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Posts posted by juvanio

  1. And so, I played my main ADc Caitlyn with a friend;


    We lost, but with a challenge. Bot lane was owning early game until late game most of them started to get caught so it was sort of a throw. Though, even after the throw everyone did a great job. I just found out that Annie was level 16 and was new (she's premade with Lee Sin, must have been matched since Lee is 30) and so she said she can support. She needs a bit more practice with the stuns but she was good with warding, she took criticisms well and progress. Oh well, it was a fun game. First time posting my score lol D:
  2. To test is out, press F5 to debug it. Debugging will let you see the result of what you've done. Once you're sure of it and want it to be live on your game, File> Compile.
  3. > Marshy Dearest Dearest Dearest Dearest said
    > [**Marshy Dearest Dearest**](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/user/1-marsh/)[08:22 pm] ill throw in 3k points for whatever he wants
    > thats paperdolls the hair fix and maby pet system thanks

    I'm not sure, but isn't he just being sarcastic? And, there's such thing called 'Edit' on your first post.

    Good Luck, I suppose ;]
  4. The logo's really great! I'd like to see more progress in this one.

    The project is pretty decent, but when I was reading this…

    > **What Feature are Availible:**
    > * Guilds - Everyone can create his own guild and then change guild color, MOTD (message of the day) and other settings. You can talk in Guild with setting chat channel to Guild.
    > * Right - Click menu - So when you Right - Click player, this menu will appear and show you some choices like invite to party, guild or trade.
    > * Advanced maps - Maps can have Fogs, Tinting, Panoramas and even great Map Lights at night.
    > * Trade Skills - Everything will be like real life (woodcutting, mining, fishing, cooking, crafting…) Currently we have implemented - Woodcutting, Mining, Fishing, Smithing, Cooking, Fletching, Crafting and Alchemy.
    > * PvP, PvE and EvE - Combat is not very advanced, but we done as much as we can. Players and NPCs can shoot projectiles, cast spells, use buffs and heals and do close-range combat.
    > * Event system - We have similar Event system like RPG Maker XP one, so our devs can make really advanced conversations and storylines with it (and even cutscenes)
    > * Advanced Bosses - Bosses in Prospekt will be most encouraging. Do not solo them, they are powerful enough to handle "solo cowboy" player. But as usual, you will get great reward for defeating boss, and game will inform all players in-game, that you defeated that powerful enemy.
    > * Real night and server-sided game time - Be aware of night, becouse it is dark and some creepy enemies can attack you from behind.

    I sort of fell off a bit. Well, I was expecting something unique in which other games doesn't have. But those are good features to start with, I guess.

    The graphics are fine. Though, I'm looking forward to see your GUI change. And for the Menu, it's my opinion but do whatever you want, don't you think it's better to put some style into that solid black background and use buttons to link the command rather than having plain text? Well, whatever your taste is, just do however you want :]
  5. I honestly respect your opinions and understand what you're saying. But don't you want to simplify it a bit? [I'm not on anyone's side]

    How I read it:

    > Marshy Dearest Marshy Dearest Marshy Dearest, nomnomnom, craaaap! He's dominating the world! Grrrrr, pewpew Maarsh dieee! die! die! bangbangbang. tutututututututututututut, boom! wewewewewewew, prrrrrrt. shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmwaaaaaw! Purrrr, jjjj asdfghjkl, doomdomdomdom asdjkv uuuuuuush!

    And the only point I understood from your 'enormous speech' was:

    > "I hate Marshy Dearest. He's a complete p-ussy who has a d-ick on is nose. He like ponies with wings. So he's homo, get away!"

    If you'd really want to simplify:

    > "I'm emo, and I hate Marshy Dearest."
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