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Posts posted by Kradon

  1. hmm I installed photoshop cs5 extended but I cant find a ruler that will help me edit to the exact size.

    Edit: nvm found the ruler feature

    is there a way to make the source read 3 x 3 instead of 4 x 4?
  2. @Boko:

    > Ah sorry, I didn't test the code last time so wasn't sure if it'd work okay.
    > It's an easy fix though.
    > The following is changes to my previous code, I've also modified my previous post with these changes.
    > Deffinately works now, just tested it.
    > _In_ **modGlobals** _Find:_
    > ```
    > ' Chat Focus
    > Public ChatFocus As Boolean
    > ```
    > _Under that Add:_
    > ```
    > Public KeyDown As Boolean
    > ```
    > _In_ **modInput**
    > _In_ **Public Sub CheckInputKeys** _Find:_
    > ```
    > If GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) < 0 Then
    >         Call SetFocusOnChat
    > End If
    > ```_Replace with:_
    > ```
    > If GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) < 0 And KeyDown = False Then
    >         KeyDown = True
    > ElseIf Not GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) < 0 And KeyDown = True Then
    >         KeyDown = False
    >         Call SetFocusOnChat
    > End If
    > ```
    > This now does nothing when the key is press, but then calls the chat focus function when the key is released from being pressed.
    > I'm not completely sure which value the GetKeyState returns for releasing a button from being pressed (I don't think it does), if someone knows then the KeyDown variable is unneccessary and the statement can just be changed to If GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) = #
    > It's also worth mentioning that the following lines in the **Sub GameInit** in **modGeneral** are not actually neccessary unless your chat is given focuss in some other way to begin with.
    > ```
    > 'ChatFocus = True ' Default to screen focus
    >     'Call SetFocusOnChat
    > ```
    > I personally also removed the **Private Sub txtChat_GotFocus** in **frmMain (Code)**

    yes it works great now, thanks for the code.
  3. i was using paint provided by windows, i guess thats why the quality was really bad in result and my horrible graphic skills, but i am now getting photoshop cs5 hope that will lead me to success. thanks for helping.
  4. yeah i tried, do to my horribly sense of graphics the sprite worked but whenever i walk its like kinda not "perfect" like it waves down and up and a little part of the picture shows when i walk with it.
  5. @Boko:

    > Well I play WoW so I'm use to it :P
    > For those interested in the return key toggle chat method, here's the code:
    > (Full Client Side, it's not too different to the OP's method)
    > **In modGlobals:**
    > _Add:_
    > ```
    > ' Chat Focus
    > Public ChatFocus As Boolean
    > ```
    > **In modGeneral:**
    > _Replace entire_ **Public Sub SetFocusOnChat** _with:_
    > ```
    > Public Sub SetFocusOnChat()
    >     On Error Resume Next 'prevent RTE5, no way to handle error
    >     If ChatFocus = False Then
    >         ChatFocus = True
    >         frmMain.txtMyChat.SetFocus
    >     ElseIf ChatFocus = True Then
    >         ChatFocus = False
    >         frmMain.picScreen.SetFocus
    >     End If
    > End Sub
    > ```
    > **In modGeneral:**
    > _In_ **Sub GameInit**_, just before_ **Call SetFocusOnChat**_, Add:_
    > ```
    > ChatFocus = True ' Default to screen focus
    > ```_Also, move the following above the_ **Call SetFocusChat** _instead of below it (because it's not possible to set focus on picScreen if it's not visible yet)_
    > ```
    > frmMain.picScreen.Visible = True
    > ```
    > **In modInput:**
    > _Replace:_
    > ```
    > If GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) < 0 Then
    >         CheckMapGetItem
    > End If
    > ```_With: (Replace_ **NEWKEY** _with which ever key you'd prefer to have for picking up items)_
    > _(If you're going the route of WASD movement, a key like Q wouldn't be a bad choice, replace with_ **vbKeyQ** _for example)_
    > ```
    > If GetKeyState(vbKeyNEWKEY) < 0 Then
    >         CheckMapGetItem
    > End If
    > ```
    > _Just under or above that add:_
    > ```
    > If GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) < 0 Then
    >         Call SetFocusOnChat
    > End If
    > ```
    > You may now also add OP's WASD movement config to this **modInput** _file._
    > _But I recommend just adding Or statements to the arrow key ones instead of making new individual statements, for example:_
    > _Replace:_
    > ```
    > If GetKeyState(vbKeyUp) < 0 Then
    > ```_With:_
    > ```
    > If GetKeyState(vbKeyUp) < 0 Or GetKeyState(vbKeyW) < 0 Then
    > ```
    > _You will still need the_ **ChatFocus** _if statement around them to ensure you're not moving when typing w/a/s/d.
    > You may also prefer to wrap it around all the key presses to ensure when you're typing, you're only typing. (If you were to attempt to paste something in to the chat for example and you're standing next to someone, you're going to end up accidentally hitting them by the control key press.)_
    > **Optional Step:**
    > **In frmMain (Code):**
    > _In_ **Private Sub picScreen_MouseDown** _Remove/Comment:_
    > ```
    > Call SetFocusOnChat
    > ```_(This causes the return key to be the only method of switching focus, but it's not required.. personally preference)_
    > I might be forgetting something, I patched this up in just a couple minutes by looking at OP's code.

    i tried your method and it works great, cant type in the richtextbox with your method but one problem, whenever i press enter it sets focus on chat but once it sets it on chat i need to press enter more than once sometimes to set it off the chat.
  6. Hello, I managed to get some sprites to work. But I want to ask how can I make sprites like this


    work for Eclipse Origins 1.5.0?

    any help is appreciated

    I tried to implement it but when I walk the character is deformed and sometimes it even has like a split image (i see two one-half bodies facing the opposite direction).
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