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Everything posted by LucasA33

  1. LucasA33


    I understand this engine is good, however it is at times so frustrating it's not even worth continuing. The only decent MMO project that I have seen run longer then anything is Crystalshire. AND if you hate me calling it a MMO, then your just going to have to deal. This engine is free, and amazing indeed, but it is also good for not having things that could have been a better suit, instead of shop keeper, have some kind of immobal option.. This topic is filling with drama, so I want to lock it here.
  2. LucasA33


    To talk and assign a quest
  3. LucasA33


    @Sigridunset: > Make them a shopkeeper or just surround the spawn point of the npc with npv avoid. Since you already tried that, quit complaining, be glad you have an easy to use MMORPG maker and all the various features inside of it, and code the option yourself if you consider it to be such a "development flaw". I myself find the engine to be amazing. Well, I wouldn't have known it was a shopkeeper. This MMO Maker is only EASY if you know every single thing about it, its not noob friendly at all. And BEING FREE does not mean it has to be bad. Either way, this engine is fun when I get used to it.
  4. LucasA33


    I wanted to ask a simple question, before I get to the main one. Why isn't there a way to keep npc's still? Seems like a bad development flaw if you ask me. There should just be an option to keep still, because i've tried everything (NPC Avoid Blocks, COUNTLESS respawning)… Its annoying! The question I want to ask is how to keep them still!
  5. The IP In the server shows a different IP then what I use. I looked at many tutorials – none help. I question why there is not some Change IP, or I assume. Is there a way I can change the IP? I know you can change the port.
  6. I did it. Hullaluah! You can remove/lock/ or do whateve rwith this now :3
  7. Error after error. After doing what you said in CMD, it did this: (this was me trying to regsvr32 the dll) http://i.imgur.com/gP1Ka.png
  8. Regsvr is not recognised as a command
  9. So researching: I found this: ~~429 refers to the graphics engine. All these files came with the download, please register the files it says are missing.~~ **the 429 error can be fixed by registering dx7vb.dll** Not sure how I could do this.
  10. Yep. Installed it in the system file's about 10 freakin times now.
  11. Maybe I should have told you that I am not trying to edit a game, but to play an game.
  12. I'm confused what to do as I am not exactly sure what the post is saying.
  13. I have. People also tell me to register the files, which I "Think I am doing" but I am not sure if I am or not. Can someone give me a detialed way I can fix this?
  14. ![](http://i.imgur.com/rr7xr.png) I have it running in XP Sp3. I've also run the files in admin.
  15. Offtopic: Awesome ORPG you have there, Crystalshire Ontopic: I guess I could ask for developers help, I just have no idea how to edit the source, and I am worried about breaking the game. I will leave it off as here.
  16. I completely understand what you are saying, and I learned alot that I didn't know. I wasn't wanting it to be like RPGMAKER. I was just using it as an example of how simple the program can be. I wasn't trying to nag onto the point where I was saying your software sucked, like alot thought I was. For example: I would love it if instead of scrolling through one image, just have an popup grid like RPGMAKER has and lets you pick the image. I would also love to have it so you can change the controls; like RPGMAKER. you know, have an custom tab in "server" which lets you control your players how they move.
  17. Wow, just wow. ^you are really rude. And you know what, so is everyone else; Ill leave it off like this. I am not a republicain either. I'm more of an independence. :) And I am not yelling either! I am not flipping out nor do I think I am trying to yell at the owners! Since some of you guys are really immature to take my feed back properly, I will lock this; Thank you for that, by the way; I wanted more of an dicussion that was talking about the topic rather then you diehard pros taking me calling me "stupid and selfish". Jesus;
  18. I see that, I (as the post said) tried not to get anyone angry and I was just trying to be honest with my feelings. (I'm not good at terminology). So if I said it too harse, I didn't mean to! Sorry! edit - sorry for the lateness, internets been acting up
  19. I am not pleased with alot of the feed back. I'm not trying to be mean, I am (To the best) to give honest feed back of what I think is wrong. I am not whiney, nor am I an child at all (15 –') I gave you SOMETHING, and that is BEING here. I read some of the replies, however alot of them were pushing me to leave, and how on earth is a community not be welcoming to everyone? The replies are all almost biased upon: "I should just leave then" and that is by god, NOT how an community should. I was giving my honest feedback, and if you do not like it, then where is the room to criticsm. I don't need to "Give" anything more then my time and effort to make an game with the program I think has an little faults. Please be more conserderte when feedback like this is gaven and try to be conforting back, because if I wasn't me, I would have probably left already due to the community being hurtful. --'
  20. **Before anyone even has the right mind to correct me, I know this program is free, just wanted to give my feel for the program. Please don't flame at my ranting. I am just giving my honest opinion, and I hope you can understand that.** 1) Some things are more harder then it should be; I love the aspect of the edit ingame feel, but my god; your tool is more hell to use that makes people give up in the middle of thier mmo. I'm pretty sure more people would appreceate you made it like RPGMAKER, you know "Text events" rather then an lameduck "Say" message where you hit cntrl and sometimes always miss. 2) The Controls are god awful for the program. CNTL For action? How in the hell would I tell newbs that. Let us configure the controls, with out having to adapt into scripting; 3) Event Spawners? Really? They are good for one purpose: MONSTERS, not NPCS. I keep finding myself flirting with the controls for hours to get a map done, that is just redicous. 4) Finding IMAGES of items is PRETTY damn hard when you have to scroll thru 9000 images of icons. Alot? I planned for alot of items, and found myself in an dissipoint. Again, this is HARDER then it really should be, and I almost just about now gave up on the program. 5) Finding about /loc just a day ago, it is pretty helpful, but why not do what RPGMASTER VX has done? Choose an map and pick where you want to warp. Instead, you have some retarded "Scrolling picker thingy" that really makes it frustrating to use. 6)No MP3 Support. This is pretty self explaintory. 7) Making an item is vitally impossible with out an help button. 8) This program is NOT noob friendly, WHAT so ever. This is what I loved about VX, it was simple. 9) More preset-ed material. I know I am pretty much an ass when I say "There are not alot of resources to learn off of. 10) It is hard finding people play my MMO due to the complicated getting started setup. You have to get them to download an "RTP" which is hell getting them to think it is not a virus. I know RPGMAKER has this kink too. But hell, no one downloads my games anyways. Again, I am kinda stressed there are not any custom mod that makes this easy, and by god; if there is, please just link me to it. There are numours times I felt like stopping, because of the complications this program has. I know alot are probably going to be fixed in updates, but it is a matter of when. I also know this is free, I should "get used to it". I shouldn't. As an user of eclipse, I have an right to share my opinion. I hope I didn't anger anyone in the process, as it wasn't intended -end
  21. Grimn, please answer the question and not lawl away from it. Its an simple question. How can I get it. I am aware of the limitations; but port forwarding dosn't work well at ALL.
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