y).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR Then Door_num = Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(x, y).Data1 If Door_num > 0 Then If Doors(Door_num).DoorType = 0 Then If Player(index).PlayerDoors(Door_num).state = 0 Then If Doors(Door_num).UnlockType = 0 Then For i = 1 To MAX_INV key = GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i) If Doors(Door_num).key = key Then TakeInvItem index, key, 1 Player(index).PlayerDoors(Door_num).state = 1 PlayerMsg index, "You used a key to unlock the door.", BrightBlue SavePlayer index SendPlayerDoors index SendPlayerData index Exit Sub End If Next PlayerMsg index, "You do not have the right key to unlock the door.", BrightBlue ElseIf Doors(Door_num).UnlockType = 1 Then If Doors(Door_num).state = 0 Then PlayerMsg index, "You have not fliped the right switch to unlock this door.", BrightBlue End If ElseIf Doors(Door_num).UnlockType = 2 Then PlayerMsg index, "This door has no lock.", BrightBlue End If Else PlayerMsg index, "This door is already unlocked.", BrightBlue End If ElseIf Doors(Door_num).DoorType = 1 Then If Player(index).PlayerDoors(Door_num).state = 0 Then Player(index).PlayerDoors(Door_num).state = 1 Player(index).PlayerDoors(Doors(Door_num).Switch).state = 1 PlayerMsg index, "You filp the switch on and unlocked a door.", BrightBlue SavePlayer index SendPlayerDoors index SendPlayerData index Else Player(index).PlayerDoors(Door_num).state = 0 Player(index).PlayerDoors(Doors(Door_num).Switch).state = 0 PlayerMsg index, "You filp the switch off and locked a door.", BrightBlue SavePlayer index SendPlayerDoors index SendPlayerData index End If End If End If End If End Sub … Was doing some work to retro fit the Doors to not work with parties
  18. Don't expect much hate from me =D looks nice
  19. No one can really help you without the ability to read the error =/ Open it in VB6 and run it so we can see the line that errors.
  20. Did you install the EO runtimes: http://www.robin.freemmorpgmaker.com/eo_runtimes.zip As for why you cant read the error that's a new one.
  21. This was a simple request over in Q&A. I worked on it and decided to share it. This can easily be modded to work in different ways if you wish. **BOTH client and server** in modTypes In Private Type SpellRec add at the bottom ``` WepReq As Long ``` **Server side** In modCombat in Public Sub BufferSpell Bellow ``` ' Make sure player has the spell If Not HasSpell(index, spellnum) Then Exit Sub ``` add ``` If Spell(spellnum).WepReq 0 Then If Item(Spell(spellnum).WepReq).Type = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Then If Not Spell(spellnum).WepReq = Player(index).Equipment(1) Then PlayerMsg index, "You dont have the right Equipment! (" + Trim$(Item(Spell(spellnum).WepReq).Name) + ")", BrightRed Exit Sub End If End If End If ``` **Client Side** On frmEditor_Spells add a label and a scroll bar as shown ![](http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/7388/gati49ijw5pa6sd5g.jpg) name the scroll bar "scrlWepReq" name the label "lblWepReq" 2x click on the scroll bar and add ``` If scrlWepReq.Value > 0 Then lblWepReq.Caption = "Weapon: " + Item(scrlWepReq.Value).Name Else lblWepReq.Caption = "Weapon: None" End If Spell(EditorIndex).WepReq = scrlWepReq.Value ``` then anywhere in the same form code add ``` Private Sub Form_Load() scrlWepReq.Max = MAX_ITEMS End Sub ``` In modGameEditors in Public Sub SpellEditorInit() under ``` .scrlStun.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).StunDuration ``` add ``` .scrlWepReq.Value = Spell(EditorIndex).WepReq ``` **DONE**
  22. RyokuHasu

    Heal mana

    Why not the alt key or something not used in typing? =D
  23. @Mortal: > :D Only do what you write **and check it 2 times**… TO ALL COPY AND PASTE NOOBS OF EO!!!! TAKE NOTES!
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