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Everything posted by momoelz

  1. momoelz

    Centralising Map

    from : http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/7239/39299621.png to: http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/5093/hp1i.png The white symbolizes the Map area
  2. momoelz

    Centralising Map

    How can i Make the Map in the Middle when its not as big as the screen I mean that its not display in the right bottom corner but in the middle?
  3. momoelz


    No answer? Should I consider this as impossible xD?
  4. The easiest way would be making it for N900 which is the only mobile using lunix right now imo its the best except that its already old and has not many highend features xD compared to others
  5. momoelz


    thats not what i wanted; i want to make an own "Database" which stores extra data
  6. momoelz


    How do the Databases works for resources or for Items? How can I add an new one?
  7. momoelz


    well if you got the client sourcecode than it shouldn't be hard or? anyways is there a way to "compile" the client?
  8. momoelz

    Little Question

    oki thx a lot in php it would be a lot simplier xD
  9. momoelz


    good to know; but what about changing packets? wont this affect the server? There was an little tool to modify packets sent by the client dun remmber now xD
  10. momoelz


    means server can be "hacked"
  11. momoelz

    Little Question

    For that little question I have to make a post lol anyways I am amateur in vb but how do i convert 12354,58469 to 12354 ? without commas after it?
  12. momoelz


    nvm found what I was looking for its the server loop i guess
  13. momoelz


    soemthing thats running every second? or what gets the npcs to walk?
  14. momoelz


    a tick thats running all time for players and npcs?
  15. momoelz


    What are the Timers for Players and for NPCs?
  16. momoelz

    Map title

    I know its source edit … what i want to know is how/where ok i found out how the Map Title = Name is displayed on the top well not understanding it fully but the question is how to add now a background to it?
  17. momoelz


    sry soloved the problem by compiling server and clinet xD lol but got other question? When a client sends a wrong packet will the server crash?
  18. momoelz

    Map title

    ok thx a lot, any idea of the other thing?
  19. momoelz

    Map title

    How can I add picture backgrounds to the map title? And if its possible can I also display X/Y Coords of the character?
  20. momoelz


    Hi, I have played around in EO and started making a Turn Based Battle System and had to face some probelems; Problem Number 1: the Character xD How can I make it unable to move anytime I want? Problem Number 2: I have manged to get battles when going on special area but when i try to get the not friendly NPC to a Battle it dun work?
  21. momoelz

    Lua in Ecplise

    its just an suggestion, but what i mean is not to make it totaly in lua but implant it. like that Scripts are loaded dynamic from Lua and can be updated anytime something like this and not recompile to update
  22. momoelz

    Lua in Ecplise

    Why don't you add Lua for scripting ? Its a lot easier than VB xD
  23. I made them myself using resources from pokemon comunity only the last one i got other resources. but since its harming someone i removed them, caus i dun want to use someones things wihout giving credits or permition to release them, same i dun want anyone do this to my things
  24. [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/fbe91d946391c09673c9ef6e3c19cc14.bmp)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#fbe91d946391c09673c9ef6e3c19cc14.bmp) [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/a3c96e410af8a2e5ff6c4382101b5d99.bmp)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#a3c96e410af8a2e5ff6c4382101b5d99.bmp) Here with image host hope it works
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