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Everything posted by fearless

  1. Eclipse stable level up , 3 points never end.each increased the growing point. do not stop at all points. ``` ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Module: PlayerLevelUp.ess ' ' Author: Stephan J.R. van Schaik ' ' Date: August 30th, 2009. ' ' Version: 1.0.0 ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Function: PlayerLevelUp ' ' Brief: executes when a player levels up. ' ' Parameters: ' ' Index: the index number of the player. ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sub PlayerLevelUp(Index) Dim PlayerExp If GetPlayerExp(Index) < GetPlayerNextLevel(Index) Then Exit Sub End If Do While GetPlayerExp(Index) >= GetPlayerNextLevel(Index) PlayerExp = GetPlayerNextLevel(Index) Call SetPlayerLevel(Index, GetPlayerLevel(Index) + 1) Call SetPlayerPOINTS(Index, GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) + 1) Call SetPlayerExp(Index, GetPlayerExp(Index) - PlayerExp) Call SetPlayerHP(Index, GetPlayerMaxHP(Index)) Call SetPlayerMP(Index, GetPlayerMaxMP(Index)) Call SetPlayerSP(Index, GetPlayerMaxSP(Index)) Call SendPlayerData(Index) Call SendStats(Index) Call SendHP(Index) Call SendMP(Index) Call SendSP(Index) Call SendPTS(Index) Loop Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have " & GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) & " stat points.", BRIGHTBLUE, LEFT) End Sub ```
  2. Eclipse Stable Multiple Item Drops help.? How can I do?
  3. **fix Subscript out of range ! [ Help Me ] !** :mad: :mad: OnDeath.ess ``` Sub OnDeath(Index) If GetMapBootMap(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetMapBootMap(Index), GetMapBootX(Index), GetMapBootY(Index)) Else Map = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "Map")) X = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "x")) Y = CInt(GetVar("Classes\Class" & GetPlayerClass(Index) & ".ini", "CLASS", "y")) Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map, X, Y) End If Call SetPlayerHP(Target, GetPlayerMaxHP(Target)) Call SetPlayerMP(Target, GetPlayerMaxMP(Target)) Call SetPlayerSP(Target, GetPlayerMaxSP(Target)) Call SendPlayerData(Target) End Sub ``` OnPvpDeath ``` Sub OnPVPDeath(Attacker, Victim) Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " has been killed by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker), BRIGHTRED) End Sub ``` OnNpcDeath ``` Sub OnNPCDeath(Index, Map, NPC, MapNPC) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You killed a " & GetNPCName(NPC) & ".", BRIGHTRED, LEFT) End Sub ``` Help Me !
  4. Hi All; We are a community of about fifty who love Pokemon. Turks set up their own server, we want to improve and have fun. I would be grateful if you can make us the codes, or server. Our goal is to have fun, not money felan. Our goal is to set up their own our play. We stop, never stop: http://forum.donanimhaber.com/forumid_356/tt.htm Expect the answer, Good Afternoon … They can throw those with a special message. Waiting.
  5. irradiation of the map I want to change … pokemon cyrus : 2500x2500 map ! wOw Help Me :sad: :sad:
  6. @da_gad_pader: > 1st:open ur map editor > 2nd:click on properties(of map of course) > 3rd:change the value of X and Y , > 4th:then save it , then ur done ![](http://www.hizliupload.com/img/89608240008687465513.png) help me !
  7. @da_gad_pader: > im using eo , and i can enlarge my map by changing x y value on map properties If fully understand explanation of ingredients?
  8. Hey ES,EO Map Small :( ![](http://www.hizliupload.com/img/48303391117970658256.png) the map is too small 19.14 how to enlarge the map without warp? help me , I want to be size 50x50 but Without teleport Become one of the map to get the size 50x50 help me …
  9. Did not! Server Offline .
  10. @Marsh: > Fill the fields in order as follows > > Eclipse > 192.168.2.xxx > TCP > 7001 > 7001 > Check the box > > Should be right, i cant read it but all routers seem to be set up that way. @S.J.R.: > 'Uygulama' can be anything, use your game name or whatever. > 'Hedef IP adresi' should be '192.168.2.xxx' (Fill in the x's with your LAN IP, you can check that by using 'ipconfig'). > 'Protokol tipi' should be 'TCP' or 'TCP/UDP'. > For Eclipse Origins, 'WAN portlari' and 'hedef LAN portlari' should be '7001'. > 'Etkin' should be checked. > 'Sil' should always be unchecked (unless you want it removed). > > Regards, > Stephan. Thank You Very Much :cheesy:
  11. **How should I fill these places? :confused: :rstar: :rstar: I bolted out of the ip no-ip. :mad: :star: :star:** ![](http://i1105.hizliresim.com/2011/5/28/11143.png) picture is not visible : :star: http://www.hizliupload.com/img/16422317196360495530.png http://i1105.hizliresim.com/2011/5/28/11143.png
  12. @QWERTYUIoP: > Need does not equal Want. > > It would be nice to say Please, or Thank you. > [Link.](http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en&tab=ww#sclient=psy&hl=en&site=webhp&source=hp&q=RMXP+War+Tileset&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=29fe7f6f85cbb9ba) I could not find
  13. Need War Tile Set :embarrassed:
  14. server of want to be like that of mine. skill table,chat,hp bar. Can you send me your file server?
  15. ![](http://i56.tinypic.com/w9fspt.jpg) Waiting for a similar or different than a nice gui. Thank you to those who help WaiTing …
  16. http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/1/1b/146Moltres.png/300px-146Moltres.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/3f/145MS.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/f/f7/MDP146.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/e/e3/145Zapdos.png/210px-145Zapdos.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/f/fe/146MS.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/0/04/144MS.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/4/4e/144Articuno.png/210px-144Articuno.png waiting gui.
  17. pictures : http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/7/78/150Mewtwo.png/230px-150Mewtwo.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/a/a7/151MS.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/c/cc/149MS.png I will give more pictures…
  18. I need pokemon gui English is not very good :( Game Name : Pokemon War Online Program : Eclipse Origins. Do you have a graphical gui me to do? Use lots of pokemon official guide. picture can be found here. : http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon Thank you in advance. waiting…
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