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  1. Jaz

    Eclipse Lighting Methods

    @Robin: > The simple fact of the matter is that DD7 isn't suitable for those kinds of advanced effects. It's actually easier to simply port over to D3D8 than try and get alpha blending working in DD7 in a way which won't destroy your game. A D3D8 or OpenGL port of EO would be tits. I'm sure it's been discussed to death, though.
  2. The 3.55 MS4 source is available online by DFA and Dugor and Giaken. So I guess anyone could just check the changes.txt in there for more info on the origin of Origins, haha.
  3. Jaz

    Eclipse Lighting Methods

    That was a typo, I meant to use transparent blit. Anyway, couldn't it just use the Windows GDI to remove the need for multiple locks? Like lock it once, get DC, unlock, release DC and do everything else in-between?
  4. I understand what you're getting at here. Just one more question… Was version of Mirage was Origins birthed from?
  5. Jaz

    Eclipse Lighting Methods

    I'm not too familiar with DirectX or Win32 API, but yeah… Thanks for the fast reply all.
  6. @Robin: > The technical specifications of Origins have been posted many times. Forgive me if I don't dump the entire lot into every thread which asks about the engine. I had assumed as such. Although, it'd be nice if there was a sticky or something with the details.
  7. Jaz

    Eclipse Lighting Methods

    I'm not interested in doing any development with ES or EO, it looks like it's being handled okay by the people doing it now. Is there a technical write up somewhere on how the ES team has implemented their lighting feature?
  8. Jaz

    Eclipse Lighting Methods

    Does Eclipse Origins have a lighting feature similar to or different than that of Eclipse Stable?
  9. @Robin: > Eclipse Origins goes back to the original Mirage. All systems have been replaced with much more powerful, quicker and stabler works, including very strong memory management and socketing. As well as that, it's got tons of new additions which are vital for making a decent game. Wow, we've almost got some technical details here. Are those the additions found in the changelog.txt or are there more?
  10. This is awesome, thanks for the link. BTW, what engine are you planning to use in the future? If you're still developing, that is.
  11. Jaz

    Music Not Working!!

    @ÅÐмIядζ: > For the record, Eclipse Stable does not support MIDI playback, due to using the fmod sound system. Fmod should support MIDI/MOD/S3M/XM/IT/OGG and so on.
  12. Jaz

    Music Not Working!!

    How about a resolution for those using the Eclipse-Stable big client?
  13. Jaz

    Music Not Working!!

    Is there a resolution to this yet? This seems to be a problem with the Big-Client, as the regular client plays just fine.
  14. I always read the "New Users Read" threads. Thanks for including this one.
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