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Posts posted by juvanio

  1. > I don't care what others have said; It's not professional level. That being said… nice job, especially for being 13\. You've definitely got talent. If you're getting back into drawing, I recommend working on perspective first. The picture is rampant with perspective errors.

    > ^This and also the lighting could use work, there is no reflected light or cast shadows anywhere in the drawing.

    I agree, I pretty suck at doing details on drawing, but I'll work on it :]

    > Or start a donation pool, I'd donate $10\. My good deed for the month.

    Wow, nice idea. Donation Pool, I might do that.
  2. > I don't know how you managed this without a tablet, I'd be lost without mine. Looks cute to me ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
    > I'd recommend a Intuos 4, but ofc as those are fairly pricy, the bamboo's are pretty good too, for their price. you wouldn't regret the purchase, especially since you do have artistic talent.

    Haha, I pretty much darkened the sketch in the paper with a marker , and traced it by pen tool in photoshop, the coloring was just mixing of gradients and colors xD

    I've been thinking for quite a while now on buying a pen tablet, but yeah, the cost is pretty much my problem since I'm only 13, I'm pretty independent and I don't _mostly_ depend on my parents when it comes to my wants. So I'll pretty much be stuck with that xD
  3. > That incredibly bright 'beam' is pretty ugly, but the rest of it looks cool.

    Oh, the beam xD

    > Except the girl I like everything.

    Aw, the girl :c

    > I like it, very cartoony. You drew it? As in all of it hand by hand? How?

    I drew the girl myself, but the bg is done with some help of mah friends. I've done it hand by hand, then used pen tool on photoshop, I don't have a pen tablet shiz thing ;-;

    > Looks pretty good if I say so myself. I think it would be sweet if you were to make a game with this art style.

    Yeah, if I find someone willing to code for me, then why not ;]
  4. So hai!

    It's been a while since I've drawn some stuff. Was playing League of Legends and mocked up this?

    It was pain, since I don't even have pen tablet thingy :|


    So yeah, she's one of my favourite champs, my sig says so.


  5. > Summer Wars, it's a great movie. Check out the trailer.
    > [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjLE8BmWfKA[/media]
    > This is where my avatar comes from also :-)

    That's lovely ;o Reminds me of Sword Art Online :]
  6. [http://images3.wikia…odenStaffMW.png](http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120326044127/elderscrolls/images/1/15/WoodenStaffMW.png)


    But like Sekaru said, more information so that people would know more about it.


  7. > No it doesn't but since you were the only one to register all day, I'll give it to you ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)

    Won't that be a bit unfair to the other late people who registered? Haha, but I guess you can be considerate? :]
  8. Honestly, I consider this forum a **family**, but it just breaks my heart seeing things like this. And actually, when I was new to this thing everyone sounded like "GO DIE, YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!". Seriously now? Be more considerate. Was/Is there a baby who spoke like a 21 year old guy? I don't know, but watch your tones.


  9. > looks like how i was wile bk. when im focused im great xD (me and my ex) [http://zarkaus.devia…leshi-271897363](http://zarkaus.deviantart.com/art/Me-and-my-girl-leshi-271897363)
    > Rating 2/5 stars xD
    > ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
    > EDIT
    > >.> dont post horrid tuts please??? o-o that tut makes ur chars have thunder thighs!! XD
    > body full high is 5 heads not 8 lol ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) u can figure this just buy eyeing it XD

    It actually depends on the size of the head you're trying to draw. Well, mostly on anime or manga styles, it mostly uses 8 heads unless you're going to make a cartoon kid character (like "Ben10" for an example), then 5 heads it is. Whichever suits you is fine, me just saayin' :]
  10. > "run-time error 35" file not found" , Thing is, even when i put characters sheets in the character map it doesnt show. Im using the "eclipse event system official release"

    Are you sure it's DX7 and not DX8? One more thing, would you mind telling where you placed those Character Sheets?
  11. That's a lovely drawing (:

    But, like Fogger said, the anatomy part should be quite practiced. I've looked up a tutorial for you in-case you want to learn more, http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/7912/1/1/how-to-draw-anime-bodies.htm . It's a lovely site that teaches you how to draw, even realistic ones! I'm an artist as well, I might make my deviant art portfolio when I'm in the mood too and show my drawings. Overall, I love the idea! :]


  12. Is English your native tongue? If not, please do consider this as a tip: You might wanna find someone who is good with English and fix those spellings and grammars. A game with improper spellings/grammars will ruin it. So yeah, I'm not saying your English is not understandable, it's just, the spelling and grammar matters.
  13. > Ok, I changed the font on the buttons to one that can be read very easy, and put the logo I made to it:
    > ![](http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff450/darkgray/GUI.png)

    Buttons are better now. You might wanna make the text smaller though? 'Quit Game' is a bit, crowded.

    And the the logo is a bit too high. Put some home box on it by the way, it feels like an empty space.

    So far, it improved.
  14. > Paint does not support Alpha channel, oh well i mean MS Paint, use GIMP it's far way better than other crap, and it's free.
    > Edit: In EO dx8 you don't need to do the same thing with first left upper corner pixel like in EO 2.0 dx7.

    Well, look at this…

    > That doesn't matter, are you SURE that you removed the white background and remained the Alpha layer?
    > Use GIMP, go to Layers - Transparency - Add Alpha Channel, Select the white or whatever the color is the background and press Delete, save it with the alpha layer.

    Methods are: 1\. Go to Layers 2\. Transparency 3\. Add Alpha Channel 4\. Select the white or whatever the color is the background and press Delete 5\. Save it with the alpha layer. = 5 methods.

    Photoshop methods are: 1\. Get the Magic Wand. 2\. Just poke the part where you want it to be transparent 3\. Press Delete. [Make sure no background] 4\. Save it in .PNG in interlaced form. TADA! 4 methods.

    But really now, either of the programs. It's nothing big to worry about.
  15. > Thanks for the input House, I've actually only been using paint. I have however left the 1st pixel and the background unaltered in many of my tests and still have transparency problems. I'd love to get a fix for paint, but I am willing to go to another editing program if I am left without another option.

    You really need to, paint isn't enough to make a game. I might suggest Photoshop over than gimp though. I find GIMP, less-friendly.

    > Paint does not support Alpha channel, oh well i mean MS Paint, use GIMP it's far way better than other crap, and it's free.
    > Edit: **In EO dx8 you don't need to do the same thing with first left upper corner pixel like in EO 2.0 dx7.**

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