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Everything posted by Whackeddie99

  1. @Soul: > I don't think it will. Well then what is the purpose of the autoupdater? Only to update the your game .exe? If you THINK it wont delete them. The problem is, if we ship out this update and it did delete all the files, the players would be pissed because the game has around 50 on at the peak of the day.
  2. @Soul: > You only have to .rar up the graphics you want to update. Well what, do I make a folder called data files, inside that graphics, inside that characters, and put the files in that, then zip it up. Will it not delete the rest of the graphics?
  3. I get that a lot. It's not from any edit, let alone guilds. Just make a new account and try to log in. Should go away.
  4. JUST now downloaded brand new EOv2…all I see is this: ``` Sub HandleAcceptParty(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Party_InviteAccept TempPlayer(index).partyInvite, index End Sub ```
  5. @Ryoku: > ~~nice!!! > > I didn't realize this was a problem… that could lead to a MAJOR cheating problem if my Party level system is used without this! > > I give this the Party level system stamp of recommendation!~~ > > ….wait a sec.... this was already int he code in the actual accept party sub... never mind Not for me it wasn't…what are you using?? EDIT: downloaded a fresh EO2 to see and this is what there is: ``` Sub HandleAcceptParty(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Party_InviteAccept TempPlayer(index).partyInvite, index End Sub ``` DOUBLE EDIT: I see what you mean, the Party_InviteAccept sub. I know it's their, but it doesn't actually work for some reason. You need this or it will fuck it up. This bug fix works.
  6. how to I use the autoupdater to update graphics? do I rar Eclipse Origins.exe AND data files? When I tried this, it wouldn't update. Maybe I was too impatient, but I'm just adding a few graphics. How can I add in the new ones without it having to redownload ALL other graphics. There's a shitton already.
  7. @Alatar: > Blt the currency text a little higher in modDirectDraw7. I don't know which is for that my friend
  8. This fixes a bug which puts you in the party twice if you send a player an invite, he sends you one, they accept your invite and then you accept theirs. Server side, find Sub HandleAcceptParty and replace it with this: ``` Sub HandleAcceptParty(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) If TempPlayer(index).inParty Then PlayerMsg index, "You are already in a party!", BrightRed Exit Sub End If Party_InviteAccept TempPlayer(index).partyInvite, index End Sub ``` It simply checks if they are in a party first, and if they are it sends them a message saying they're in a party already. (:
  9. Here I came up with this code: ``` If frmMain.picDialogue.Visible = True Then dialogueHandler 3 frmMain.picDialogue.Visible = False End If ``` to put in when you leave the map, so it automatically declines a trade or party invite if you leave the map. But where is the leavemap sub?
  10. Me and my friend were testing a shitload with party, and we found some bugs. One I fixed which I will make a tutorial for in a couple of minutes, but another is kind of annoying. When somebody sends somebody a party invite, and they leave the map, THEN accept it, the player that sent the invite does NOT see the players name in the party window. It's just blank, but it still shows there HP and MP bars. How should I fix this?
  11. Has anyone ever noticed this? ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/d9a8baaa768bbef9982a6aa3da340d78.png) The item below the gold blocks the bottom of the numbers that show the gold. I'm guessing nobodys ever noticed this because nobody ever put an item below a currency in the inventory…how can I fix this?
  12. @Alatar: > In that case you could make something like check the player name, if it's you then hide paperdoll stuff. Then it would only hide my paperdoll for ME. What about the other players?
  13. @Alatar: > What you need to do is that when a player is going to be shown on screen make a check. If it has the showpaperdolls desactivated then do not blt the proper graphics. You have to do this with other players rather than just with yourself. Check the dd7 for when the client is drawing other players. I don't want all paperdolls invisible, just mine. So all players do not see MY paperdoll.
  14. @Erwin: > Yes, by not reading the walking variables when opening Character tab. Why does it read the walking variables?
  15. I was walking and I pressed my character button at the same time…do you see how it glitches a little and like respawns your character a bit back...what the hell...
  16. Okay, so I wanted to make it so your players paperdolls are invisible at one point, and they are invisible for all others players too. So I made some packets and built a little off of this tutorial: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75842.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75842.0.html) but then I realized…wouldn't it make all paperdoll's invisible, and only for you? So how would I go about making your paperdolls only invisible for you and every other player? Do i need a new Boolean in playerrec, like ShowPaperdolls? How would i put it in BltPaperdoll so that it doesn't show your paperdolls? If somebody helps me with this i will love them!
  17. People started annoying the fuck out of Robin like this and look what happened to him…you're better than that jcsnider. Ignore the fuckers if they don't know what they're doing they don't deserve to make a game. It's as simple as that.
  18. That was a really good first 8 minutes. Is jeff daniels in this because jim carrey backed out on Dumb and dumber to?
  19. please does anyone know?
  20. @Dolan: > So, apparently to you, 70 players is considered a shit load? > > This is why this community is going nowhere. 70 is what the engine is currently maxed at. During the day it's almost always maxed. For an eclipse game, this is a lot of people playing. Actually, they have found a LOT of bugs because of all the players playing. This is obviously one of them. The community is going somwhere, thanks to jcsnider. Dolan y u hait gooby
  21. @Alatar: > Hmm nope. And players are having errors with maps created on the new version (original ones of the new version)? The maps are all from the first client, we just replaced the new client's data files folder with the old client, and the new server's data folder with the old server's. This way we could keep all the maps. For some reason, when you log in sometimes nothing shows up for picScreen, and about 25% of the time it does, but like i said… @gooby: > B. Shows the map on the picScreen, shows around 3000 for ping, and nothing works that requires sending packets, like changing maps, talking, equipping weapons, etc. The only thing that DID work was moving around.
  22. Yes. The only difference was a few spaces around, like on one client the projectilesrec was one line lower than in the other. Could that make a difference?
  23. @JustinSD: > my friend's game has a shitload of players > my friend's game has a shitload of players > game has a shitload of players > shitload of players > > On topic > > how stable is the "projectile tutorial" > > I'd start by removing that and re applying it. He's been using that for some time now. He was just using the projectile tutorial on a blank EO that you can download from the projectile tutorial page. He doesn't have vb6, so he asked me to add some new stuff. But instead of taking his source, I just download EO fixed an put in the projectiles, so maybe I should try again with his source or something?
  24. Events aren't showing up on my map when i click Events in map editor
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