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Posts posted by PKDemon


    i found a place that sells windows vps for 8 bucks a week and it got 1gig ram and 500gig bandwidth along with 100mb/s connection

  1. @Joost:

    > There is absolutely 0 security in your code, I can get admin access and remove yours by just sending a few packets to the server. Do a check if the admin access is high enough before setting/removing access, for examples of that just check the security for the other / commands.

    i will look into i am still kinda of new i found this and just started messing with it


    > And do you have a friend called "Not Playing" that you really dislike? Otherwise Im guessing what you're trying to do is
    > ```
    > If IsPlaying(name)=false then exit function
    > ```

    idk i just copied the code from the right click menu on the server and put in the function to be able to use it
  2. i know this is an old post but i found it and was messing around with it and started making commands with it

    i have made 2 so far

    one for making admin and the other removing admin

    but plan on making one later on

    but here is what i done

    after u replace the code in the first post

    ok u need to add this code in above the Select Case (txtChat.text)

    Dim Func As String
            If InStr(txtChat.Text, ":") Then
            Func = Split(txtChat.Text, ":")(1)
            End If 

    to explain the above code what it does is split the command from the name example admin:Jimmy

    it will split admin and Jimmy

    then it will be used in the select case statement which will allow the commands to work right

    you can change the ":" to anything u want but if you change it in the above code you will have to change it in the
    command code to

    find this
    Case "cls", "clear":
                    txtText.Text = ""
                    txtChat.Text = vbNullString

    add this after
    Case "adm:" & Func, "admin:" & Func:
                    MakeAdmin (Func)
                    txtChat.Text = vbNullString
    Case "radm:" & Func, "radmin:" & Func:
                    RemoveAdmin (Func)
                    txtChat.Text = vbNullString

    ok and the last part i done was made two functions for the commands which will go above (that is where i put them but u can place then anywhere in the code) the Private Sub txtChat_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

    Function MakeAdmin(Name As String)
        If Not Name = "Not Playing" Then
            Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Name), 4)
            Call SendPlayerData(FindPlayer(Name))
            Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(Name), "You have been granted administrator access.", BrightCyan)
        End If
    End Function

    Function RemoveAdmin(Name As String)
        If Not Name = "Not Playing" Then
            Call SetPlayerAccess(FindPlayer(Name), 0)
            Call SendPlayerData(FindPlayer(Name))
            Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(Name), "You have had your administrator access revoked.", BrightRed)
        End If
    End Function

    if u find any bugs in the code please let me know and i will fix them as fast as i can :)
  3. well i know there is another 2g engine out there that does i am trying to do on this engine but i dont like the other enigine so i guess i will keep trying and trying until i get it to work i guess or someone else figures it out
  4. @[rose:

    > link=topic=79593.msg853673#msg853673 date=1335228823]
    > Why're you using a PHP script in EO?
    > EO utilizes a byte packet array system. If you follow the patterns used in modClientTCP, modHandleData, modEnumerations and modServerTCP you'll find a grand example of how packets work in EO.
    > You use an instance of the buffer class, which can be found in each project (client and server) and write your data. Then the recipient handles that data through the modHandleData procedures.
    > In this case, you'd have something trigger the packet to be sent, maybe the client loading the GUI, and it'll send the packet you've written in modClientTCP, say you named it GetPlayersOnline, and then when the Server received this packet with modHandleData.
    > It would then process the received information through a defined procedure in that module, and in turn send another packet with ServerTCP that returns the requested information, which once again, is then handled by the module modHandleData by the Client.
    > The client then uses its handling code written in that module, to receive the information sent by the server.
    > The tutorial provided above shows all this and more.

    what i mean by using php is

    sending a command to the server say like "getnames" to the server using php and then when the server gets that command it will then get all the names of the players that are online (if any) and then send that information back to the php script which in return will display it on the website
  5. i will look through the post and see what i can come up with but what i am having problems with is that how i send the command from a php script to the server and then the server send the info back to the script to display it
  6. i have been looking throw the code and trying to learn how everything is done but there is one thing that i would like to add but my knowledge with EO is limited

    i am trying to make a packet where u can send a command through like php to be able to display the total people online (in a number) and another one to list all the character names that is online

    i have been trying but all i have came up with is this little bit of code and dont even know if it will work

    only thing i can figure out is how to set it up when i send the command to the server how to send the data back to whatever sent the command

    but here is what little bit of code i have came up with


    If IsLoggedIn = True Then

    If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 9 Then

    s = s & "**" & GetPlayerName(index) & "**"


    s = s & GetPlayerName(index)

    End If

    End If

  7. @Anosora:

    > Epic i'm going to vote for you!

    as i said before i am not a graphics person i totally suck at it haha

    but if i was to practice i would get better

    and never actual done or seen pixel art done before i just done it for the contest LOL
  8. i was wanting to know if it would be possible to code a system for like the armor and weapons where u can buy say like a +1 stone ect. and then apply it to either a weapon or piece of armor and make it +1 and then add a certain amount of attack if it a weapon and a certain amount of defense if it is armor and the higher the + the more it adds
  9. i have just started getting into the mmorpg thing and found this on google and i have been looking through the source for the server and the client i know vb6 some what good and i was wondering how hard it would be for someone new to the source code to be able to add in a couple commands into the server where you can call certain things using php ?

    the certain things would be like:

    List of character names that are online

    Number of characters online

    Maybe the total account of accounts that are made on the server
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