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Posts posted by Sunku

  1. Hey guys, I know no one really uses the forums anymore, but I guess I wanted to get some opinions on how I'm handling a CES approach to GameObjects and Components and the like.


    Bellow I will link my Github project in which I was trying my best to learn how to create a CES. There's even a release jar there that gives a realllllly basic 'game' as a show of what it can currently do.

    When you open the code it'll be clear what does what through class name as I haven't commented a lot since most of my notes are on paper.


    Project Black @ Github


    It uses libGDX as a base and I used intelliJ to do the editting/debugging, however you can obviously use gradle to open it with the Eclipse IDE as well.

    The goal of this post is for criticism and perhaps ideas on what to do next. It's why I posted it in questions.

  2. So honestly when I was working on something to see if I could work well, if at all in C++ I ended up making a Tetris Clone.

    However, it wasn't with graphics at all. It all runs in your command prompt. Sure it's one of those things most people don't do anymore, but I thought why not finish it up and share it with the sites I know?

    So here it is!

    ![Tetris Demake Screeny](https://i.imgur.com/0u9sToc.png)

    A really 'dumb' Tetris Clone.

    Obviously as its something super simple and I need to learn and get criticized to improve. I even have the Github Page for you guys:
    [Console_Tetris](https://github.com/ArcaneSunku/Console_Tetris) by AtomixSunku

    [Console Tetris 32bit](https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgqjst4msh9eq2z/TetrisConsole.exe?dl=0)
    [Console Tetris 64bit](https://www.dropbox.com/s/wsgrypls6wwi0a2/TetrisConsole%20x64.exe?dl=0)

    Left/Right/Down Arrows: Movement
    Z: Rotate

    I appreciate you stopping by, even more so if you give me some tip or criticism.
  3. If you have VB6 knowledge, all you need to do is open it up and start adding the feature. Now, you can indeed show equipped items on sprites via paperdolls, but it does add to your workload. In my opinion, I'd say make all the items and their paperdolls before working on a new feature. That's however because my knowledge on VB6 is still minimal.
  4. As I've been working on a game engine (slowly), to get it close to Eclipse, I decided placeholders weren't enough and made some tiles. They're mainly for platform based since that is the type of "game" I'm testing the solo part of the engine with first. Hope you enjoy! They're of course completely free to use. So have at it!


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