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Rob Janes

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Posts posted by Rob Janes

  1. His Server won't struggle too much, he's using my engine that I made for Lost & 2D for his game. It's easily capable of handling large maps with no problem, (albeit initial loading time is a little slow when you first launch the server but zlib compression from Client-Server and Server-Client makes sending map changes take mere milliseconds at 100x100 tiles.  The real only issues he'll run in to is just limitations with VB6 and Winsock more than anything.


    > @'whitespirits':
    > > Just reached 36 100x100maps
    > Ah…I speak from experience when I say that your server _really_ will not like this.
    > Be mindful of how you use your resources.
  2. It's December 23rd!

    That means 2 new pieces of Festive Gear 2015 are out! These are limited time, and the Festive Vendor will disappear January 2nd (2015 gear will no longer be available after that). Each piece of Festive 2015 Gear is 500 Coins!
    Grab yours now!

  3. Quick Gameplay Video (excuse the poorer quality)


    * * *


    > Looking great Rob! I played for a little bit but couldn't see to get into the cave. I'm going to give it another go just as soon as I get some work done on my project.

    If you're having an issue where you've already completed the "A Scholar's Knowledge" quest and you have the quest called "The Birchwood Temple" in your Quest Log, but the NPC is still blocking your path into the temple, let me know so I can fix the quest for you. (You likely turned it in while it was bugged)
  4. Seasons Greetings!

    While I'm still working on this game quite frequently, you can read the following change notes:

    Also, it is currently the festive season in Lost and 2D, you can now grab your Red and Green Jingle Tops from the Festive Vendor in Birchwood Village! Pants and Hats are forthcoming between now and Christmas!


    Change Log:
    1\. Players can now run (with full running animation) holding Shift to Run
    2\. WASD movement enabled by default
    3\. Melee unarmed combat now uses a separate punching animation (will likely get tweaked a bit to look better)
    4\. A Solo and World Instance is now available (Birchwood Temple - Solo or Party Instance) and (WIntershire Mountain Mines - World Instance)
    5\. Several more quests and maps available for play, pathways to other maps have been blocked off to preserve surprises!

  5. Good for you man!…er...woman....er..buddy! Good for you!

    It takes a lot of courage to do anything like that! At the end of the day, life is too short to be unhappy, and anything that we can do as individuals to make us feel happy is worth it!

    A couple of questions as my own curiosity is piqued:
    Is "Mal" short for anything, or just Mal?
    What would you prefer to be addressed as on the forums, Budwiser, Cole, Mal?
    How far do you plan to go? Is transgender surgery something you have or are considering?

    Good luck! Keep us updated!
  6. Just a few small updates tonight based on suggestions from BeNjO and Mohen!

    Patch Notes:
    + Game Window now sizable by user to a Max of 1600x900
    + WASD movement is now enabled by default and players no longer move when typing
    + Chat channel tabs will now change color to alert of new messages in different tabs.
    + Player class glyph now renders next to their Level on the character UI element
    + You can now target yourself by clicking on your own character UI element
    + Resources now properly render in relation to the Player
    + A yellow pop-up bar will now appear when you level up!
    + Implimented increased packet spamming protection and engine alteration protection.
    + Resolved issue where equipping Armor was not removing it from Inventory.
  7. The performance issues are more related to the Maps not displaying properly at 4K resolution. Maps are generally 60x60\. When we do the math, that's 32*60 = 1920\. When I've ran the game in any full-screen resolution any higher than 1920x1080, the maps end up with the black border around them which I just find visually unappealing, thus I limited the size to 1600x900 and lower. Just my own personal preference more than anything.
  8. **Lost and Two Dimensional**

    On a typical winter's eve, you lay nestled in bed with your laptop,

    catching up on the latest hit television series!

    Your eyelids grow heavier with each blink…



    You awake to a clatter of hooves. "A clatter of hooves?" you think to yourself. "It's not Christmas Eve yet."

    Dazed and confused, you rise to gain your bearings.

    "Where the hell am I?" gazing into the distance. "Are those?" you pause, bewildered, "pixelated trees?"

    "I'm dreaming, only dreaming." you tell yourself.

    "You aren't dreaming..." a soft womanly voice soothes your worries. "You're lost." she reaffirmed.

    "And two dimensional." you reply. "Fuck."

    **Christmas 2015 Early Beta Now Available!**


    Visit us online, follow my development blog and community shoutbox!

    **Download and get started!**

    **Help wanted?** Got an interest in story design, quest dialogue, events, and more? I could always use a hand!
    Good at mapping and dungeon design? I could also use a hand!

    **Engine Features**
    -Various playable window sizes at 10:4 and 16:9 resolution. (Full-Screen disabled due to performance issues at 4k resolution)
    -4 Playable Classes (Warrior, Mage, Priest, Ranger)
    -Large scale world with lots to discover
    -Full dynamic day and night system with ambient lighting for street lights, lamps etc.
    -Customizable characters + more fluid character animations (9 frame animations)
    -Unique Boss Encounters (such as AoE bosses, bosses with mechanics like stuns, fears, heals etc)
    -So much more!
  9. Autotiles can work great, I use AutoTiles in my Eclipse Edit and players receive 300-400FPS.

    The biggest improvements that can be made with Eclipse come from a lot of rewriting the Render_Graphics routine to do the following:
    A) Cache the Entire Ground and Mask Layers into one big texture and then show it in chunks
    B) Cache the Entire Fringe layers into another big texture and then show it in chunks
    C) A lot of the For X = 0 to Map.MaxX etc really shouldn't exist and need to be replaced with From X = TileView.Left to TileView.Right + 1 (same with the Y)
    D) Rendering a GUI can chew up your FPS if you're using a ton of needlessly large textures, keep it simple.
  10. When maps are loaded, the NPC's are loaded from the Map.NPC Array - eg: Map(MapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum) but they are stored in a temporary MapNpc(x) array. Meaning if you want it to be only a temporary change (until the NPC respawns), you'd only want to change the MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(MapNpcNum). If you wanted to permanently delete the NPC from the Map (so that it didn't appear in the Map Properties -> NPC listbox, then you'd change the Map(MapNum).NPC(MapNPCNum).

    So for example; (these are server side functions)
    MapNpc(MapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum) = 0
    Map(MapNum).NPC(MapNpcNum) = 0
  11. Dear Web-Heads!

    I'm looking for someone who's very creative and experienced with either MyBB or an alternative web community package to create a website for a small hobby project I'm doing.

    Every Christmas I return to Eclipse, likely out of Nostalgia, and I get quite hooked on new and exciting things to do with Eclipse, (Yes, I know it's VB6, I'm also toying around with Orion but that's beside the point).  Anyway, I've picked up a project I had tossed aside and decided to breathe some new life into it.  Whether it succeeds or I see it to fruition is a different story, but that's why I'm looking to pay for your talents! So your hard work isn't wasted if I don't pursue it after my Eclipse binge dies down. (I'm all for full disclosure)

    I've decided to scrap the plotline to my once (Gates of Arania - defunct) project, took the core and rewrote a lot of it at work this past few days, and decided to add a comical-yet-very-adult story line to it and aptly named it "Lost and Two Dimensional". The concept is that you fell asleep watching television and now you're two dimensional and naked in a strange land. The people know they're two dimensional, and cannot grasp anything beyond that. They also know they live in a flat world where they travel from map to map, but they do not understand that they live inside of a video game. Alas, hilarity ensues. I promise.

    I have a very poor website done at www.lostand2d.com using MyBB at the moment.

    I'm looking for a Web Master to come in, and make me an amazing website and online community (with forums, shoutbox, custom pages etc) using a similar artwork style in correlation with the game itself.

    The game can be downloaded here www.lostand2d.com/setup.zip (mind you I'm still crafting the story and balancing gameplay)

    I'm not looking to break the bank on a hobby project, so I'd like to spend $100 at most.

    I'm sure someone out there would like an extra 100 bucks before Christmas. Maybe?

    Reply or PM if interested!


    Obligatory Screenshots

    >! ![](http://www.lostand2d.com/updater.png)
  12. Currently have Andii doing commission worked for a Mobile/Tablet game, and I couldn't be happier.
    His prices are extremely fair, he keeps you updated with screenshots and adjusts his art to suit your needs.
    A+, 5 Stars, I can't recommend this guy enough! Best artist on the site!
  13. Welcome to adulthood,

    Sometimes it sucks, but Kijiji or classified ads, craigslist etc, you may need to start by just renting a room somewhere as opposed to your own apartment or house, at least until you get your feet on the ground. It may take a few months.

    Finding a good steady job is key, it'll help you save money.

    Good luck!
  14. Update 01

    Windows are now completely sizable and the game display will change even during run-time, this means you can resize the game as much as you like to any size while the player is playing.

    Added the custom class caching of jc's to allow Map Loading to take mere milliseconds now, Goodbye Loading Screens!

  15. Eclipse .NET / Orion Edit (Whatever you'd like to call it)

    Hey Folks

    Just dropping in to post this, I saw jcsnider released Orion, an old edit of Eclipse Origins 1.X ported to VB.NET

    This is simply that same engine with just a few minor tweaks that someone had asked for, and I just planned to release it everyone. I have no intentions on supporting this, but it might be something fun for people to tweak or learn from.


    UPDATE 01 January 31st, 2015

    Windows are now completely sizable and the game display will change even during run-time, this means you can resize the game as much as you like to any size while the player is playing.

    Added the custom class caching of jc's to allow Map Loading to take mere milliseconds now, Goodbye Loading Screens!

    [www.canadianparamedicjobs.ca/EclipseNETv101.rar](http://www.canadianparamedicjobs.ca/EclipseNETv101.rar "External link")


    The basis for this (Orion, can be found at [http://ascensionforums.com/index.php?board=6.0](http://ascensionforums.com/index.php?board=6.0))

    **Change Log.**

    **1\. Separate Solutions**

    Rather than a single solution housing the client/server (albeit a smart person could open the vbproj individually if needed), the Client and Server are now their own solutions. Some may like it, some may not. Programmer preference, you could easily add the two back into one solution.

    **2\. Full-Window Support**

    Sizable Game Window (before Runtime). You can size the frmMainGame window before runtime in VB.NET and your game will display correctly. You could change the form to sizable and make it sizable, however it would stretch/skew the image. While it does calculate the Max_MapX, ScreenX etc on the frmMainGame resize function, the GameWindow for SFML is first initialized on InitGraphics, so it gets the size of the surface based on the size of picScreen at the time of execution. This could probably be modified so that the GameWindow sizes are updated dynamically, I'm just not that familiar with SFML libraries.


    **3\. Increased Map Sizes (Loading Map Dialogue)**

    As per any Eclipse, you can change map sizes server side with Max_MapX, I've simply increased map sizes and added a loading menu so that it will track where you're at in the loading process when handling map data.

  16. It actually wasn't "you", so do not assume or make accusations, it was actually an event between Richy and Officer Johnson that swayed me to leave.

    I think you have suitable goals for the site, and I think Helladen has the skill to pull it off.

    My fear for the future development team is exactly what you tried to pull with John and I. You need to be patient and realize people are volunteering their time to create this project for you.  If you want it to be profitable immediately, learn some damn programming yourself and stop relying on someone else to do the work for you. All told.
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