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Posts posted by juvanio

  1. @[member="Hackertatio"] Thanks for replying! So you work as a graphic designer?

    Hnmm, from what I've heard, Retina makes some stuff blurry. Knowing that most computer screens used by the general people are to be around 72 dpi or so, and using a Retina display may actually give you nice quality on your **own **screen, but it woulndn't result the same for the others. Well, that's what I've heard, though Retina's display is actually quite interesting to be honest.

    Hnmm, don't you think it'd be worth if I've gone for MacBook Pro, non retina and just upgrade the ram to 8gb? Or actually possible a bit more higher if I get the budget.
  2. Hey there!

    Err, It's been a while since I've been here and I've wanted to ask a question. **What laptop would you recommend to an MMA (Multimedia Arts) Student?**

    Here's the situation. I just graduated high school the other day and now moving to college and I chose the course Multimedia Arts. Now, I'm actually looking for a laptop that would suit my needs. And I'm sort've in a budget. Well, from what I understood from my course outline, we'll be doing Digital Arts, Post and Pre-Production on film, and then 2D and 3D Modeling/Anmation.

    I have some ideas that would probably suit my budget, and here are they;

    1.) **MacBook Pro (non-retina). – **So, I would get the MacbookPro without the Retina display since it fits quite well on my budget. I would get it, but I would upgrade my RAM to 8GB and stick with the rest with what's on it, unless you suggest to upgrade something else.

    2.) **MacBook Air**- I would get this, but max out the RAM. The battery life is quite an attraction, I should say.

    3.) **Macbook Pro (Retina) 13" **-- This kind of MacbookPro but with the most basic specs. (i5, 8gbRAM, etc.)

    As you can see, from my options earlier, I'm more "Mac-inclined". As I find them quite durable compared to windows, but correct me if I'm wrong, it's my opinion. I was hoping for your advice with the listed laptop earlier?

    Though I'm open with more options, please do tell me. 

    Just keep in mind I'm quite in a budget.

    And then again, if you're an Apple hater, I'd appreciate it that you wouldn't start insulting or actually say things such as "Oh, please, Macs are horrible.". I don't think most designing industries would use them (iMacs) as main computers for designing if it was really horrible.

    But then again, I'm open to any suggestions, doesn't have to be a Mac exactly, and was hoping that you would have a say from the **three options** I listed earlier.

    Thanks! :]
  3. It's just so sad to think of those people saying "Go kill yourself.", "You should never have been born". "You were a mistake by your parents", "You're useless", "You're a moron", "I fuk your mom". What if the person took is seriously and it became the cause of his death? It's stressing people out :| And another note is the disrespectfulness of the community, why would they include moms in this case lol, it's a figgin' game and I'm not being religious or anything, but our mouths are powerful ._. It's hurting people, real hard.

    > I've started to document my ranked games on a google docs file to improve and see my mistakes, so you can look at it here if you want!
    > [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As3UELVpvBmMdHVzOXBnNGlDUkg1cHd6OXlaTk9Lcmc&usp=drive_web#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As3UELVpvBmMdHVzOXBnNGlDUkg1cHd6OXlaTk9Lcmc&usp=drive_web#gid=0)

    That's a nice way of improving. Keep it up, it'll be worth.
  4. I'm not touching ranked anymore. Been playing a game and a conversation started to flame;

    ADC: (died for the fifth time, while having no kills) This support… You're so shitty, go kill yourself, you don't ward wtf and you call yourself support?

    Support didn't reply

    After some while, ADC goes flaming again and I just got pissed and replied;

    Me (Mid): ( I was 5/1/5, died once from ganking bot to help out )You know what? It's not only the support's responsibility to ward. It's everyone's. Buy a ward, save a life.

    ADC: What the actual fuck you mid, you even died noob

    So I just got to a point that I just muted him, I was so sick.

    God, Riot really needs to do soemthing about these toxic players.
  5. ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/d9f40c435ab9c5801d6090ca44ab9de8.png)

    So yeaah, apparently I had no choice but to play support ;-; Our Caitlyn was pretty much new so we didn't make plays literally at bot lane. So we just took the tower and just helped other lanes. Had 2 deaths protecting Aatrox and 3 kills from catching those low hp opponents off guard lol.
  6. > ![](http://i44.tinypic.com/22ssg.png)
    > Played a game with Leona. There was a stage when i was running 0/0/13 but my team we're not killing them fast enough and my shield kept Kill stealing :C. At the end of the game I just trolled when we took all inhibs, nexus towers and had baron and ran around getting an unofficial KS Penta (those was the only intentional ones :3)

    You know what they say, you better feed yourself without your mom's help ;D
  7. > Really? I was seeded in bronze 1 about 1/2 a year ago, Was really happy and then almost instantly seeded into bronze 2 since I had such crappy team mates -.-. Since then I've quit ranked but I'm just about to start up again since I have 2 months now so its now or never :/. **I feel ranked is often just luck with your team mates as I see so many terrible silver, gold and even platinum players.**
    > Got any tips just to get into silver?

    You got that right ;_; Some were just carried anyways :v
  8. ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/cce988295e6a14d884b164374b02ec53.png)

    I'm sad and happy at the same time :( If I only won the last gme, could have gotten into Silver :l Happy 'cause it's alright. Bronze 1 isn't bad D: It'll be easy to climb to Silver I guess.

    That's the result after my provisionals!
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